
Post proof that leftypol are SA (something awful) goons.
Then we post it on sudo.
Get leftypol deleted.

You do know that leftypol's BO is a NS, right ?

It was inevitable. I'm surprised we didn't get attacked non-stop since the beginning of 2016.

are you fucking retarded?

you are a special brand of stupid

You make this fucking thread every 2 days…

If Holla Forums makes a successful containment board, yet not all SJW's feel like the lefty politics accurately describes them, why not create an SJW containment board on 8ch? It's a cheap and easy way to siphon off some of the distraction from Holla Forums.

I got a cloudflare earlier, but no problems otherwise.

They can go to reddit.
They pollute every single other board spamming it relentlessly then ruin Holla Forums's reputation by saying "yeah, they're really X and Y, don't ever go there".

More interested in getting SA's servers seized and all their child porn and money laundering exposed.

Also Zoey Quinn could also go to jail as well.

Yeah because deleting Holla Forums will prevent them from shitposting on other boards.

Perfect fucking sense.

We'll fight in the shade.


We are the shade

Nvm goys I thought he forgot to take off his trip. But thats just the default poster name on that board.

Fuck off Holla Forums. The moment we nuke their board is the moment they will swarm here and destroy ours. Holla Forums is not even a relevant board with any influence outside 8ch.

No they'll just leave the website, most of them.
They'll go to SA, reddit, gaia etc.


Holla Forums's reputation can be drug through the gutter, and it doesn't bother me, not a wit. As long as Holla Forums stays true to exposing the truth, no matter what, and poking fun at those who can't think their way out of a box, then Holla Forums's 'deplorable reputation' only increases quality of it's readership and posting.

Kill yourself.


Always, ALWAYS the first post.

Kill yourself newfag.

This should be a job our friends in the alphabet community could help out with, if they are as uncucked as they claim?


please consider killing yourself

their board owner's a natsoc? the fuck? how on earth did that one happen?

i noticed some hiccups when posting earlier.

To the battlestations!!

Controlled opposition. It separates the wheat from the chaff or in otherwords its our trash bin for leftist degenerates that'll dump themselves in there.

We don't need to ban them, just get the faggots from posting their retarded shit about shit they don't understand off of Holla Forums.

we already did, isn't it called /liberalpol/ or something?
lemme look it up

actually, they have quite a few influential (mostly Stirner meme) pages on Facebook and Reddit, which rival the viewcount of Holla Forums, but just not the content

So Holla Forums has more NS mods than Holla Forums?

too bad the posters shut down over legitimate fascist bait and forgo debate, it's so quiet over there

This isn't even technically white-knighting. Hillary is old and decrepit. It's more like…..grey-knighting?

Holla Forums doesn't vote, Holla Forums just wants you to kill cops


Daily reminder that goons are dying. What we see here are just the last twitches.

Not dying but scurrying like cockroaches when the the light switch is turned on.

Well we all know how to kill cockroaches.

We're gonna need a lot of gas.

Actually you can see those fags bitching on endchan's Holla Forums. You can see all their bitchy post as were BTFO for being D&C shills, CTR, and lolbergs.

If you ever visit Holla Forums you'll find they are SJWs in denial. Rabidly anti-racist, pro-jew, pro-lgbt, believe in open borders and in mixing whites out of existence, etc. They're SJWs.

It's basically what would happen if the baby boomers were natsoc

and they had cancerous millenial children.


How leftypol is made up
20% lefties of all kind
40% pol larping as lefties
40% pol trolling