what the fuck is going on here
Mfw I realise that *all* of the socialist organizations and parties where I live have been taken over by identity...
Other urls found in this thread:
Capitalism, what's it look like?
Leftism has become a movement of academic elites. There are no prominent leftists with a background in real work and unions. Instead, they all are rich cunts who have expensive degrees in elusive bullshit.
Also, probably because of soviet influence, all socialist countries and almost all socialist movements believe the socialism=government meme.
I think this is the biggest problem. Probably caused by the purge of actual leftists from prominent positions during the cold war leaving muh privileged academics to unsuccessful carry the torch. The only thing they've done is popularized champagne socialism that alienates the general population.
They need to be put to the torch. Literally.
I said it before, stop preaching to the choir, you need to go the deep south and brainwash some hillbillies into communism and unionize the coal miners or something.
Whilst the elitist Champagne socialist sit on their ass's all day whining about muh privilege
You're right and I've said the same thing, but it's easier said than done.
Cut the balls, when?
I think that we need to call it something else at this point. Everyone, including many political parties around the world, uses "socialism/communism" to say "capitalism but with free shit"
I agree. 'Socialism' and 'communism' send a vague message of collectivism and are ambiguous. We need a word that captures the essence of economic democracy.
… and then create yet another "anarcho-syndo-collecto-council leninism" type of label for the list.
Reclaiming the meanings of Socialism and Communism is a tough task but we have to do it.
No. Something that regular people can understand. Not an elitist snowflake term.
And you won't achieve it. Communism is dead for another 50-100 years. This century is the century of Globalism vs Nationalism, not Capitalism vs Communism. You are going to have to sit on your thumb for most of your life. You may aswell start supporting Globalism or Nationalism depending on which you think would lead to communism the fastest.
Why won't these damned white proles vote for me? All I want to do is annihilate everything they hold dear and ensure their children grow up as a hated, brutalized minority in their own homelands.
Damn it all! What can we do to make them see the light?
This is what bourgies want you to believe.
Here is an idea. Talk to them about socialism, without saying the word socialism. Say "we need a new system, that is like this and this".
This is basically what I do with my friends.
Actually you're wrong. It is globalism vs nationalism. With that said. Fuck global capital. So it's obvious which side I'm on.
but wait no one was fooled
This is just a fantasy invented by Holla Forums.
Ethno-nationalist movements are just another kind of id-pol bullshit which distract from the real solutions to the oppression of the working class.
A sexual fantasy
Now I understand.
Except when the wogs do it right?
This is leftypol, not r/socialism
real life european fascists would beat you down m8.
what drivel are you talking now lad?
irrelevant. Many here support shit like Islamic liberation and nationalism when it is employed against the west.
Its called bait
It literally is tho
But it clearly is.
But it is absolutely true that the proles are brutalized by the elites in their own countries. In western countries, those are mostly white people. In Japan, for example, it is mostly Japanese people. Most proles are patriotic in a capitalistic system because, psychologically, as a people who does not possess access to production, the vague idea of a country is the only thing they believe they have some sort of ownership over or stake in. Further, when conditions in a country worsen, the people of that nation are stuck with it, while the bourgeois class and academic elites can happily hop from country to country, hence, the working class has a self-preserving need to remain patriotic and defensive of their own communities and "nations." In a capitalist country they are forced into these positions as a matter of basic survival.
Holla Forums has the diagnosis wrong, but to just dismiss the brutalization that is happening to the working class, who are trapped in their own countries and being intentionally marginalized towards porky's ends does not tackle a very real reality they face as part of ongoing class oppression.
go on
They were not tkaen over, but directed towards this state of being.
You don't understand thetoothlessness of IDPOL and why it calls itself leftist even though it is not.
When you say something has been taken over by identity politics, what do you mean? Do you mean that the organization has started to focus on issues other than class, has lost its focus of bringing about socialism? Because it is not true that all groups do this. Or do you mean just acknowledges that some other identities play into class structure in society? Because that is really just fair and correct.
