Why would he say this?
Why did Marx want to exterminate Slavs?
Other urls found in this thread:
Same reason other people want to exterminate slavs - they are mud people.
Funny how Slavs have won every war since their founding.
Marx isn't always right
everyone know slavs are the master race
They only understand violence
Slavs have improved the arts and are the only people to successfully implement communism.
Slavic nations and areas were the most backwards, undeveloped and reactionary parts of Europe when Marx was alive.
More news at 11
They still are.
Fuck you.
Just like today
That's pretty inexcusable tho. How does he reconcile this with "workers of all countries unite'?
He can't.
Marx was a hypocrite.
You clearly never read the manifesto. right after that he writes "except slav workers, fuck 'em man, it's right to genocide them, i mean 'come on. and what's up with their squatting?"
Seems legit
Marx wanted to exterminate Slavs, period.
Marx didn't want to exterminate the Slavs, he just thought they were too backwards for communist revolution.
Which was fair enough. The success of the Bolshevik Revolution was something of a fluke of history. It's understandable if Marx didn't see it coming.
How does materialism explain flukes?
Lack of data available?
They were too 'still in feudalism, not capitalism yet' for a communist revolution
Where do thoses quotes come from?
I like you, you're good.
Historical materialism was always intended as a heuristic analysis, he was wary of creating any universal rules for history.
That's even better.
That's what "backwards" means.
Most of those are not even bad unless you play the game of expecting 19th century writers to have our political sensibilities and notions of political correctness.
It's funny how the same people who constantly bitching about "PC culture" are also always ready to feign outrage when a leftist and/or progressive says something controversial, even if the context explains the latter.
C'mon, guys. This is Holla Forums tier. And really, wtf, Marx?
Are you under the impression that materialism gives you clairvoyance? There was no way for Marx to see that there would be a massive European war thirty years after his death that would involve the German Empire helping to instigate a communist revolution in the Russian Empire to take it out of the picture.
Except that 1 little afghan campaign, and a few others. Like pretty much everything after ww2
No shit
tell me how workers of the world unite applies to the west but not to slavs?
Learn your h istory we pulled out
Not really. The Slavs were never all that revolutionary. Just how quickly they've embraced reactionary politics should tell you that.
They were simply at the epicenter of the Bolshevik Revolution, which was propped up by the German Empire.
Same thing the US did in Vietnam, you lost, get over it.
We pulled out because of opposition to the war. USA did it because they didn't know what they were doing.
This thread is mean ;_;
You could argue that the US pulled out because of public opposition, they won every engagement with the Vietnamese. Besides, it doesn't matter why you pulled out, it's still considered a defeat. Are you actually from Holla Forums or are you a guy from Holla Forums who's acting retarded to make Holla Forums look bad?
Actually, all Marx said was that the Slavs were backwards, which was true. Actually read the article.
I'm from Holla Forums. I've never posted on Holla Forums before. Also, are you calling me retarded for being a Slav?
It wasn't and isn't true.
You're a faggot.
Tell me the secrets of how someone can be this historically ignorant.
No i', saying that you're a retarded nationalist who can;t except the fact that your people lost.
Fug u
The only wars Slavs "lost" were brother wars and that was when a larger Slav nation defeated a smaller Slav nation. You would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for Slavs.
It was true. The Slavs were still largely feudal in Marx's day.
That doesn't mean the peasant doesn't want freedom.
You can be backwards and want freedom.
'Backwards' is a wee bit vague in comparison
Soviet/russian schools
How? Backwords like their chains.
why wouldn't a peasant want freedom? how does being backwards, which to you = peasant individual/feudal system, prevent one from wanting freedom, as vaguely defined by the tankie poster?
What founding???
When the Norse created Novgodor?
The Kievsky Rus?
What wars? In orange revolution, who won?
I'll not even go to Japan VS Russia, Japan wins.
This thread is stupid bait.
