They're never satisfied, are they?
They won't stop until the Left is literally only identitarianism and any dissent is banned at once.
They're never satisfied, are they?
They won't stop until the Left is literally only identitarianism and any dissent is banned at once.
Other urls found in this thread:
What the heck is 'the national alliance'?
national alliance sounds much like popfrontism, and I don't think that many leftypolyps have anything against good ol' popfront strategy.
Alliance with SJWs means taking part in a group lead by them.
I don't think that this is what the person in OP's picture is talking about.
Still, I believe that any form of popfrontism with liberal elements is bullshit, whether it's national liberation or an alliance with "sjws"
Hones to God, you all check this and tell me why we (not leftypol, but the Left) panders to people like this so much
The level of entitlement they have with the Left is terrifying.
I don't understand why we want to please these people so much if no matter what they always turn in the end and say we didn't do enough, we aren't radical enough, we're not helping enough, etc.
Case in point: There's a potshot at Bernie over there somewhere, as there always is with them. Which means you can literally go to jail for their struggle and they will still sneer and laugh at you. Fuck identitarianism.
tbh even leftists hate leftists
fuckin leftists destroyed leftism
What is popfrontism?
The left doesn't exist. What you have is a bunch of marginals that Capitalism hasn't completely integrated into itself.. They are consumers whose commodity fetishism is not yet fully satisfied by the market.
There is not an ounce of revolutionary value in identity politics, there is only entregismo disguised as social victories.
I have gotten into many arguments with black career activist and RiPs that I may just give up on them completely because I barely convinced many that RiPs was useless(was not able to at all for career activist of course)while explaining that most of their problems stem from class.
They either dismiss me as a uncle tom or that I wasn't a leftist at all. Its very infuriating and over years I lost my patience, and just to avoid devolving into yelling or nigga moments in the future. I just think I should discuss class politics with normal black working class people.
It's true though.
Not that there would be any value in an alliance with a largely liberal group - that's stupid. But the obsession with crying about ID-polers is massively evident.
Your problem is trying to engage with these people at all.
Its just a reaction of the massive obsession Identitarians/liberals/Right to Far-Right crying about identity politics to the point that it dominates mainstream politics.
Arguing with and crying about SJWs just empowers them more to be honest.
It's a proportionate reaction to a problem that is also massively evident but, unlike our "anti-IdPol" attitude, many don't want to acknowledge it as a problem.
No, it doesn't. You'll be surprised with how much "ignore them and they will go away" doesn't work when you're dealing with anything but 3rd grade bullies
You don't seem to understand how SJWs work. Literally their only goal is to piss people off and draw attention to themselves.
only because the reations we provoke are so fun to watch, tbh
It gets better you know.
Debating identitarians was once really draining and really tiring to me, but now I can do it basically on autopilot. I'll be regurgitating my arguments while thinking about my taxes and shit I have to buy next time I'm in walmart
I haven't so in a couple of years, but because muh identity and muh community I felt obligated to do so. Now I'm for sure that I will never again.
I haven't in years and don't plan to in the future.
Here they do, they only disagree on how to handle those problems.
And it's our job to make their attention-seeking antics too costly in terms of energy, self-steem and social relations to be worth it. We should never, ever allow them to go unchallenged because otherwise they take over everything.
Alright, I may give it a second thought.
Ah yes, the old " gay muslim niggers are taking over America" argument. I've heard this one before.
Good luck with that.
Silly me thinking you'd be interested in a honest debate. But whatever, if cynically misinterpreting our points is how you're able to sustain your worldview, that's your problem not ours.
RIPster detected
Its kinda funny that almost the entire media in the UK is not only trying to frame Corbyn but even his supporters as Anti-Semites right now.
The white supremacist group?
Don't forget to samefag to try to make it look like people support your pointless agenda.
I'm literally the only one making the above point you stupid dildo.
Every other one of her tweets is about how she's empathically not a leftist. What is she, then? I don't understand how this is radical or decolonial at all.
Also lol at the tweet about Marxist projects that have failed black / third world women right after she repeatedly cites the aggressively Marxist black leader Assata Shakur as essentially a hero. Cognitive dissonance in the extreme
The best thing is how she's not a leftist but she acts like leftist owe her something.
Yep this post certainly stinks of reddit
I'm actually curious about this, so humor me. How is leftypol not promoting its own brand of identity politics?