I know and hate that feel. You're in the US right OP?
I'm blaming the massive expansion of college education for the infestation of idpol among twenty-somethings, at least in America. Not that education has anything to do with it, but so many people spend so many years of their lives as students, isolated from the realities of working to survive and thus from the conditions conducive to developing class consciousness.
College students spend 4+ years of their lives living on borrowed money in a constructed environment of liberal meritocracy and economic equality that bears no resemblance to the outside world. Therefore, they are ignorant of class issues, dismissive of the proletariat, and focus entirely on the only differences they see amongst themselves, that of race, gender, sex, etc. as key points of struggle. That's why colleges are a cesspool of either idpol activists, or alternatively anti-SJW pro-capitalist libertarian types.
Marcuse was very wrong when he said students were a true revolutionary force, because they've mobilized themselves in an entirely counter-productive/reactionary fashion.
pick one
The more "radical" the socialist organization the more feministing articles are reposted in my experience.
And yes you are right, the right and left are infested with retarded discussion on capitalist-feminist shit.
Oh boy, perhaps this is where I tell the story again of how Socialist Alternative drove me out for not being a feminist.
Hell yeah
Well, in case anyone finds it interesting here goes.
So, there I was using my GI Bill and going to school. Being the good liberal, I always try to expand my mental horizons and get to know the positions of people I disagree with. I see Marxist Theory offered, and take it. The class goes on, and I become just more embroiled with internal strife. First we read "On The Jewish Question", and I just could not come to terms with the ideas Marx was offering. I've never encountered a real challenge to my definitions of political freedom, and never been so conflicted with something that totally came to shatter what freedom really meant to me.
We moved onto "The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts", and it was then I became a communist. Hearing about the world that was possible, the humanity being sapped from us by the modern world. Boy, by the time we had passed over "The German Ideology" and "Capital V. 1", I was totally enthralled. I still fought it every time I walked out of that class, thinking there was no way I would be agreeing with murderers and dictators (still holding onto some ideology here). But even then I was challenging if anything I had ever learned about politics was stained by my relations to the means of production. Everything about my political identity was melting, and I was slowly accepting that by this time, I really knew nothing. Except that capitalism had to go, as well as the fact that philosophy is a hugely important part of understanding life generally speaking (as opposed to the modern day in which philosophy is kind of looked at as disconnected and a pointless thought exercise).
So, I reached out to /r/socialism. Talked some theory, got confronted with feminism almost immediately and before I knew it I was banned for questioning the /r/socialism party line on something inane, I think it was arguing that there are biological differences between males and females. Go figure to be banned for something so ridiculous. But as most of you know I yearned to talk about these things with someone else. I wanted to really do something, you know? Or at least talk about that shit. So I eventually found Holla Forums, and became quite at home here. Even posted a couple articles on bunkermag, but gave that up since I felt my school lagging behind a bit. Anyway, I still yearned for something else. So, I google'd around a bit and found an article about Kshama Sawant. Here was a group on the rise, right? Here was a group who had elected someone! I had worked in politics before this, so I was envisioning something where I could offer my insight and help some comrades really do something worth doing in real life beyond message boards. I was fucking excited as shit.
So, I email them and meet up a member and immediately agree to meet a member for coffee. I learned later that this was about their one and only test, pretty much as quoted the "is this person an asshole" test before you can become a member. I talk with the guy about how much I want to help socialism, how I was caught up in my theory and wanted to immediately begin working. So, I did. I began attending branch meetings, attended some of their rallies and handed out fliers while talking to people on the street about what socialism was. I didn't really feel like I fit in completely there because I'm a pretty athletic dude who used to bar-tend, so I'm pretty personable with most people. But a lot of the people especially the younger ones near my age (twenties) seemed to have a problem talking with people without appearing unusually nervous. I don't know man, I could connect with a million people who swung by my bar but many of the comrades seemed to be either the low key dude who ate lunch by himself in high school (nothing wrong with that btw, I just grew outta that thanks to life I guess) or pic related who also seemed to just be pretty vapid when not mentioning some vague position on politics.
