why can't we live in a world where windows is approved by Holla Forums?
Why can't we live in a world where windows is approved by Holla Forums?
Fuck off shill.
How am I shilling? I'm just being honest, why can't we live in a world where windows is not corrupted and insecure, thus being approved by Holla Forums?
Only windows-like OS that could be approved by Holla Forums is React OS. Proprietary software can not be Holla Forums approved. What would Stallman-sama think of us?
GPL3 license and no EEE practices would get it approved by me.
because everything should be open source and no-one should be allowed to make money from the sweat of their brow and the program code that they spent years working on that they want to protect and not have it stolen by someone else to make money from their programming skill and time.
Sure, I'll approve it. Just give me a look at the source.
Well said comrade.
All software should be free software.
Neither the GPL or RMS prevent you from making money off free software. The only rule is, you sell software in binary form you must give the source code with it also.
what a surprise
if anything stallman isn't radical enough. we don't support cuck licenses here on Holla Forums. GPL or nothing
Speak for yourself, I support those a lot.
This is obviously bait but I'm having fun so f:
That is taken away freedom, the GPL allows anyone to do this.
And also how much normies do you know, who knows what's a compiler ?
Because you can surely be bigger than MS or Redhat nowadays.
You surely will have a hundred good working employees, that either won't be MS plants or CIA plants.
Do the work you can do user you can't hep the whole world even tho the world needs less pajeets and more Wizards.
It's a little different than that.
Yes you have to share the source code to the ones you give the binary.
But it is to you to choose the support it can be cd, paper etc...
But there is a small exception to that.
If you publish your binary to the public (aka the internet) then you also have to publish the source code to the public.
Well he does compromise for better cooperation with other projects.
It is to remember that people didn't even know who was RMS at the beginning.
Most people did know Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel.
And since RMS was pretty frustrated about that and he was very insisting on mailing lists he lost even more trust because most people didn't understood the purpose of the licensing.
RMS always had difficult time expressing himself when angry or confused
I don't think we need to be "radical" to respect freedom with each other.
The true radical ones are companies like apple or google who are purging GPLv3 licensed software because otherwise they would have to let people have control of their shit.
I personally will never endorse a non GPLv3 license.
But if I have no choice to use a permissive license I will use it until I have a similar piece of software under GPL.
Do you understand that permissive licenses are the reasons why people can't have a android OS that isn't full of DRM ?
Or that minix3, which is under BSD, is the kernel of the malware that is the Intel management engine ?
IIRC, the license only requires you to make the code available to the users. You could, technically, set up an email account and send the source code to clients who ask for it.
Even if it is gplv3 I would still not use it.
The linux and bsd ecosystem is just too /comfy/ to let go.
Even seL4 has a shell eviroment that is more integrated into the OS than Windows.
Its called ReactOS, it just needs to get to a point inwhich you can play modernish vidya.
Windows is corrupted by design you stupid cattle. How about you fuckoff to >>>/g/ instead.
We already do.
Because the Windows of our world took a bad path. Had Gates made moral decisions, maybe Windows wouldn't have been bad. The Gates of our world is corrupt though, and therefor so is Windows, and thus unapprovable by Holla Forums
I don't get why we can't use permissive licensed software. Just don't use any of the proprietary forks of the software. Also you can fork a BSD/MIT/ISC licensed program and license it under the GPL.
Yeah, but what happens after the first sale huh? What's stopping your work being stolen? Yeah it's not technically stolen but we all know that it's stolen. Someone will go and make it free and take all your money.
I don't want to directly help the proprietary software distributors by letting them fork my software into proprietary software. If they want to study my software to learn from it, that's fine but they have to do the hard work of writing their own proprietary software implementation of my software.
Its not bad to use permissively licensed software, it should just be bullied for using a cuckold liscese.
If you've made your profit from that one sale, then there's no problem. I don't care if my customer chooses to redistribute the software I wrote him at his own expense, I've already made my profit.
Companies pay for support
If someone uses the program without my written permission it encrypts important files and asks the user to make a small donation to my bank account.
Windows is shit.
Take a look at this retard and laugh.
Microsoft forbids its users from looking at the source code, so a Windows user is forced to have faith that Microsoft isn't making her computer do things that she would not consent to if asked. Microsoft systematically violates the faith of its users.
Free software legally binds the developer to a promise of never violating the user's freedom to view the source code.
Microsoft also violates the other three of the four essential software freedoms. For example, users of Microsoft's software are forbidden from selling or giving away copies. Through legal arm-twisting and extortion, Microsoft puts artificially high prices on licenses to use its software.
