Really makes you think how far we have come.
This is the current image displayed on the raspberry pi store
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Forgot the link
I don't want to believe there's some jewish conspiracy to fuck up our society but this is making it very difficult.
please help, i don't want these groups that i keep saying are bad at technology to learn about technology
That black mothers kids are both white. This is an example of racism in the gay community! How can black gay mothers teach their kids about computers when the white mother only adopts white children?
Is it a gay couple or a black woman dating a faggy guy ?
That subliminal messaging is just wrong. Kids should not be exposed to this.
Its the gay reproductive strategy. They expose kids to fucked up shit on TV in order to try to confuse them. Now they moved on to the Internet. Its the same shit really. Don't worry kids are exposed to much worse things on Youtube. Have you seen the kids shows on Youtube? they put Holla Forums to shame.
Yay now LGBTQERTY people can work in tech now.
Thank you RPIF to have helped segregated people that were already capable of doing it since one of the points of free software and open source is to able to be accessible to anyone per default.
Thank you for virtue signaling and helping mentally ill people who will trash already unstable autistic community/people into oblivion
The art is shit.
The reasons of the art is shit.
The people they are trying to reach are shit.
The RPI is blobbed and closed, literally the worst ARM solution.
Name an ARM SBC that isn't. Go on. Extra points if it's more or less competitive in featureset/price.
Does EOMA68 count?
that's why you get clones and replacements. mine was $7, comparable in IO to the $10 RPi0 except with wifi. 4 cores 912MHz is nice too.
don't buy jewberry pi. buy clones.
Cry some more, neckbeards.
EOMA68 manages to function without those blobs. FSF certification is in progress.
The origin of the hardware is less than optimal, but the end product is fine.
Are you implying that lack of free (as in freedom) SBCs makes RPIs closed source nature less bad?
It would make the statement that it's blobbed and closed irrelevant to the statement that it's the worst ARM solution.
No, I'm saying they're all shit. Still trying to find proper info on this EOMA68 thing, since if it really respects freedoms then they must've done some nontrivial reverse engineering work. Only platform I'm aware of that is completely open and supported by the manufacturer as being completely open is POWER8.
It pleases me to no end that, at some level, you must realize that if all the white males left your "diverse" group, it would be a nonfunctional pile of shit.
You're an inferior fraud and will never be the equal of a white male.
But we aren't the ones who are being affected here, they are targeting completely different userbase. If the company is so concerned about diversity and political correctness, they could easily replace people in those pictures with robots or aliens, but for some reason they have to push their political agenda to the unsuspecting participants. Also there aren't any asians in those pictures. Racists.
Gay couple, also, adopted children.
Asians are too cheap to buy raspberry pi. If they know about cheaper clones they will buy them. Asians don't react well to emotional appeals.
If an Asian person buys a raspberry pi they will buy it because they wanted the technology.
If a sodomite buys a raspberry pi there is a good chance that it was because of this image.
There is also a chance that this company is advertising sodomy because there are high ranking sodomites who will treat them more favorably if they show support to sodomite causes.
another reason maybe this as Christians are the main group attacked by this image.
How? Replace the rainbows with crucifixes and nothing would look out of place.
One layer of POZ at a time friend.
And yet the Christian family still has four white kids while the white race warrior on the Internet has zero :)
Really gets the noggin joggin
Guys guys send them an email.
Thanks, edgy manchild.
No one is being affected here. Just a bunch of idiots whining because they feel threatened if every person in an image doesn't have the same skin color as themselves.
Just stop birching.
I tried using the orange pi but the video output would not work so I gave up. Also the power plug it needed was gay as fuck, I get that they wanted barrel connector but why choose the most impossible size to find? I must have 12 5v barrel connector plugs and not one would fit, so I started looking at my other 25+ plugs to transplant a connector, not a one worked. So I soldered the power to the board. And then I found out about the video problems, tried it on 3 monitors and 4 tv's.
Nice touch with the "arduous", Tech illiterate people are the bread and butter of these educational tech companies.
Everything is not gay, everything is not diverse and you have to POZ it all out
I don't want any albino nignogs showing up in my cartoons either. Race is deeper than skin colour, antifa retard.