Having an okcupid profile was one of the most miserable experiences I ever had in my life. So many girls that appeared to be communist at first glance…
See, this is exactly why I bemoaned the lack of a leader who shared our views. Ancoms are completely alienated from the modern left through no fault of their own.
I… I just want to feel like I'm not the last member of a dying species…
So I'm attending branch meeting and what not. The whole of Socialist Alternative starts dabbling over the issue of whether or not to throw in lots with Bernie Sanders or not. Should we go full socdem and attempts to garner some membership by reaching out to some inevitable socialist element in Bernie's movement or stay away from that and build organically. Member bulletins go out, and this is just my opinion but the higher powers seemed to be strong arming the organization into supporting Bernie, and eventually the decision was made to start a parallel movement for Bernie under the Socialist Alternative banner to do exactly what I had just mentioned: garner possible socialists and members from the Bernie movement.
It was around this time that I had my fatal encounter with idpol that eventually lead to my termination with the organization. Now, before I begin into this event keep in mind that I have no problem with fighting for the liberation of my female proletarians from capitalism. Their liberation is included in the eventual goal of liberation of all proletarians of all forms of human life from the chains of capital. However, this does not mean I believe in lone monopolization of oppression for females of anyone else. It was with this in mind that I encountered some straight misandry at one of my first rallies supporting SALT and their booth. It was a Martin Luther King Day rally, and I support Dr. King and lament the "de-radicalization" if his message which obviously refers back to capitalism as the real problem with racism and society at large. I (a Hapa guy) grew up with black folks all my life as neighbors, relations and family that I have today. So before anyone hops on my wagon for being anti-idpol I still believe in the communists fighting against societal ills like police brutality and violence. I just believe that asking for concessions from a government set up in the interests of the capitalists will never bear fruit, and turning over the means of production is literally the only cure for our problems, or at least the only thing we can do that will set up for our eventual departure from capitalist slavery.
I digress. I can talk all day about this shit. Anyway, we meet some members from a sister branch from a close by municipality and I get introduced to these comrades who were female. We're shaking hands, greeting. The guy who introduced me suggested me becoming a member of that sister branch since they were much lower on membership than we were and the city wasn't any farther than the one I drove to to be apart of my branch's organization. She responds, probably lightheartedly but even so it seemed to strike me the wrong way that "No! We don't need any more boys, we need women!". Why did this strike me the wrong way? Two reasons. One, you can't be referring to me as a fucking boy when you clearly used the adult form of pluralization in the next breath. Two, I thought we were all comrades here shedding our identities to help the collective? They were painfully low on membership, something like single digits and they said that? The statement ran contrary to their problem which is they couldn't get enough actual bodies to hunker down and focus on getting new members. it didn't make sense to me, but I didn't say anything.
Anyway, during this time the whole Bernie shit was going on and I bit my tongue (I didn't want to lose the organic nature which drew me in, as well as not get involved with the Democratic Party) as the leadership seemingly sold out to throw in their lot with Bernie's possible victory and garner membership as it happened. It seemed opportunistic, and it seemed like they were committing an egregious error compromising the nature of their organization for short term success. I worked in politics before, and it was just my hunch. But I knew a lot of other people disagreed as well, and yearned to find some kind of online forum to discuss this with other members. Either that, or pitch my idea to leadership about setting up an online forum to garner membership organically through interaction and debate.
Soon, we were due for a joint branch meeting in which people from every branch in the nearby municipalities would meet up. Since I presumed this was a socialist organization and that I would at least get a chance to air some of my concerns out, I prepared a statement for myself so I could do that in order that when the debate about Bernie began I could at least share my view without stuttering and wasting people's time. I also prepared a small side statement about the comment I had heard (shared above) above and how we should steer the organization and recruiting strategy away from identity politics and towards people's disillusionment with the political establishment in general (my area is known for crony politics).