Open borders, mass immigration and forced racial integration are demonstrably bad for Europeans and good for third-world browns. Saying that you aren't practicing identity politics at that point is just semantics.
Except we heavily disagree on the right move on that front. Some of us are hard nationalists, some of us believe that any immigration policy is inherently missing the point because without world prosperity there will always be a need for populations to escape their desperate situation. Very few of us are full on liberal 'if you don't like immigration you're a faggot'.
I'm from Holla Forums and I'd describe myself as a hard nationalist. I'm also not in love with global capitalism.
Why are we fighting?
Because you guys assume that leftypol means liberalpol, and also because you're still okay with capitalism in the context of protectionist policies whereas we are pretty fully anti-capitalist.
You're not fighting for all peoples, just your certain demographic.
True. I'm not opposed to helping other races in their own nations or maintaining amicable relations, but my people come first.
What's wrong with that?
Then you too will burn in hell.
fuck off
I think you responded to the wrong person friend.
I think he's referring to your invocation of "hell"
Nah, fam. I didn't.
I wasn't using hell in a serious way "hell exists" way.
I said way twice by accident
Seriously if they refuse to engage in discussion and try to shut me down because of my pigment, they can go up against the wall with the rest.
Oy vey. It sounds like you're dangerously close to acknowledging racial differences user.
Seriously though, you didn't draw any other conclusion from those interactions?
sjws have took over, even here. There is no escape from them, they can't even be banned, trust me I tried.
Shut up
T-Thanks global Capital, thanks m-multiculturalism.
A world of cute brown girls is the ultimate goal tho
Is it True? It seems like the prequisite for posting on Holla Forums nowadays is "no badmouthing POCs, specially Muslims"
Which is bullshit, just because I dislike Islam more than I dislike Christianity doesn't mean Im a spooked racist.
Jeez I'm not even white btw, And I find it absurd the way some lefistst here deal with the issue of race.
We're just being raided by retards right now.
As a brown person who is surrounded by more brown girls than most of you will ever see, I have to tell you right now that brown people are overrated in the looks department… We seem to age like shit particilarly.
Where dem white women at tho?
the only national alliance i know of is a now irrelevant nazi organisation..
And as a white girl who likes brown girls I disagree. I could eat them all up I want that world
Most (insert ethnicity, race, or whatever) girls are overrated, in the sense that there's only a small amount that are qt. Socialism will fix that with more time to get fit and improved health/hygiene while genetic engineering will fix the rest.
But brown grills are best grills.
All the brown grrrls in sunny countries will strut around in bright bright sunlight.
Sunlight wil rapidly age your skin.
Mystery solved!
This is racist though. :^)
It is a neo-Nazi group in the UK
That's not how hell works, miss…
That's a nifty spook you've got there
Stop worshiping cum
There is literally nothing in that tweet that is disagreeable. Sectarian get out.
What does RIP stand for?
I have an identity. I'm just not worshipping it. Feminists pledging allegiance to XX chromosomes is undoubtly stupid, but nationalists pledging allegiance to a vaguely defined bloodline is supposed to be the best thing ever?
Cum is needed to reproduce nazi-kun, if anything, you should join the cult :^)
Yes- it's called living in a high-trust society.
That doesn't mean you worship it. The pursuit of cummies as a religion has done more damage to western civilization over the last 60 years than Islam did over the last thousand.
If this is true then what am I? I don't have possessions as such. A 5 year old PC last upgraded with free bits 3 years ago and a twenty year old car. Have I won by spending the rest of my wages on weed?
That's the worst reason to trust somebody I can think of. I'm going to trust people when they have stated ideas I agree with, not because they have physical features that relate to my own.
You're delusional. You could have a point with people of similar upbringing and values, but you guys are looking to civic nationalism with contempt.
Ethnically homogeneous countries tend to be higher in trust than heterogeneous ones. Complain about how its illogical all you want, but the data is there.
Libshits insisting on a white guilt worldview made that impossible long ago. Maybe if Johnson didn't put together his shit welfare state things would be better, but who knows?
You servile fucks should take your faggot nation spooks elsewhere
Yes it is. Association works on the basis of how people get along with each other. Having similars views, values and references help in that. Soil in itself does jackshit. Bloodties in themselves does jackshit, look janissaries.
This. I don't agree with Holla Forums about much, but the one thing many on there seem to understand better than some of the hopeless idealists here is that the only way to deal with these people is a bullet when the revolution comes. They are incapable of salvation, and I mean that quite literally.
