Let's have our first cosplay thread of 2017. Let's start by posting QT cosplay girls.
Cosplay thread 2017
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I didn't know we had cosplay threads here.
In remembrance of Carol Danvers before she became a massive cunt.
Please tell she does porn
Don't have the faintest, downloaded this years ago.
I think she went into uncanny valley, but I like creepy.
Well where else would they be? /cgl?
8ch /cgl/ is dead and cuckchan /cgl/ is nothing but that stupid lolita shit.
I just didn't know we hosted cosplay pics thats all
You know you're dealing with a literal newfag when he doesn't use Holla Forums's full 5 image post system.
Damn how did they make that Gwen pool costume look so shiny?
Bleh. I suppose cartoons doing cosplay counts too.
It was probably the angle the picture was taken or some special tissue.
Ah thanks user it looks beautiful. I guess this is why Spider Gwen was created wasn't she?
No, the character was written to be a CURRENT YEAR stronk independent womyn. The lewds of her were actually not intended and they trigger her author and fans a lot, which is a nice plus.
Guess what It's a man baby!
Christopher Robin Robin?
That would make Cyborg Pooh and Garth Piglet.
Wait then why are sexy women cosplaying as her? Are they not fans?
Do you want to see more pics? of him?
Does anyone know where someone uploads cosplay deviants photo shoots?
Is this what you were looking for dubs? cosplaydeviants.com
No because I have to pay 15 dollars a month for that, but thank you for trying fellow dubs.
You were a newfag once
Unfortunately, I could only find one cosplay of Queen Tyr'ahnee.
Could you not taint the image of my waifu to me?
Sure how do I edit my post so its spoilered?
Okay I deleted it. Should I still post it up and have it spoilered?
I want to smell and hear her farts
Still the best
Bro, do you even Man-Faye?
A lot of the times cosplayers dont bother reading what they cosplay as, they just go with the current fads.
That being said, SpiderGwen cosplays are divided into 2 categories, one are the actual fans of the character (a minority) and the other are people that cosplay as her because the costume is well known and liked among a good portion of "nerds"
That young Vidalia has a damned perfect wig. The rest of it is just closet cosplay, but still good.
And a few just to remind you of the bad old times
I don't know the first cosplayer, but the second one is MaidOfMight and the lesbian one is Ellie Christine.
I don't even like capeshit or cosplay but this made me realize how much I miss the old spidergirl costume, fuck.
Don't you mean spiderwoman?
Thats oddly fitting.
Face is kinda weirding me out.
I can see that. The eyes are a bit far apart.
Why is it that cosplayers do a better job of portraying characters than the movies do?
How did they fit someone inside that MODOK costume?
Imagine the lulz if someone were to put up a sign like that at Comicon when no one was looking.
Damn, I used to waste hours on half/cgl/ reading con horror greentext. Any chance of some of them?
That's adorable
Can't say i do
None of those are good
Yes, yes she is. Looks like a fusion of Candy and Mabel.
She really pulls it off
How so?
Bit late to resond, but try e hentai and sad panda.
People reguarly upload cosplay sets, both lewd, explicit and non-nude.
ty friend
Have some Wonder Woman guys.
All of those were better women suited for Wonder Woman than the current actress.
but at the rate you are going you'll never stop being one
Agreed do you think Valerie Perez could make a good wonder woman?
I'll pitch in what I have.
Damn those are badass.
They really are, third one is pretty good too.
Better one than the current one.
Not sure if it really counts
It doesn't. Likeā¦ not at all.
I try to occasionally tolerate 4ch's /cgl/, but the last time I was on it, I dumped a ton of DB/DBZ cosplays and people kept posting terrible ones and then complaining that all the good ones, even just basic ones that happen to be nice, are 'try hard.'
fuck off
You're not very bright, are you?
the third pic is the only normal one. What was the 1st one? Some african cult or something?
Jesus Christ, you've metastasized.
That's a pretty good kim.
Same chick in all photos apparently
How about some OG Harley Quinn cosplay?
Ah I knew that first one look familiar.
Have some Powergirl. inb4 Powergirl autist shows up.