Well fuck me, the meeting comes along and little did I prepare for this one. One of the opening statements was about how we should prioritize leadership positions for person's of color and women. Now, this is what made me do a double take when I heard this opening statement. The first is my military background. Napoleon was really onto something when he opened leadership up to non-nobleman. Its because pre-selecting leadership does nothing but give you ineffective leadership. You're going to promote people to leadership positions in the party merely due to their given race and gender and not due to the good the individual can do for the organization as a whole? That's straight dumb, and panders completely trading away the effectiveness of the organization in exchange for idpol points. I say this as someone who is considered a person of color myself, and grew up disadvantaged as fuck as well.
Anyway, the meeting comes around and I eventually give my statement on Bernie, and I ended with the side note detailing my feelings on how we shouldn't let identity primarily drive recruiting or leadership decisions. That is all I had said, very plainly at the end that I didn't think a person's orientation, race, sex or gender should play into how we dole out leadership positions and the effort we place on recruiting people especially since we were so under strength compared to any real political organization around us. Boy, you wouldn't believe the looks on people's faces when I said that. Since we spoke on stack, I couldn't even respond to people's misshapen response on what I had said. By the time the stack returned to me somehow I had advocated a position that ignored women and was ignoring women's oppression, despite that being completely untrue.
After the meeting ended, I was approached by the senior member who had opened with an emphasis on giving leadership and recruiting effort toward women anbd persons of color. I assured him that I was a disadvantaged person of color myself, and again that I opposed a move on pragmatic grounds as well as a general position on egalitarianism. He nodded, and that's when I thought that was the end of that. A few people approached me and even said they agreed with my ideas about doing programs like the Black Panther's breakfast and clothing programs to help the city's numerous homeless and poor to not only help people but bring people to the movement with a show of solidarity. Many who had seemingly misunderstood me in their responses came to talk as well, and some of them even agreed with my position after some conversation and assurance that I surely do support women's liberation.
Sometime after that joint branch meeting we had a regular branch meeting in which we again discussed Bernie. Following this meeting I approached one of the branch leaders and pitched out some ideas for webforums, outreach and general suggestions for the organization I thought could be useful for growth. She listened for a bit, and then just told me to shoot her an email. So I did, and it was a pretty long one about things I thought I could help with or suggest to help make the organization stronger. Shit like general suggestions that the organization seemed to be lagging behind in, lots to do with local outreach ideas as well. She responded with the email outlined in pic related, and I responded in the affirmative thinking it was just a general and longer introduction into the organization and its long history. I never really did get a real sit down and chat with anyone about their organization proper, so I thought that's what it was going to be.
The branch meeting actually turned out to be an event we threw for guess who, Bernie again. I stood by, talked with people afterwards in groups about how we should recruit locally. I threw out some ideas about twitter, working with local rappers who really care about the events happening in our city, yada yada. After the meeting though I meet with those two branch leaders in a local park, again pretty unaware thinking it will be a routine "so why did you choose SA, what do you hope to accomplish here, and so and so". As we sat down and they began, they almost immediately got to the point. "How do you feel about feminism"? I responded in the same way that I responded to the anfem that keeps shitposting up Holla Forums recently. I told them it was divisive, and created space between socialists where there didn't need to be any. All in all, I said capitalism oppresses us all and we could only end oppression with the abolition of capital and class. I told them how to me, defeating capitalism was the immediate goal for socialism and nothing else can really change anything short of that.
"So, you think men are oppressed under capitalism?".
They laughed in my face. I followed up (and here's the onion) and asked them if they knew who Thomas Sankara was. They replied no. I mean, that's reasonable I guess because not knowing something isn't a crime. I explained a little about him, and quoted the statement from Thomas Sankara saying how women hold up half the sky and how of course I support the liberation of women alongside the emancipation of every human man, woman, purple or orange.