You might see a bunch of diversity, but I see a bunch of retards. Where did they get this artist? Who thought it was a good idea to have a group of multikulti retards holding a sign saying "WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY".
It's a gay meme device anyways, there's far better alternatives out there.
Not an argument.
It isn't. And what the fuck is an "antifa"? Is that the new bogeyman? Did you guys get tired of "SJW cuck"?
Antifascists, AKA Mommie's little anarcho-communist.
This image doesn't bother me. They already have four of their own kids so they've done their part. So what they want to adopt some nogs and spice up things at the dinner table.
Thanks for the message PiFo, noted
I see /furry/ and /mlp/'s roommates have arrived
Only in USA (and maybe in leaf land)
t. pole
hmmm, which one is it
a) they believe the ideal image of western youth that all should strive for is a gay kid, interracial couples, and women engineers
b) they think gays and interracial couples are marginalized, and women are discouraged from tech jobs, and believe forcing people to care about this issue at every hour every day will fix that
c) some PR fucks wanted some more money
I guess b wouldn't be so bad if it was a decision made on a whim.
SJW leave
The AIDS-rainbow stickers really do it for me. You could just about argue that the gay interracial parents are to show how the Pi has wide appeal outside of the programmer stereotype. This isn't convincing because gay interracial adoptive parents are such a ridiculously small group in the general population, let alone the RaspPi community, but you could argue it. The gay stickers, however, are clearly, blatantly, plainly low-effort, shoved-in diversity afterthoughts with zero relevance to anything. Another check-box ticked off. Pointless and absurd.
*shrug* Buy a BeagleBone Black instead, or some other SBC.
keep reading bugle boy instead of beaglebone
I feel sorry for all the kids growing up surrounded by this bull shit. That being said, if kids are born the parents are red pilled enough to keep them away from this shit.
My parents aren't "red pilled", they are just conservatives. Parents "keeping kids away from shit" literally does nothing, unless you isolate them in the middle of nowhere so they have no human contact. Your post (aside from the image) could not be more wrong.
posted my quality OC to endchan because this board wont let me post images
Meanwhile everyone who buys that raspberg crap is a White guy.
Asians (japs, not poos) aren't stupid so the anti-White crowd doesn't pander to them.
Well duh, whites are the only race capable of pathological altruism. Shitskins can't into empathy at all.
Three-step plan for LGBT butthurt:
1. Buy BeagleBone
3. Set hostname to archie.bunker
Is Banana Pi any good?
Japan never sold itself out to the western x86/arm upgrade treadmill either. They had a strong 68k/SuperH industry in the 90s and those are getting open hardware clones now that the patents have expired.
Immediately destroyed my raspberry and I'm buying a Banana Pi as a replacement. No AIDS in my home.
this list was made by a retard
the fuck is wrong with 40nm?
the fuck is wrong with 30fps hw decoder?
the fuck is wrong with lack of irDA???
the fuck is wrong with no android???????
Implying there's any difference whatsoever between one and the other.
Businesses and academia shouldn't get political, they should work to bind the people not to fragment them. What a truly terrible time we live in where everyone has to pick a political stance/side first and then be judged on whether or not they're allowed to do their product/hobby/education.
This was then too, look at what we have now, people being ostracised because of their genitals and skin colour.
All of this tertiary nonsense steals the focus from what should actually matter, people should focus on the product, the hobby, and the education aspects, not the people, the politics, nor the sex and race. We're on a serious decline and I don't see it getting better anytime soon.
Why do they censor out the name of a post in a public forum?
The only blob which isn't required to make the system work is for the 3d acceleration of the mali GPU.
Te lima GPU reverse engineering had began a few years ago before the led developers was persecuted by allwiner
The FSF made this article about SBCs in 2013 but it's still relevant
muscle reflex, its why Holla Forums tards break all their links.
Fuck off to >>>Holla Forums
I honestly don't care if you care about your favorite companies PR department decided to go full sjw.
Yeah, but the usual user on this board does, so maybe you're the one who ought to be doing some fucking off.
Don't even care where to, just out.
Businessman here.
The progression of your precious technology is directed tied to its public perception. If you care about technology, by transitive property, you are required to care about how people perceive technology.
