Was Vietnam actually like this or are boomers just huge whiny babies...

Was Vietnam actually like this or are boomers just huge whiny babies? With the whole Trump/Russian fake news I am really questioning any bullshit they ever pushed.

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Korea was 5 times worse than Vietnam it's just they conscripted college kids and hippies to fight.

My dad was a Canadian photographer who got a gig photographing shit around Vietnam back then, the worst story he told me of was "the field of hands", where American soldiers were buried alive with their hands left above ground.

Shit. Were you in Korea? Must be nice to be as awesome as you.

Why do you have to insert daddy Trump into every thread? We don't care about Donny "Cheeto cuck" Drumpf here. Take this bullshit to >>>/reddipol/ ffs.

Fake news.



Stop being a faggot.


Ameritards would be taken more seriously if they just nuked every 3rd world shithole whenever it started a fuss.

Nobody cares about Holla Forums, stop redirecting everyone there you butthurt nazi cuck.



never go full retard

On a serious, non-politisperg note, a lot of the Vietnam vets I've talked to say it wasn't complete shit 100% of the time, and could actually get really boring, though when shit actually happened it got pretty brutal.

small squads hunting for gooks in 1ft holes that got caught in traps while the rest of the troops stayed at base eating BBQ and smoking weed through their shotguns.

Well they rotated shifts for that, and they didn't always see something on every patrol.
That's how guerrilla warfare generally is, lobg stretches of boring nothing and then SURPRISE ROUNDEYE YOU FALL INTO PUNJI POO TRAP


Read books about it, don't brag about your ignorance

hi leftyloser

What a shocking turn of events.

Hi Holla Forumscuck.

What is your obsession with Holla Forums politisperg?

What movie is the OP's pic from?

I'm sure it was terrible, but it wasn't as bad as WW1. I don't think it's possible for any war to be as bad as WW1.

Wearing a gas mask for a couple of hours is shit, imagine having to wear one for days

It Ain't Me

You have to go back.

The Vietnam war was absolutely necessary, OP. Anything that involves killing commie swine is okay in my book.

t.Cuckservative Patriotard

t. reddipol commie

t. Holla Forums

Many thanks, goy

No problem Chaim, anything for the chosen

not surprising a poledditor would go there

That's the democrat shits applying revisionist history, OP.

Do NOT believe their lies.

These aren't even convincing, wahl(((berg))) is way shorter than that.

He's a fascist though, poledditors go to commie sites like memegenerator.


tbh America could use a famine for 3 weeks.

I'll go back to poleddit if you go back to your nazi larp zone, faggot


Holla Forums is Holla Forums's satellite, bad hombre. You don't belong here. Off to /r/latestagecapitalism with you.


t. Cenk Uygur


This, a little bit of diet could do some good to amerilards

Hello fellow reddipoler

ifunny is the most kino website on the internet you pleb.

Get a load of this fascist bigot piece of shit


What does that picture mean? Pinochet was a dirty spick faggot

Not really.
This isn't unique to Vietnam at all. Rape and murder are part of every war, but the difference is that the US propaganda machine was stronger in the past.
Vietnam exposed the public to what soldiers actually do in warfare.
On the other hand, the US army has only become more disciplined. A grunt in Afghanistan today is an angel compared to a WWII GI.

not only is it the most moral army, but also the most aesthetically pleasing one

you can always tell a leftynigger by how it can't into maymays

It was even stupider than Iraq. Much, much stupider and pointless. Read up on Indochinese history from the day of Japans Surrender to the Fall of Saigon. Its a total clusterfuck of stupidity.

I can't believe you don't know…but that's a boy without his penis.

meh I'm sure they get used to it after a while

even if it was true, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest

t. amerilard who believes in his prez' nightmares
And you lost it like a bunch of cucks, although i believe America didn't go there with winning as an objective

nothing more pomo than the alt-right

Americans got their asses raped in every war they fought

They only ever won against the British which are even bigger pussies

Why make boys into girls when you can make fruits into vegetables?

Bullshit, the Vietnam war was completely necessary to generate vidya, movies and it ain't me

Americans are still so butthurt that only one or 2 video games have appeared, and they were 10 to 15 years ago, AND low-to-mid budget

Pics or didn't happen, leaf

The media presented the war in a bad light and did pot shots to make the public hate GI's.
Now, that's not to say some of the GI's weren't pieces of shit, because some were, but they have been presented as nutjobs. Most of the guys in the shit were poor people, as exemptions in the draft prevented most wealthy men from going to war, at least in a bottom feeder capacity. If you went to college you were exempt from the draft, so everyone who was in college stayed home. You then had pretty-boys like John McCain and John Kerry who got special treatment and typically escaped the hellhole that so many others went through. That being said, the war truly was like it was presented. The primary focus of the war was to prevent the spread of communism throughout south east asia, which was is a concern even to this day. Guerrillas still exist in some countries also. Now, was this a reason to go and fight an entire "war" (technically the last war was WW2)? Probably not. If the Americans had not killed the leader of South Vietnam the war would have been far easier. If you want an expert analysis on the war read the pentagon papers, and also if you can actually meet a Vet and talk to them about the war. Also, many people have forgotten this fact, but LBJ's family had connections to Bell Helicopter and some stock in the company. This is likely the reason the war started and the reason the war lasted.

Committed acts of fucking treason and got pardoned for it.

Kerry did too, if I remember right.
Both of them should just fuck off along with Hanoi Jane

I was watching a documentary and a retired soldier in Vietnam (fucking shits) who was talking about a fight he had been in where some of his comrades were killed. The media reported on the maybe 12 dead Americans and not the 200 dead VC they killed in the fight. The US won the fight but all the media cared about was the few dead Americans.

see, modern liberalism (which is what the media was pushing at the time) is about total chaos and anarchy. They do not care about order, but rather despise it.

Media is going to obviously count American lives when they shouldn't be there in the first place
70k americlaps died for nothing


No, not even close to the bloody World Wars.

However, it's a significant point in history when ((Hollywood)) and ((media)) decided to turn against it's soldiers and army, to further devalue the national pride, spawning tons of useful idiots who became shithead hippies, a movement created by the CIA.

Divide and conquer.

t. reddipol

t_d would defend the man even if he was touching that hellish wall, full on with a kippah and putting a messa-
Wait a tick…

How's the wall coming along, or the immigration ban, or any of his policies, just 3462346D chess tho amirite?

there wasn't even an internet then, what do you think?



They best be outta his way.

Vietnam was a fucking shitshow and draft-dodging commie faggots gave birth to the retarded safe space tumblrinas that exist now.

The whole video is retarded but that "argument" took the cake of full retardation. Belgium has a large weapon industry and always profits from war, just like Isisrael.

Hey dude I suggest you read The 'Nam comic book series. It was written by a guy who was actually there, so he weaves his own personal perspective in with the historical events. There's also some less serious episodes, like one where The Punisher shows up, but that's kind of towards the end of the series and doesn't really fit in with the storyline.
There was a torrent of the entire series on demonoid back around 2010 or so. Same one is probably on other sites now.
BTW the art in the first issue or two isn't so great, but it gets better.

but then muh morality would kick in and people would get upset

fuck this gay earth


it gets cozy

So much for me getting anything done today

It was bad sure but it wasn't anywhere near past wars.

Due to the draft Black Panther members would wind up among the ranks and were known for murdering white soldiers.