"HA! I hold up half the sky and receive only seventy six cents that a man receives for the same work!".
I shit you not, that was the reply.
This is worth a screencap or two
In fact, I'd call this text 'intro to leftypol'
"A fair day's wage for a fair day's work"
To sum real quick, I don't have a problem with radical feminists at all. You do you, fight for the revolution with me and lets take the first step for you and everyone else by abolishing capitalism. But the problem here wasn't radical feminism at all, it showed its head with the regular liberal feminism you see everywhere in modern society masquerading as leftism. Not only was it a divisive element, it was the worst of divisive elements deciding the fate of the branch.
I am not an MRA but men also face oppression under capitalism that shows itself in depression and suicide rates. I also know that combat arms occupations in the military are made up overwhelmingly by males and they in turn receive the brunt of combat and the residual effects of it (not to mention civilians of all ages and genders who also have to suffer through the residual effects of combat). Men are oppressed by capital in ways unique of women, but they both are intertwined in the sense by capital being the cause of both their woes. I explained this.
"Right, and this is the cause of patriarchy, how can you not see that?"
I couldn't fathom what I was hearing. I tried to reply. It was 2016, my own experience as a man growing up sharing stories and knowing other men (as well as the fucking statistics about male rape and what not) just cannot jive with the idea of a society made to benefit males or are controlled by males. I could see how the society of the past was made to fit a male image, made and controlled by males (muh male inheritance laws and women are housewives bullshit being propagated). But to continue with that tired ass shit in 2016 in the face of oppression…that is why intersectionality fails. I mean, where does Beyonce fit on the oppression scale as a black woman? You cannot make broad statements about oppression like that and act on it as well thinking it can prove true like that. I did my best to explain that, and was laughed at by all of them.
"We're just not sure if you're a good fit with us if you can't agree with us here".
"Well then let me say one last thing. I'm still here willing to work with you, put in the work like I have been doing. I pay dues, I carry shit around when we set up and tear down at rallies. I'm ready to continue working for women and men of the working class to liberate us from capital. That is how I feel. But if you don't want me because of this, then so be it I guess."
Pretty much how I said that, and how that all went down. That was how I, even though I was down to put in the work and work alongside them was pushed out of Socialist Alternative by feminists (liberal ones at that). That is a story about how these false socialists on /r/reddit view solidarity and working together. Take it as a lesson of a few things in general from my experiences with Socialist Alternative:
My particular lessons for all of us from my experience with them.
1. Communists here need to get in the gym, and head to a bar to start talking to people. So many of the folks I worked with in SA were nice but to be fucking really plain, they were antisocial as fuck in general and it really showed. My SO came out to a rally once and said to me after "a lot of these people are kind of…weird". There's nothing wrong with weird, I'm weird as fuck if you get to know me. But you can't be driving away potential communists with your fucking long ass leather coat and noticeably and disgustingly oily hair. You need to have good conversation skills to win people over, and then get into their minds with a bit of working class mantra. You can't just shout MARX, and THEORY at people and tell them to READ ZIZEK. We need comrades who look presentable, speak well, are comfortable with people to begin the work of converting those near us in our social circle.
2. Feminists of the sort I talked about. They won't work with us, because in the end their goal is not universal liberation but temporary liberation of the immediate sort even at the expense of the proletariat in general. Communists need to shed their identities at the door and work together as one body, one mind. We can't divide ourselves and play the "who is more oppressed" game, because we already know intersectionality has failed and just because someone is a person of color may not mean they are more oppressed than a down in the dirt white trash trailer dweller. Their RELATION TO THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, their fucking class. The amount of scrilla they are working with. Are they fucking poor? This is where oppression comes from, and overthrowing capital will remove the weapon with which the bourgeoisie abuse us with. We must band together and remove idpol from us, comrades, or we will surely perish along with the movement.