Slavic nation in 1800 weren't ready for revolution. Hell.. Even in 1900 they weren't and that's why Lenin had to make all these maneuvers.
In fact, even moder people of the world are "backwards" as we're moving to robotics and everyone worries about "muh job".
In 1900 Russia, once Lenin said "no more money system" people .. stoped working the fields.
Backwars is not accepting the fact that things will never be the same again. Muh tradition and muh best we have system.
Anyway… BAIT!
Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch. You Mongoloid fucks can't even handle socialism. Fact. By the way, Marx was a fucking racist like you. Fuck off.
Learn to reply you fucking capitalist.
The Slav mentality is not compatible with socialism. It was however one of the only places with a population that was mentally weak enough to allow socialism to take foot. If Socialism was able to take foot in western Europe it would have been a much stronger and robust system. Too bad Europeans are too pig headed and suspicious to embrace the overarching change needed to implement Socialism. Starting with a sub-optimal seed country was needed for Socialism to come into being.
These people ignore history.
read a book idiot.
I never asked for this
Make the following experiment.
Play Vicky 2, take Greece and try to go FULLSOCIALISM without a single factory.
Please. I am a pro at EU games. I have done full socialism successfully with no industries before with lesser countries than Greece. Do you really think that's hard?
It is in the real world.
The chances of having a Lenin tha will live for 100 years are not as great in reality.
Its called council
And after I finaly tool a look at your bait article:
There is no mention of souce. Even the bais says "Greeks" but you only say "Slavs". All the quotes have nothing to do with how Marx wrote and thought. I call your bait BS.
Get better bait or go back to Pol.
Also, better use a NazBol flag.
Google the quotes; It's true.
Marxism is a German imperialist and white supremacist movement
Shame on a gommie who run game on a gommie.
Zizek's uncle there made the cardinal mistake of giving a source when making a bullshit claim. So I'm guessing he actually believes it.
"The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.
The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward."
And the Capitalist roach survived even this, and created fascism.
and on top of all that, they used their reactionary bullshit to create an entire era of reactionary assholes that pretended to be communists, to ruin the class struggle forever
prepare for buttblasted MLs
Here "backwards" means something like "out-of-date". As in, most of Europe was industrialized or industrializing while most Slavic areas were still feudal.
SIDF in full force today
Peasants obviously do want freedom.
The idea is that, because of their level of development, the freedom that they want may not be socialistic freedom (i.e. - they may want to be out from under the boot of their feudal lords, but may not have yet developed an antagonistic relationship with capital)
The Slavs have not once revolted against their masters, they lived in servitude in the fields as serfs for thousands of years.
Even Greeks revolted against the Ottomans before the Slavs, and they were conquered for a longer time.
The "Slavic mentality" you mention is probably due to the fact that they have an intense propensity of solving their problems. I don't really know whats the cause of that , maybe it was because they were conquered by the Mongols/Ottomans. Still one Novgorod and Peter the great did not counter the role they played against the French Revolution and Napoleon.
Also with regards to the Soviet Union, as another poster said, it was almost a fluke, and I would argue was entirely the project of Lenin. Without Lenin there wouldn't have been a revolution. And is it by chance that Lenin was half German, half Chuvash with some Askenazi sprinkled on top? I don't think so.
I don't think Marx repeated this enough, because so many Marxists treat it like the modes of production explain everything. Like, Stalin banned gay shit in 1933 because the modes of production were whispering into his ears at night.
Are you saying we need to racially optimize socialism, mein brudder comrade?
Making huge spelling and grammar errors ruins the effect when you're accusing someone else of being a retard.
half German, half Chuvash with some Askenazi sprinkled on top
Sounds like a nice gelato 2bh.
These are just examples, you fucking idiot. A simple post like this destroys your entire argument. Do a search next time.
t. Holla Forums
I think you're upset for no reason because you perceive "backwards" as some kind of nasty roast of the Slavic people rather than simply describing them as simply behind Europe in terms of social and technological development.
