Finish watching The Great Wall

Now let me go online to check what other people thought about it.

Man, fuck these pretentious critics. Fuck them back to hell and back. If there's no racemixing black guy + white female, or stupid leftist propaganda, or 2deep4 you messages, people aren't gonna be pleased. Fuck this world. This was a great action adventure movie and it deserved at least an 8 for it's genre. People can't have fun anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot, the story was pretty cool. It didn't add unnecessary shit backstories, everything just fit perfectly and it was simple to follow without being dumbed down.

Drumpf BTFO once again

lol, I forgot the possibility that some fags could literally be butthurt about the title. I won't rule out this possibility, among my other reasons.

Stop OP damon is a shitty actor who doesnt even try for a while now. But you're right I unironically enjoyed BATB

I agree, it was pure fun from beginning to end.


I just searched out more after I made this thread. It turns out that most people hate it because of "whitewashing." I had to fucking google that.

Well, what the god damn fuck? This movie is about european soldiers wondering into foreign territory, China, searching for black powder. How the god damn hell is this whitewashing? Not even it makes sense that they're european and casted as white actors, but it's fiction in the first place. How does this even make sense? Here's a spoiler **at the end, he doesn't even kiss the general. Just because the director would know it would piss off chinese people."

So it's not okay to have white characters play as europeans but it's 100% okay to have black people star in everything in hollywood, banging white blondes left and right, and being casted to play as white european characters? Fuck this world.

ignore the spoiler above, a typo fucked it up


It just pisses me off man. It's why we can't have more fun movies. They see that this won't sell and turn to making the usual pretentious cuck hollywood crap.

If this was a game, I would`ve played the hell out of it from beginning to end.

So long as it`s a good one that is.Seriously though, this has the potential for a videogame adaptation.

Someone please, please explain the logic on this one:


Ok, here's the definition.

I swear to god leftists are mentally retarded. This simply does not fit the definition of white washing, and it's not a historical movie, but inspired by history, because it has fucking videogame monsters.

don't give me ideas


Hey, you seem to be at the wrong board. No problem mate, you can go back to leftypol just by looking above. There's a popular board list on top of the screen.

I voted for Trump you seem to be a triggered faggot shitskin

Oh, no. I am triggered and you voted for Trump. You just BLASTED me, friend. How will I even recover? Let me tell you something faggot, for the last time. If you want cuckold porn, you have the leftypol board above. Just ask for it and they'll give it to you.

You are I voted for Trump you retarded fuck, stay triggered everyday by anything that upsets your fee-fees

Oh, you anonymous trusted person. You voted for Trump? Man, that just means that I am dumb and you blasted my arguments. And I am literally triggered and a shitskin! You know how to use big boy language too. If you're not a bot who just tries to emulate Holla Forums posters, I just feel sorry for you. There's nothing more disgusting in life than someone who tries his best to play mental gymnastics just to ask for black cuck porn.

Surely, white actors representing europeans is just the same exact thing as black guys fucking white women constantly in blockbuster movies, SURELY. You convinced me. Just say one more time how you voted for Trump on this anonymous board and I'll be convinced. Fuck off retard, I ain't replying to you anymore.

Every single time, impossible that someone with common sense could have voted for Trump and still wants to see him impeached

How old are you?

the average age of anyone on the internet that calls things shit 14-16

its ok to get tricked into voting for him, millions of people did, but if you're still unrepentant about it then you have a serious problem.

The Great Wall was a Yimou Zhang directed film. I was wondering how it was as I like Zhang's work. He directed the films Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Raise the Red Lantern. Those were pretty great.

No I voted because I didn't want Hillary. didnt want another clinton or bush

It's probably not nearly as food as any of those

some day you'll have to admit it to yourself. only a billionaire would vote for him logically.

That's what I've heard yeah. Shame really.


Its pretty simple, two party politics are a facade for fascism, theres nothing i can do then cast a vote against whomever I dont want

Probably because its budget and script making it into a chinese helms deep or battle of minis tirith type movie where its just extended action for 40 min

its literally the greatest kino to come out of hollywood in the last 30 years, plebs just can't comprehend its greatness.