Lefty/pol/ is satire the fact that you fell for the meme means you are legit braindead
Holla Forums has always been ineficient.
Why bullet, when you can gulag?
Also, even Robespierre was better than Holla Forums
Whining about IdPol just for the sake of whining about it would indeed be a vice, but that's not what we do here. Every significant leftist institution, movement, and effort has been coopted by identitarians and run aground. All genuine leftists have been suppressed from openly leftist acts or chased out of leftism at the hands of identitarians.
Our ire at identitarians comes from decades of what is either deliberate malice against us or incompetence deserving of euthanization toward their supposed aims.
They started it, and we won't stop until they're completely purged.
>Holla Forums supports reverseracism
I think you've got us confused with Reddit or Tumblr, famalams.
I must admit the amount of pomo idpol rose considerably after school let out.
Oy Vey!
No, not really. There is no outsider infriltrating and dilluting the pure teachings, it was present in them from the beginning.
Some retard found two variables that correlated and now the alt-right can't shut up about it. It's their 77 cents.
This data has only been found in the US and Western Europe, where–surprise–race is extremely politicized. As a counter-example, social cohesion in, say, India, would correlate much stronger with religion than race. It's all relative.
We support immigration policies that favor domestic workers. However, open and closed borders are a false dichotomy. Most anti-immigration activists want to prohibit movement of peoples altogether.
Whether you like it or not, we will always be a little paranoid about Holla Forumskids trying to slowly pull us in their direction until their babbling becomes accepted. It's how they came to dominate chan culture to begin with, by pretending to be part of it until everyone believed it. I saw it myself on more than one occasion.
Prove it.
When did marxism become coopted? When was the fall of marxism? Which event, what person?
Also, to prove my point:
The last article is constantly cited by retards like Roissy while this newer one is unheard of. Surprise surprise!
Not how it works. I'm asking you to substantiate your claim. I am not the person you were responding to.
So you're asking me for evidence that the Jews didn't infriltrate marxism?
Beg the question harder. After the Russian aristocracy published that Protocols bullshit it's completely unsurprising that many early communists were Jewish.
There is also the fact that the Jewish left has always poked fun at nepotism in Jewish culture. Many modern ones get ostracized by family for criticizing Israel.
If you're talking about with the 3rd world, what on earth are those? Either you're dumping desperate slaves into the bottom of whatever economic sector, or you're brain-draining off the top of the other country's labor pool.
Not with economically inferior nations they aren't. Regulatory, labor, and economic arbitrage is a real and extremely harmful tool of transnational (and even domestic, if there's enough cross-regional inequality!) capitalism.
Barring total evacuation of the third world, immigration will never help, ever. The only possible solution is to protect economically healthier areas from arbitrage, and help(/stop hurting) economically poorer ones. Burning down the 1st world is a bad thing.
WWI. The 2nd International caved to the gathering stormclouds of war, tossing aside the socialist ideal of worldwide solidarity among the working class. This caused the 3rd International, where democratic Menshiviks were politically outmaneuvered by dictatorial Bolsheviks that consolidated all political power within their own autocratic "communist" party.
So now we know what turned marxism into idpol, it wasn't ideological evolution -something that happens to all ideologies except marxism, because it's just that perfect- but a group of nefarious schemers that plotted it's way inwards.
Jews, blacks, feminists, foucault.. it doesn't matter, the logic is the same.
Oopsey, forgot the top post ID.
You're just making these statements without actual proof and expecting me to take them as fact, which says to me that Jews and blacks being inherently evil is such common sense to you that you no longer think about it.
Yeah, like how marxism was all cool when it was a white bois club before those idpolls took over.
Face it. The logic of marxism and leftism is incremental, there must always be more oppressions, more devious manners of the bourgoise, more layers of deceith by capitalism.. and they're just way ahead of you.
and then the left wonders why they fail to gain any support from the majority of the working class,,
By this logic, aren't all political ideologies doomed by their own inertia to become lifestylism-driven wastes of humanity after achieving their foundational goals, rather than simply declaring victory and dissolving?
Ideology is identity, is psychology, is interest.. you can't separate them from us as a formula, a manifesto, a goal to be reached..
There will never be a post-ideological "and now we're done and can logically lead our lives" moment.
White people of Holla Forums
Stop being race traitors
Communism is an idealogy is deeply triggering and problematic
Black people will lynch as soon as you get into power
Join us!
mods are gods