I guess you havn't seen how popular >>>Holla Forums is.
This is a apolitical board so just Fuck off with your politics.
The left is in a real jam now because technology has equalized opportunity and access to information. It's become all but impossible to maintain the narrative of "le evil white oppression" and hide the truth that the left is infested with genetic and sexual inferiors who engage in self-destructive behaviors.
Their only options at this point are insanity and violence because the lies just don't work anymore.
Bye bye.
im getting kinda sick of these threads too tbh.
yes. its retarded. We've been over it.
you dont need to be so goddamn dramatic over some companies or organizations PR being pandering asswipes.
Not that I dislike it. It's just not technology.
Hence why all pr department's should be disolved. All they do is spread lies and get paid by people like you to do so.
Oh no, you have to hide a single thread every few weeks, these kinds of secondary threads NEED to be banned for inconveniencing us all so much.
meh it's a good thread aside from the wingnut normalfags showing up
Kill the normies and eat there innards.
"I live in my own little bubble"
"The world works differently than I thought it did, so I'm just going to pretend it works the way I imagine instead and consequently accomplish nothing"
You realize things are this way exactly because of attitudes like those, right?
nice strawman.
im just calling you a faggot, thats all.
Spotted the normies.
Not about being political, and nothing dramatic about it.
Culture has the power to influence a lot the way technology is going forward, and this kind of faggotry has proven itself beyond doubt as something that harms the well-being of technology. There has to be fighting against this, and it;s not coming from most places so we need to stand as a place where people can come against it, for the sake of technology.
If you don't like, I'm sure the internet is full of places where people discuss tech shit and don't see this issue.
Holla Forums is not one of them, and it will definitely not become so.
Same with science and this post-modernist lysenko crap that have been polluting it since the 90's.
Sometimes I just want to try to ignore it and just focus on empirical data most of the times.
Most of this crap sticks out like a sore thumb so it gets irritating after a while.
Just a reminder, Raspi swallowed the goobergrape shit hole and tweeted anti gg trash on their official twitter
I don't care. If it works, then I will use these Raspberry Pi. Their political support have zero effect on the working of the Pi.
If they cared about the freedom of their users instead of their advertisement/virtue signaling the raspberry PI wouldn't be the worst SBC.
There are also some BeagleBoard's with 1 GB, but tbh you should stick with Intel botnet if you want to run modern webshit, because those browsers will just keep getting exponentially bloated.
Anyway the RPi stuff tends to have more blobs than the other SBC, and just by coincidence they're vocal about LGBT support. Makes you wonder (((who))) could be behind this.
There hasn't been any progress since the 90's. The industry became shit the moment it catered exclusively to non-technical normies, leaving hobbyists high and dry.
i swear you guys must be like 12 or somthing
Even if we set all hidden political agenda aside raspberry PI web page still fails to represent what it should give you in the first place: information and short description of the product they're selling. If you open
every successful protect will try to scale it up.
you don't expect them to just sell a bunch of boards and move on with their lives.
of cause they'll try to go big this comes with reaching to larger public.
Yeah but you don't have to deepthroat your customers and fuck other customers because customers wants you to fuck them.
Either you have integrity or you become a social driven piece of crap who doesn't care about the technical aspects behind them (which is funny when you know that RPIs are targeted for people who wants to learn).
I almost fell for this until I realised the spelling mistakes were deliberate. Congrats.
That's because its target audience is education, like it has always been. The people who are immediately interested in detailed specifications, who already know how to interpret those, are not the target audience.
The information you talk about is there. It's in a place that's easy to find if you actually go looking for it. But most of their visitors wouldn't even understand the list of specifications, so putting it right on the front page would be bad.
Make no mistake. Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi are two very different projects, even if they sell similar hardware. Comparing them is not sensible.
How so? Their PR department has nothing to do with development. All I see is a bunch of idiots triggered because they DARED to put different people in an image in their website, in what is considered as the LGBT appreciation month.
Being racist fucks in an anonymous imageboard is not "fighting." This is a technology discussion board, Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the designated imageboards to be edgy and with politics, not Holla Forums.
Meanwhile at Mozilla Headquarters.
Notice on the third pic there is hardly any colored person to be seen.