That is propaganda. The Chinese are yellow jews.


did my facts hurt your feelings, kiddo?

no your idiocy

Why do journos/opinion writers/tumblrinas hate man-buns (literally just a bun), 'romphims', or basically any male fashion trend? It's written so dramatically too, I would be harassed if I said I thought women should never wear something and that it was 'literally the worst thing ever'. Confused """"""men"""""" wearing dresses and make-up is OK on that drag race show is cool though? Obviously criticism only applies to easy targets that are popular to trash among that in-group. Apologies for the /fa/ tier rant but I am eternally fucked off with spoilt obnoxious lardasses and their beta lapdogs that act like arbiters of culture, art, film, fashion and history when in fact they are uneducated normalfags that are not an authority on any subject

it was a rather boring action movie tbh, matda being the weakest actor in the film

awww, look at the drumpftsperg mad because he cant appreciate true kino like me!

Last time I heart a movie was "fun" in a imageboard, I ended up watching The Avengers and it was shit.

fun is a meme, movies arent supposed to be fun

I thought John Wick was fun.

well, you're wrong.


Why do you take the bait so easily, drumpfsperg?

Cool, I'll give it a shot.


[angry bugman noises]

Anything made by China will get trashed by muricuck reviewers, they are really scared of how fast chinese movie industry is growing.


It's really a petty reason. You know how women have no confidence about the things they wear and always try to look better than other women but are never really sure? You know how women say confidence is attractive in men? Men have complete confidence in themself and women see that, thus women see the men wearing traditionally women things (buns, 'romphims', etc) and they perceive them to look better than other women and themselves. They have to show they hate it to try and crumble any confidence in a guy who wears that specific thing

t. 'Manbun' haver

Color me not surprised.

Fuck you BernieBro and your tiny weenie

You guys just disgust me. The type of person who's only defense of hating a movie is ,"HEH, I BET YOU'LL LIKE THE TRANSFORMERS & CALL OF DUTY THEN" is just pussy shit. What's wrong retards, scared you might see a bit of manly action? Do you twinks just want drama and DEEP cuckolding?

Try this. Look at the reviews on imdb. Look for the scores that are above 8. See that almost all people agree with me that this movie is underrated and people have been bashing it for wrong reasons. I don't even like reviews, but something's fishy here. I suspect a lot of asians & leftards rated it shit while not even seeing it.


That picture lol

Why someone would want to subject themselves to such a nigger-filled community such as the FGC is beyond me. I don't care how competitive or how much you like you fighting games. Think of all the "yeah mufugga, bix nood" you have to put up with in the average meet up. Shit looks the fucking BET awards.

Damn that guy is pathetic.

It also got an amazing score of about 42% on metacritic. I can picture the cuck critic sitting in his pajamas drinking starbucks thinking that this movie isn't deep enough for him.

How hard are you shilling this glorified b movie my man, at least pic something kino

Do you honestly believe that I'm getting paid to mention that this movie is great? I know everyone here pirates it anyway, just like I did. I don't have money to buy movies.

Because it was even dumber than The Last Weaboo. Damon should not have been the main character.

Why do you care so much about Damon?

Imagine Tom Hanks as The Last Nigger on Earth.

Give me a break. Damon isn't that terrible, he just gets picked on because of Team America. Hard to take him seriously because of "MAAT DAAAMOOON", but still, he doesn't have a penis on his face, people are over-reacting.

I'm betting there isn't one story bringing up niggers in films/tv set in medieval europe.

lmfao smh tbh witeboi

He is referring to articles on that site probably, about how the critic is complaining about white actors in china, but no articles about niggers in medieval europe.

Manbuns are gay as fuck. Only ascetic Indian monks can pull that look off.

Great Wall is fucking shit and I'm surprised this thread got so many replies. People have shit taste.

Is your favorite movie 50 shades of gray?

Yes, especially the scene with ur mum in it.

And I was making a joke in parody of afrocentrists who believe that blacks ruled over medieval Europe, my excellent good sir *tips fedora*

Since the only people who have those ridiculous things seem to be left leaning, you'd think they'd be more supportive. Same for fedoras.

Japs and metalheads?

HK in average completely trashed Hollywood in the 90's, they just suffered the setback that mainland chink dragged them down for 10 years due to envy/muh gibs
Many 90's stuff in Hollywood were originally HK: Jackie Chan, Van Damme, John Woo, Reservoir Dogs' original script, plenty of movies being there (James Bond even)

Lefties also get mad if you have a white dude be the star of a story taking place in another culture.

Metalheads are hipsters now?

It was a generic copy/paste cgi action movie destined for the discount dvd bin before it was even made.
Visually it was cool the way Crunchy Tiger Herpes Dragon was, but beyond that it was shit.

heh, cuckservatives

OP btfo

stop samefagging

This is what a degenerate media does to you