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nigga they just running through the woods and teleporting for the majority of the movie
Nigger its perfectly paced and they were in the woods and at godrics hollow and other places in the book it fucking happened. Your post is a pleb opinion, do you have zero self awareness
why does it matter what happens in the book it's a movie nigga that dont mean shit to me
please stop trying, nobody buys it
Because it was slow somber and stripped and allowed for character development, it was their low point and it goes along with the entire themes of the film. Do you even into atmosphere or do you just watch for the plot and explosions. You are boring.
nigga please u actin like it's 12 Angry Men. atmosphere and slower pace don't mean shit if the characters are boring and only discussing where they flee to next
t. watched the movies as a fifteen year old and now at twenty thinks knows his kino like star wars
You're the one who is boring, not the characters faggot. Fuck off with your shitposting.
haha no stay mad nigga enjoy boring overly-desaturated films of the characters doing nothing for 2 hrs and 30 mins
Dude go back to letterboxd, facebook, imdb, wherever you came from with your literal middle school level critiques talking about the cinematography like you are a professional the lighting is perfect
shut up 12 angry men is boring af pleb
t. Zack Snyder
epin descriptions , the "what i got" is suppose to be about the actual movie, not just an irrelevant picture of something unpleasant.
I figure he's leeching the free wifi at a KFC.
wow you wasted my time
they both go into the trash
your taste is shit
nigga u crazy kfc is shit i'm at church's
You have no chops
They are better than 9/10 movies you watch
but they are the same kind of reddit garbage
They aren't though because 4chan is reddit and 4chan hates them
movies aren't really like other movies at all unless they are james camerons pocahontus or capeshit so describing what you watched with something else can actually paint a better picture
Actually i was wrong, that's a good use of the shit picture since you used the same exact shit picture i posted and it's related to the site i posted it on.
It's different for every movie. That's specific picture regarding Avatar and pocahontus is relevant because the actual story of avatar was so dated./overused, the cover of romeo and Juliet would have also worked.
I actually agree though, pictures can say more than subjective movies covers. My only correction was using images that were related to the movie.
For example if you thought jurassic part was shit and used the scene where jeff goldblum interacts with dono poop, it's much better than just using a random picture of crap.
The one about Holla Forums board
but literal redditors like you love them
but they don't mr predictable, like I said 4chan hates them and 4chan are influx redditors
i didn't know cripplekike did work on 4chan too
wtf i hate Holla Forums now
What masterful work doth this belongeth too?
Batman v Superman
Someone give me the rundown on whatever this is
deathly hallows part 1
I should have said what was the post implying, I know who hotwheels is
But the image is implying all of Holla Forums is reddit tho
He's sorta right though.. I myself was once a redditor, mostly because I hated the 4chan layout and could never quite understand it. but then I found Holla Forums and thanks to it's easy to use sleek reddit like design I can never use something like twitter reddit or kikebooks horrible layout ever again.
t.former redditor :')
Okay then whats the arguement calling anything reddit if everyone is reddit
Me too! When does the narwhal bacon? haha xd
I'm finally watching this tonight, I fell asleep to it two nights in a row and it was glorious. I don't know what the hell the last image means though.
I didn't call anyone reddit I don't think. Why you asking me? I was just making fun of the harry potter pleb for claiming one site is reddit when he litterally posts on a site whose admin actively posted and invited reddtors here on that gamergate subreddit.
the majority of the movie is a boring boatride
there's hardly any violence throughout the movie
ending isn't nearly as badass as it really was
The whole Holla Forums is welcoming to redditor is an insult/misconception that 4channers have against reddit to help them think that they're not a dead board.
That has nothing to do with film though its just unfortunate
I think the image would be better if was just the manga in the "what i got" without the "has science gone too far" meme.
Ah, I see, wait so its based on a true story?
Why is it so hyped then? And why is it shot in 4:3
so? why would i care. You make no sense to me, what are we even talking about now?
"Just because one thing is true doesn't mean another isn't."
-Sir Isaac Newton
it is based on a true story
in reality he's a bloodthirsty madman
in the movie he kills maybe one guy and everyone else dies from invisible natives and their poison darts/arrows
So what about the filmmaking is so great besides immersiveness, if it doesnt pay off
Just an overhyped foreign film for pseudos?
i guess
the plot was still alright, but there wasn't really much of a conflict to make it interesting
majority of the movie is just a boring boatride, even if there's insanity looming everywhere around it
if i wanted a movie about a boat ride i'd go watch life of pi
Was this guy an ass that deserved it?
nothing wrong
You forgot about da Joos!! :'^)
What's with the polposting
Can you go be reddit somewhere else?
It's just larpers trying to piss of poledditors.
If you want a serious answer, it's because Holla Forums proper's become shit.
To translate for you: Dur prumbpfer bebis git shidding dere on bored xD
You got syphilis?
Did you watch the whole series + end of Evangelion?
why didn't you like it?
If you can't tell it's overrated shit by now you're probably underaged.
How man times have you molested your daughter, hotpocket?
I raffed
1/10 triggered out your ass
Why even reply lol