3. We can fight idpol, and still fight for every comrade among us. We can fight against pic related, while still realizing that the police menacing the hood is powered by capitalism and nothing else. We can still fight against rapists like Brock Turner and the crooked system that gave that fuck six months. Every pain felt under capitalism is shared in communism, and fuels our fire to overturn the one thing oppressing us all: capitalism. Never let these ledditors and false socialists paint Holla Forums as anything other than true communists who shed their identities at the door to take up the mantle of the proletariat.
That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading.
CORRECTION: This is the best part. That woman didn't say
What she did say was:
It infuriates me thinking about her bucktooth smile as she laughed at her little quip on Sankara. That's it. Thanks for reading.
I feel bad for you user. The worst thing about liberals is when they play pretend left
Ironically they've been for attacking Israeli students lel
This is why we can't have nice things
I studied politics and went through my entire period at uni not really learning about marxism and assuming all commies were retards.
In my honours year I took the time to research it myself without any outside influence and here I am.
They really fucking spoil it. They are well known at my university for being annoying cunts.
And they are the ones who will give people the idea of what marxists are like
Is this too ugly?
The socialist alternative are a joke but, weirdly, the socialist appeal (bloody people's front of Judea) are some of the most non-idpol socialist organizations around. I mean they are still interested in women's rights movements and racial issues etc, but I once had a conversation with a female member of their org who said that gender or race based quotas "positive discrimination" was bullshit, and basically the kind of arguments I tend to see them make on these issues come back to a class analysis every time
Porky controls the media, porky controls the culture.
REvolution wont ever come, because technology and politics will never let the pot boil over, they play, trying to get it as close as they can but, in the end, the game is entirely on their hands to go too far.
I think we are past the point at which most powerful countries will develop material conditions that breed enough discontent.
Everything is in the hands of the media now , IDPOL is an example of that.People outright discard reality and immerse themselves in fictional crusades.
These people are validated by their fellow delusional peers and the media organizations, happy to provide an environment for this insanity, in exchange for cozy status-quo relationships and a literally captive audience, now unable to live without their daily dose of bullshit.
Meanwhile, in the real world, we see technological improvements subjugated or outright discarded according to the whims of capital.
If replicators and near-free energy sources were perfected tomorrow we wouldn't see any significant change in classes.The capitalists would generally move to a "licensing" scheme, enforced by the usual means and production/licensing would be throttled to preserve as much as their profit as possible.
Our advances in psychology and biology along with communication technologies make it so each generation gets inducted stronger and deeper into the dogma of their owners, while enveloping everything else in a veil of disinformation, with increased efficiency.You cannot win a guerrilla war on culture anymore.
There is no future, at least not a future you will be able to understand from outside the greasy mass of bullshit.
It's times like these that make me glad I will die in less than 70 years.
Most people who are that deep in the hole of idpol don't even consider themselves left-wing. To them there is their circlejerk and everyone outside of it.
Though decent guys like RDW are academic so, eh.
So what exactly is "real work".
Thankfully the system produces huge amounts of alienated people. And many whom are influenced by the media. Or somehow disenfranchised. And they react accordingly. Many of them shut themselves away from the world. Maybe connecting with them, making them connect back to society and realize what is going on and what responsibility do they have once they get acquainted with the philosophy of historical and dialectical materialism.
Many of them simply lack the proper ways to think about the world and they instead turn to reactionary and elitist ideologies. That is if they don't go full liberal, where they believe that liberty magically falls from the sky.
Marxist materialism is not a rocket science, anyone can understand it.
Labour. The production of goods and services.
I got kicked out of my highschool liberal activism group for factually stating trannies are mentally ill.
No need to go full Milo tho
There's no reason to become an attention whore who panders to those they despise?
Well fuck, that sounds awful.
I agree at becoming more normie or chad. We're not going to get anywhere if we can't talk to working class guys without sperging out like retards.