Free software, in contrast, lets the free market determine the price for the distribution and redistribution of software. Sharing copies of software tends to cost close to nothing beyond the price for electricity and internet service, so the free market tends to price the redistribution of copies of software at zero.
'pirating' proprietary programs has the same effect. And you're not obligated to distribute libre software for free.
I hate retards like you.
Same shit applies to proprietary software.
You are shit.
when you read a book do you have access to the person who wrote it or the pen/typewriter/computer that they used? how do you know they didn't implant freedom destroying microchips or tiny microscopic bugs that send your location to the nsa?
That covers only two of the four essential software freedoms. You failed to mention 1) the freedom to use the program for any purpose and 2) the freedom to sell or give away copies of your modified versions.
I know they don't because what you say is impossible.
Powerful magnet. Or just take pictures of the pages. Or just read it at the library.
You can, retard. It's called labo-tomy OS
you know that most computer printers print whatever paper you use with a ,invisible to the naked eye, code that lets agencies or whoever has access to a tool able to reveal the code have knowledge on where the paper was printed from and what type of printer was used?
even paper is compromized
Only color printers. Black n White is safe.
And who needs color anyway. Monochrome masterrace.
What stops proprietary software from being stolen? Denuvo worked for awhile but not anymore, you can't stop piracy.
You're more shit FECK ARSE DRINK GIRLS
No I'm not.
The thing about Holla Forums is that everyone is a LARPing kid undergrad who has never written any code. Most companies use Windows to develop, and a lot of tools available from hardware vendors are written in .NET. Why, you may ask?
Because the quality is much better. I mean, on Linux, you write your programs with some kind of colorful notepad, at best in a subpar IDE like Code::Blocks or Eclipse, and as a result they end up being full of bugs, while also being a time consuming process. On Windows, you have Visual Studio, which has Intellisense and Team Services integrated right into it. It's an IDE by the real world, for the real world.
Same with the Windows API. Hacking together a simple app is very easy in Windows, even if you're foolish enough to do it in C++, but on Linux you never know where to begin. Is it an X window? Do we use GTK? Qt? What is the style going to be? And then the code ends up being a mess and a headache.
All in all, Windows in a superior OS for programming, and the opinion of Holla Forums is irrelevant.
A few Xerox printers actually did this back in 2006, they printed serial numbers and a timestamp in almost invisible yellow color on each paper.
I'm taking bait, here goes.
You cannot know that. Stop projecting.
Because Microsoft has a monopoly and vendor lock-in?
Why does it matter what kind of IDE/editor you use? A good programmer can code in whatever and still not have bugs, it depends on experience.
I find neovim to be easier to code in than most.
You must be shitposting. Win32 is the bane of existence of Windows programmers.
Exactly, hacking together, not making one properly.
The only part of this post that I agree.
You just look at your options and use it. You want to create a single small thing with not much GUI but more custom rendering, you go pure X11. You want to create a GUI but want to use C, you go GTK. You want to program complex GUIs effectively, you go Qt.
That's not related to programming but to design.
Same with Windows, code doesn't become spaghetti just because it's written in a Unix environment.
Only if you use Microsoft's products, goy.
Every opinion is just that, an opinion. There is no such thing as an objective opinion. There is, however, a consensus, and it may be irrelevant for you.
Please stay in #Holla Forums.
Not the user you responded.
It goes further than that.
Microsoft cloned the way that adobe made it's entry into the graphic world.
meaning that MS invested shit tons in schools to make people learn their shit language implementation and other product.
Thus reinforcing a lot the dependencies on proprietary tools/software.
Freedom 1: Your freedom to study and modify the program's source code.
Freedom 2: Your freedom to use the program for any purpose.
Freedom 3: Your freedom to sell or give away exact copies of the program.
Freedom 4: Your freedom to sell or give away your modified versions of the program.
Did you respond to a baiting tripfag seriously?
The first, FIRST thing for it to happen would be removing a literal Telemarketing Degree Pajeet from the company's most important post.
Secondly, you would have to somehow make it that the company wouldn't be owned anymore by literal NWO people like Bill Gates and his "humanitarianism".
Thirdly, you would have to FIRE all Pajeets, Chincks, SJW, and DESIGNERS from there and start rehiring Engineers. But real engineers, obese/anorexic fucks who know nothing about life but coding.
Fourthly, remove every kind of botnet/telemetry/backdoors from the OS and make the source code Open Source. They already patented it, no one is gonna fucking steal it.
Fifthly, burn W10, Edge, Windows Mobile to ashes and make a new version already, call it Windows Nyanko and make it pretty and functional, no "Modern", "Metro" garbage.
If that happens, we can talk.