Are there capitalist races?
Are you saying we are behind Sweden?
In the 19th Century? Yes.
Well that is arguable?
Muslim mentality is not compatible with socialism too, but you still shill it.
I have been developing an idea on what peoples are most suitable for socialism lets study the facts:
1.The Germans are hard working, ingenious, as proved by their development of Protestantism. However they are also easy to fool and give way to silly romanticism's and grow into passive complacency without purpose: Perfect for Socialism.
2.The Slav are servile with little ability to think independently, they are also violent without purpose and will give way to the slightest superstition: Low propensity for socialism
3.The Arabs are possibly the worst of the bunch in terms of propensity, but show promise in being more adept at communal life than the average European currently is, should the European weed their desire to constantly multiply and take away their barbaric religion they can show promise: Medium propensity for Socialism.
4.The Oriental Asiatic is probably entirely a fluke in the history of the human race, they have never created anything original in the entire history of the world, an what they have is half-baked mysticism's and the most absurd of superstitions concentrate in ancestor worship and philosophical truisms (Confucianism). Their hive like mentality makes it for them very unlikely for any revolt against their masters: Very Low propensity for socialism.
5.The Latins and the Greeks are self-serving, greedy, lazy and decadent, they show the worst qualities that their ancestors hated with a passion, however they are also strong communitarians and can show backbone when pushed: Medium propensity for socialism.
Nice, will there be an open beta?
Except, you know…the magnetic compass, movable sails, rudders, the crossbow, gun powder…et c…
6. The Negroes of Africa possess low intelligence and a completely degenerated sense of culture, their tribalism and inability outside it leads them to intense infighting, and as such will not develop socialism unless the West introduces it to them: Low propensity for socialism (Genetic engineering may also have to be used on them)
The rest which can be summarized as the Indians, Pacific, Native American , and Turkic peoples show medium propensity as they can sway in either direction: They are entirely primitive but show the right kind of independence and communal living while at the same time can be war-like.
slav master race reporting in
this fucking thread
I've read on Tumblr that slavs are honorary people of colour, because they were oppressed so much through the history. People ITT should really check their muh privilege
Holla Forums pls
also look up thomas sankara
History is a probabilistic - not deterministic - law-governed process. Duh. You're not doing Lagrangian fucking mechanics here.
These too.
No, he is calling retard for being a tankie. And he is right;
Holla Forums wastes time on bait
ML is objectively the best way to develop a Nation, even if it might not lead to Communism.
Not every lurker has a decent response to every bait or recognizes it as such
The point of this thread was lost once the "quotes" were debunked as bait. After that, it's just pol trying to bait and comrades either baited or trolling.
You always have to dubunk bait, or repeating the lie will make it truth.
The poles evicted the jews who fled to Russia, the Russians treated them as 2nd class citizens and never gave them the special muh privileges the Poles had given previously, so the hatred persists to this very day again because the Russians abandoned jewish communism.
Get out pol. Please.
Fuck you!
They were still feudal when the rest of Europe had industrialized.
this fucking thread holy shit
Uhm, Poland?
You mean Prussia's extention?
This is what happens when we don't purge the level 10 tankies off this board.
Nah. I mean Poland.
Stalin did nothing wrong.
actually, russians
aka white niggers who will unironically defend eastern bloc
Slavs are the most backwards of all human races. Their very essence is incompatible with the communist project. They will be the first to perish in the revolutionary holocaust, and we Marxists will shed no tears for them.
Romanian girls are generally qt
An entire group of people deserve to exist because it pleases your fat penis, and people that don't, dont deserve existence. Fuck you asshole
Well, if I ever got to be Premier of the World…
But am not, so it doesn't matter.
Also, he never said "don't deserve".
Stop being edgy.
IDK, man. Russia had less famine under the Tsars.
It's Holla Forums tier thinking. Why don't you start spamming pics of Aryan models now dipshit
Stop being edgy. Please.