Okay, so even if trans people were mentally ill, what was your point? That they should get more mental treatment instead of being allowed to do what they want with their bodies? The funny thing is though…they already get more of the former than the latter…
I have a hinting suspicion that you were being an asshole and got defensive about it (read: anxious to avoid criticism rather than support your point rationally). It's your "own fault", doubly so because you trusted liberals.
Wrong. Only a select few can, they are those whose job it is to lead the dumb masses of workers towards a society that benefits them in ways they can't even begin to comprehend.
I mean, here's the thing for me. I've been on various image boards and forums since I was hitting my teens, but I've also been a weird mix of jock and geek. I would box and hang out with friends, but then spend most of my other time at home gaming and meme'ing on /k/ and /fit/. Not everyone has that character history, and I do understand that.
But it ain't about getting to be more chad but merely acceptable to people. Its more about social capital. Communists have to start building it individually in order for us to pool it when we organize. I mean what it comes down to is that people DO judge you based on how you look, and the initial interaction you have with them. Getting them to laugh or be impressed at something about you within the first fifteen seconds is imperative to being able to win them over and get them to lower those walls that everyone has when meeting new people.
On a side note, being a dude who is successful with women and other people generally I always sort of resented the term of chad. Chads are assholes who use their social capital to push other people around, and is distinct from generally cool people who have social capital. *shrug*
Tocqueville paradox
I'm somewhat similar, in high school I was in a shitty punk band and spent most of my time doing drugs and fucking girls, but sometimes I'd just stay at home and play vidya. Got fit in college and haven't ever had a problem getting laid since. Granted I wasn't successful getting or keeping gfs, out of the four I've had 2 really fucked me up and my current gf is the only one I've really been able to open up to.
I get what you mean about needing to be more socially presentable, it seems a lot of leftists couldn't talk to others of their lives depended on it. Perhaps chad isn't the right word, but being a fit, and hopefully at least decent looking, person who can hold a conversation would be nice. I understand getting fit ain't a surefire way to accomplish that. But maybe it would give a confidence boost which in my experience really helps. I dunno man, I'm drunk and it's a problem that I don't have any idea on how to fix.
This thread just gets fresher every time it's posted.
Sage post for being off topic, but yeah man I totally feel you on the gf part. I was lucky enough to find an SO who while not being really that political can understand my own passion for socialism. Anyway, I was just telling her that there's always that one person that really marks a changing point in your life. The one that breaks you to the point where you have to rearrange yourself, and inevitably everything comes back together just a bit differently…but enough for yourself to know you've changed in a big way. I feel you on the sentiment man, I've had three major relationships in my life and one out of those three was the game breaker who fucked me up until now where I can hold a healthy, stable relationship.
And I'm glad you agree with my general statement. Remodeling the way you look often unlocks some self esteem that everyone has but perhaps hasn't discovered. And its first of all, self esteem that allows you to convey confidence when speaking so others can subconsciously at least trust someone that trusts themselves when they talk. Being drunk is not leading you off course at all, haha.
This triggered me so much.
Good enough comrade. Your laboring of this screencap is appreciated.
No but srsly comrades. Bash fash and roast porky when opportunities arise. That's all the proletariat asks of you. We're fighting a uphill battle and we need to set the stage for future generations to possibly continue fighting. ==Solidarity and Victory!==
Get some sleep comrade.
My mistake.
Spot the new friends :)
You think my story is pasta?
Lol you expect women to organize and be rational, TOP FUCKING KEK. If socialism is ever to succeed it will be by the labors of MEN. The women and everyone else who isn't a white man will need to be blocked from participating in the political process because they shit things up in exactly the manner you described.
Fuck off dude. The only people who feel this way are neck beards who've never really interacted with women. There irrational and unorganized men as well, who I definitely wouldn't associate with as much as I don't want to associate with those aggressive feminists I encountered with Socialist Alternative.
