How should I an hero?

I want to kill myself but am unsure of how to do it. What is the best method?

Here are some of the methods I have available to me:

This method seems pretty reliable and would spare the people dealing with my corpse from cleaning up any sort of mess I would leave behind. Strongly considering this one due to it being very easy to do.

I find this method to be somewhat sketchy since I could potentially survive

I have choked myself during autoerotic asphyxiation in the past, but killing myself by hanging sounds like it could be less than ideal for a painless death

I don't have access to helium

I've wanted to die for a long time, and i'm ready to finally do so. Telling me to reconsider is not helpful

Other urls found in this thread:

Just fucking jump from something more than 10 meters high and you're game.

Ever heard of drop hanging, OP?

Try to break a high score? and take out some degenerates while you're at it

Don't do it. Even if your life is worthless to you, it can still be worth something to others.
You're going to die anyway in the end so why not make other peoples lives better, with the time you got left? Become a utility to other people. Donate blood. Feed the poor. Help out.

He could livestream it. That would get us some lulz and make our lives better.

The fact that your worried about "access" to certain methods tells me youre an underageb& living with their parents

I'm NEET and am restricted to methods that do not require spending money on materials that I do not already have.

inb4 you get a job so you can an hero better

that's a retarded reason when you're planning on an heroing. wanting to off yourself is plenty retarded in the first place, so i shouldn't be surprised.

Make it happen

I don't care what you do so long as you stream it, I'd prefer cutting 'though.

Proof is in the pudding, OP.
Might as well give it a shot, and see if life is still worth living in the end.

tfw forgot to check those quads

Fuck it's God. And He's French!


What is that fetishism with ropes going on here

Saw that vid of a loli hanging herself off a tree.
Fucking brutal if you don't get the drop distance right.


Go ask reddit

starvation or monoxyde toxication

it's a good resource, i intend to do the same, OP. using charcoal method

Fucking checked

It's a shame. She was a qt

dont do it

the post that saved OP's life
based leaf

Requesting video. I really need this

Have one of my favorite Webms from the Russian webm thread.

i don't know where the source video is