Yeah why don't you go back to sucking Marx's fat cock for labor tokens. Maybe you can get him to but under the socially necessary labor time this time
You seem to have supressed sexuality.
Tell me more about your mother.. Did she made you wear girl clothes? Or did she not allow you to?
That cigar flag is a phallic symbol for your homoerotic tendencies. You want to suck on Freud's juicy cigar, boi?
Why is it you see it as such though?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The fact that you see it as such reinforces my theory on your suppressed sexuality.
So… Tell me about your childhood. How often did your unle rape you?
That slip tells more about your french pervy relatives who may abused you than about him tbqh familia
Fyi I had sex with an older female cousin when I was 8. I was a pimp since then kek
So, this early loss of childish inocent has led you devaluation of anything other than sex…
That explains a lot.
This. By far.
Lenin Trotsky and all the other JudeoBolsheviks along with the shitskin Stalin despised Russian people because muh history of pogroms and "anti semitism". The kikes where extremely vicious and vindictive.
Wait a second…
Explain this then you autistic kike loving useful idiot neckbeard. Also there are 6 million kikes in Murica and 50000000 million people of Irish descent
What does it all mean…
Oy vey the White male capitalist cispatriarchy is oppressing all the poor workers and PoC. They also invented "racism" and gender roles to divide the working class!!!!!
*tips fedora*
It's been fun, pollyp. How many more buzzwords can you spew? This is the real question.
That's you response? Poting some coked up weirdo. You simpletons are real easy to impress if you like this guy
I'm sorry for not posting a quote from Evola about holy semen, pollyp.
psst: you and tumblr are the same thing
Poland was a part of Prussia when Marx was writing.
Please stop posting with the Marx flag, thank you.
no shit mate
Bakunin: "Nationalism will only lead to the unification of every race into their own imperialistic state, pan-Slavism as well as pan-Germanism are both right-wing movements that presuppose each other. The toilers of city and countryside, proletariat and peasantry, must ally against the centralizing, statist aspirations of the bourgeoisie and political bureaucracies."
Marx: "Pffft peasants are petty bourgeois reactionary scumbags and slavs are full of 'em, I say let Germany conquer them and exterminate them if necessary. Slavs and especially the Russians will never ever have a socialist revolution, my perfect science proves it."
But muh theory guise
Lolno, the majority of it was under Russia, even if we include only the territories inhabited by Poles. And so-called "Congress Poland" was actually well developed to the point of being heartland of Polish socialist movement.
It was bait and Marx never said that. Lurk moar. We proved it was bait and falseflagging.
Tihs thread should seize existing cause it spreads false propaganda.
You didn't prove shit. This "propaganda" is factually true.
I know for a fact that they (Marx and Engels) said that Slavs were backwards peoples and they should be conquered by Germany to "civilize" them (some form of genocide was of course a possibility they were fine with). Also something or other about Mexicans deserving US imperialism because they "civilized" them or some shit too.
Marx and Engels were of the opinion that imperialism, like capitalism, was progressive. Arguably, the only reason Lenin and his successors stood against imperialism was that it was exhausted and it would only bring imperial powers in direct conflict with each other.
The majority of its current borders you mean.
not all.
yeah we rape mongols whats ur point?
I don't know any actual slavs, but all the people of slavic ancestry I know, while nice people, are really weird and seem to have a family history of mental illness.
I've read that depression is more prevalent in Slavic countries and that Slavic people have considerably more Neanderthal DNA. And then something about Neanderthal's having shittier mental health. It's been a while.
so basically we're superior, you're saying?
Get out, fascist.
You can go too.
I thought the Internationale was for "we". Fucking idiot.
You weren't talking about the Internationale.
You were referring to the Slavic people as "we". You can take the ethnic nationalism to >>>Holla Forums
Have you ever seen Marx's legs? Couldn't squat for more than 10 seconds and it drove him mad with jealousy.
Did I trigger you?