God I hate feminists. I totally agree with equal rights but they're always talking about two things:
Yes, most people who earn big money are men, but not all men earn big money ffs. And believe it or not but the media also uses propaganda to body shame men, why do you think everyone is so obsessed with going to the gym lately!? Feminists should really cut the crap and stop being hypocrits.
And why are we even talking about this because we should abolish all work and capital, and fuck body image propaganda, they just try to make you consume more.
And to be completely honest, I believe some people feel more like the opposite sex or are attracted to the same sex. But I really don't believe it's natural in the numbers we see today and I think culture and media play a big role in this.
It's fucking with people's minds.
For example, a lonely guy sees pretty women on (social) media, as sex symbols, getting a lot of attention. If that person is unstable (because our society is fucked up, surprise), he could start to wish he was a women.
I honestly believe that if we would live under communism or anarchy, we wouldn't have this amount of trannies and stuff like that. A part of it could be natural, but I believe a bigger part is cultural.
TL;DR: Fuck all identity politics
I'd consider myself a feminist, and I never talk about those things.
But feminism is about equality :^)
If you are for equal rights, I've got some news for you. You're a feminist, friend :^)
If you agree with me on one thing, I get to tell you what you are :^)
Repeat after me: I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist, I'm a feminist :^)
can you not
I know right. I'd totally consider myself a socialist, but I'm for the simple stuff, you know? Free college, public health care n' stuff. None of that means of producing, whatever that means.
Also, if you believe in personal responsibility and work, I've got news for you, you're a conservative :^)
Most people are conservatives, they just don't know it :^)
And if you believe in human rights and personal freedom, I've got news for you, you're a libertarian :^)
Most people are libertarians, they just don't know it :^)
Don't put a label on yourself. Just preach for what you believe in.
Women have disadvantages
Men have other disadvantages
Be for equality on ALL fronts
Feminists tend to only speak about their own disadvantages, making them hypocrits imo
It's like being for racial equality and calling it 'blackism'
That's just theory.
In theory, I would be a feminist too.
I shouldn't have generalised ofcourse, but I'm talking about modern, Tumblr-tier feminists who are too obsessed with their own personal problems that they don't even acknowledge the real problem.
For example: thet would cry the media body shames women, but don't say the media does this to EVERYONE.
Or they complain about jobs but don't say anything about jobs where women are favoured.
Does everyone get the point now?
Btw why even call it feminism instead of equalism?
Modern feminism is cancer and devides people even more. And this is coming from fullblood Holla Forumser
You never talk about that crap but do you still believe in that nonsense?
I am guessing he's talking about bourgeoisie feminism. SJWs and the like. I'm pretty sure we're ALL talking about bourgeoisie feminism. I would like to assume that all of us here naturally accept the rights of everyone in the struggle to achieve communism, we just want to concentrate more instead on more important issues.
I think this is on point. Do we think getting the proletariat to buy into a sense of helping out their neighbors is an acceptable mid-term compromise we can make towards lifting the whole global working class up?
I think this is very interesting. I mean, is this the best case scenario for middle class kids who probably would be the guard against leftism change in most universes? (College definitely skews towards the middle class, who as far as I can tell is pretty anti-revolutionary historically speaking)
What is your opinion on the Black Panther Party?
Imo they were a hugely respectable and revolutionary movement against the injustices of capitalism. Blacks should be proud of their history with the far left in America instead of being ignorant about their own history. If not for Reagan and his neoliberal muck, blacks would be in a much better place.
BLM is a terrible ideological successor. Niggers need to embrace the far left once again
prickly pls
I agree with this. I've actually been hanging out at my local arcade and I happened to meet a guy there. We started talking about shmups we liked and hit it off, and Bernie Sanders came up. He supported him (and I generally do), but I said it wasn't enough to fix the underlying causes of what was wrong.
Now we're pretty good friends and I've been lending him stuff to read and talking with him about leftism.