The Raspberry Pi is mainly aimed at children. I don't want my child to be pozzed with AIDS because you faggots want to be appreciated. Go get your appreciation somewhere else.
Non-USA user here, which month is straight people appreciation month?
The other ones.
I hope you die slow and painfully of AIDS.
kys. if i wanted to read normalfaggots explaining how to "penetrate the market", I'd go on over to HN
Let's try this again. I'm just going to use "PR" to mention whatever abstract bullshit you think exists.
false. all software and most hardware in the past 2 decades is complete garbage, and this quality is thus by definition invariant to PR
false. I care very much about technology (not raspberri pi or other meme devices though), and there is absolutely no reason for me to care about PR. I've made plenty progress over the past decade, and never once cared about PR. Hell I've even sold my own products without advertising even once, and even wrote the word "nigger" and shit all over my blog and everything was still fine. You are just some faggot who thinks the world revolves around your little corporate business culture.
You are the one who doesn't know how the world works. You can only reason at the level of a businessman. Thus you conclude absurd things like "it's impossible to create and improve technology without first polling 1 million people and asking them how much they like your company". It's like if you only know some vague information about every country in the world, like their GDP, flag, and official language, and you know nothing about the history, culture, and ethnic groups in each region, or anything about the autonomous regions of the countries, or anything about the terrain, and then you go around explaining how things are.
nobody can rationally defend your point.
how are you gonna convince any company to change its marketing policy without looking like a complete fool? because thats how you sound.
i can understand bitching about affirmative action, but a picture of minorities....
No matter how many grants you unfairly favor to blacks, no matter how easy you make entrance for blacks, no matter how frequently you unfairly bump there grades up to move them along the pipeline. Blacks will not succeed in the end. They are simply not evolved for high tech tasks. They have stronger jaws, they walk sooner and hit sexual maturity sooner, they are evolved to live in the desert in Africa and bash the heads in of rivals. It's not there fault they are this way and short of genetic manipulation there is noting you can do to fix them. Stop wasting funds that could better be spent getting us white people to mars on your fools quest of intellectually elevating the negro to the level of modern humans. Yes I am aware that the bell curve exists, there are a handful of Negros able to participate, so focus your efforts on identifying them instead of your retarded scatter shot methods.
Beaglebone Black is outdated as fuck though. Is there a single fucking affordable SBC with 2 gigs of ram?
They are always kiking us on ram. You can get a full ass tablet with a screen batteries case all that shit with 4gb of ram and 16 gigs of flash, and a charger for like $60, but they cant just take its cpu and throw it on a break out board without the screen, case or batteries because they are fucking assholes.
Also look up orange pi, they have some 2 gig boards, I always want more though.
I like this. Thank you.
It's their choice. It's a free market and you can vote with your wallet by purchasing something similar from a competitor, or do what most people do and buy it anyways because their politics do not have any negative effect on the product itself. Reminds me of the tards that won't read certain books because of the author's political views, even though the plot has nothing to do with that.
TLDR - Who gives a flying fuck?
You'll grow up and start to think about the idiots forming your people. Or not.
Do you think that not buying a $40 will magically solve every problem in the world? You're the one who needs to grow up and join a national socialist movement.
holy fuck your post is retarded. first of all I (>>761218) am brown, and no I don't get triggered by the sight of myself.
second, I wasn't even talking about the topic of this thread, I was telling you to fuck off with your cancerous corporate growth bullshit. that shit is on the same level as celebrity gossip. why the fuck do you even want to "grow" in the first place? you probably can't even explain that. you just see growth as some abstract buzzword which you as a business cunt needs to reach for by going through the usual dick sucking procedures
third, nobody here aside from the poltards gets triggered by a picture of minorities. what we're criticising is the rasbperri pi website, which is some of the most absurd bullshit I've seen in years. and in case you are the most dense motherfucker in the universe, I'll give you a hint: their picture doesn't so happen to include a bunch of minorities such as a bunch gay people and a women engineer - it is deliberately made this way
Well it depends on what you're gonna do with it. Even just 256 MB is enough to run various old emulators or use as home network server.
Anyway once you start wanting to do desktop stuff like Firefox or watching movies, then you need GPU support, and that normally means blobs for most of these SBC. I only care about BeagleBone because it can run OpenBSD without any of that stuff, so I can use it to make a nice pf router box to keep the cianiggers away from my Intel botnet laptop. After all I still need to use the Internet for some things, or else I'd just just install TempleOS and be done with it.
It's supposed to annotate the lack of a feature. Are you mentally deranged?
They better be interracial lesbian trans* wymyn or I'm writing a letter to them about that oppressed and underrepresented demographic. Also where are the asians? Those kids aren't diverse enough for me
This cultural marxist bullshit needs to die.
I saw shit like this when I was a kid. I never thought anything of it because it's a fucking cartoon drawing.
don't get me wrong I think it's retarded as shit and completely irrelevant as is all diversity bullshit but kids won't think anything of it.
i was under the impression that red implies some sort of feature that is objectively essential, but whatever
were you a kid 5 days ago?
Jews are 1-2% of the US population but own around 70% of the media. They don't even have to conspire, there's enough of them in charge that their ideals will be pushed without them having to coordinate.
I am 90% sure the atheists on /r/atheism are in majority jewish teenagers.
I am 90% sure the pagans on Holla Forums are in majority jewish adults.
From my personal life I have seen jews tell me they're atheists and a minute later tell me they're jewish. Somehow they expect others to give up Christianity yet they wont give up their religion, its very strange how it works out for them.
Pretty much everything they do is a conspiracy against goyim. That's how they ended up being so over-represented in positions of power throughout the western world.
And keep in mind that in Europe you can't "name the jew" without getting fined and/or jailed. But even in USA they control the narrative.
This is what christcucks actually believe.
Goyim know,
jewpig being butthurt as usual :)
I learned all I needed to know about those assholes during gamergate.
but does the mom like the orange pi better?
Really disgusting from the PI team. I won't buy their shit anymore.
What did they say about gamergate
Fuck off.
That's a sign of you getting old.
Raspberry Pi has been full SJW from the get go.
Just buy a clone or a competing SBC. Hell, open source hardware can be cloned on your lonesome if you feel like it.
Please, stop being a fascist bigot.
Jesus fucking christ.
Its retarded because its a conspicuously 50/50 gender ratio, one token black, and meaningless, irrelevant gay stickers just to let you know that they're gay ok.
Its not fucking destryong civilization and corrupting the youth, its just retarded and obnoxious.
You faggots would all suck 2d brown trap cock anyway.
Take these politics away; do not make Holla Forums a house of degeneracy.
They own 94%
god isnt real retard, this is an enlightened forum of scientists and thinkers that do not beleive in a magic skydaddy, fuck right off.
You're right, but still degenerate and retarded (or malicious). The principle of subversion is that it's slow, pervasive and omnipresent. If you don't react to "minor" things like these, they'll devour you.
How does that saying go? Look to who you cannot criticize. They are your true masters.
I am going to ignore your insults.
There is no way to prove ether that God exists or does not exist, that is why it is called belief.
This is forum for people who want to discuss technology, stop injecting your political poison into it. Being Christian does not exclude your from being scientist, philosopher or engineer so I do not see what your problem with Christians on Holla Forums is. If you want narrow minded discussion go to /r/atheism or something.
Fuck off back to plebbit or failing that, the GRID >>>/bog/ you fucking nigger
Its not destroying civilization from your perspective because you are already a cancerous faggot.
you are literally the same as tumblrinas flipping their shit over some crap having too much whitey.
t. cancer
t. eenager.
Faggots have been allowed to fuck other faggots for many years already. It's way past time they shut the fuck up about it.
But user, why not taste the rainbow of cum when you buy your next SBC when you can just as easily buy a competitor or Chinese clone that uses the Pi's open source hardware schematics freely available on their website?
Don't you support a fag's right to have you bake them a cake or have you arrested?
The point is these Holla Forums fuckwits freaking out about the very existence of gays. What shit gets you horny is literally meaningless, hence the "pride" shit is irritating, but by the same token the "GAYS R DEGENEWACY SODOMY IS SINFUL" shit is just as obnoxious and I want them to leave.
Underageb& ==OUT==
I know you're taking notes, and I authorize you to add me to your list