Slipin jimmy is back and Saul's dad was a cuck so jimmy scams people to not end up a cuck like his dad
Slipin jimmy is back and Saul's dad was a cuck so jimmy scams people to not end up a cuck like his dad
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Can the showriters justify this level of chicanery?
The only way to save the show is more Kim.
Who was the guy in the desert that Mike dug up? It must be important because the metal detector scene was used to advertise the episode. More so than all the others which were way more important plot-wise. Is it the civilian Hector had killed? Also do you think they are setting up Chuck's death, have it tragically be when he is nearing recovery?
The last episode title is 'Lantern', so perhaps Chuck dies in a fire started by a gas lantern like was foreshadowed by Jimmy in the diner?
Almost certainly right on both points.
I hope they don't go that route with Chuck. It would be better if the lantern caused a fire but is the final piece to Chuck's recovery. Chuck goes on to get better, go back to work and even gets his ex-wife back. It would be better if Jimmy becomes Saul because he sees Chuck succeed and live the life than doing it out of some half-asssed respect for his late brother.
The Samaritan that tried to help the ice cream truck guy after Mike jacked him then Hector shot him/her in the face.
This was the best scene in this episode
>implying Vaas will not be discovered and killed (reason for why we don't see him in BB)
I forgot to memetext something
boring as fuck show
I don't hate them, they're just grossly unnecessary in a show what should be about Saul. Its pandering and isn't needed. They also add to the show's main problem; getting dragged out. We don't need three seasons to see how Mike ended up with Gus, we don't need three seasons to see how Jimmy became Saul Goodman, we don't need three seasons to see how Hector got a stroke.
Its a very padded and drawn out show, still a good watch but they could be doing so much more than what they are.
But man, this is the thing. I enjoy seeing the interactions of Mike and Gus. I do want to see how they get together. They are really important characters, just like Hector, and while you can just quickly advance the story, it would be anti-climatic. I do not understand the rush that people have to get this over this show as quickly as possible. This was the whole point of the show, backstories about how the characters became themselves in Breaking Bad. I'd normally say, quality > quantity, but it's well done even if the action develops slowly.
This would be the best ending to Series 3 by far. In the penultimate episode, Kim leaves Jimmy when she learns he has slipped once again and she's had enough. Wexler & McGill is dissolved and Kim tries to go back to Schweikert and Coakley, but is turned down.
Meanwhile, Jimmy in his rage against Kim hatches a plan to kill his brother. He plans to light a gas lantern to start a fire, which would look like an accident. He has Huell carry this out. He quickly regrets his actions however and tries to call Mike to reverse things. Mike is busy dealing with Hector and Nacho however and it goes unanswered. He next tries calling Howard. Howard doesn't believe him and calls him "Charlie Cuckle" before moaning intensely. We hear an audible pop before he hangs up, and it pans to Kim blowing Howard to get her job back at HHM and loving every second. Jimmy starts crying and the episode ends.
In the final episode, we see the Lantern light Chuck's house up in flames. Luckily, Chuck uses his extensive legal knowledge to disrupt the chicanery of the fire. He sucessfully sues the fire into submission. Chuck lights up his pipe as a distressed crying Jimmy bursts in. "You look a little heated" says Chuck with a sly grin. Jimmy begs for Chuck's forgiveness but it is too late. "You wanted to know if I would break any laws? How about the laws of nature!" cries Chuck as he aims force lighting at Jimmy's feeble form. It is revealed that Chuck had not only become immune to electricity, but emboldened by it, becoming a powerful wizard of electromancy. "Shocking isn't it?" he taunts.
The rest of the episode is Chuck getting back to HMM, reuniting with Rebecca and trolling Jimmy. The penultimate scene is a robed Chuck in the HMM lobby, winking to the audience as he drops a banana peel on the floor. An enraged Jimmy goes to confront Hamlin but slips on the peel and falls over. Chuck points and says "Guess you really are Slippin' Jimmy!" Everyone at HMM laughs. Chuck does a little dance which only further humiliates Jimmy. The final scene is a showdown between Mike, Hector and Nacho. Mike shoots Nacho in the back of the head to save Hector's life and then turns to the camera. "Ay dios mio! I better c-c-calllll Saul!"
lol, what the fuck man?
I mean, the show is called 'Better Cuck Saul'
No, it's, "Saul, Better Cuck." It implies that Saul is gonna cuck someone.
Saul actually references Nacho in his very first appearance on Breaking Bad, so he's alive in BB
This show is still on?
tfw Better Call Saul proved him wrong
He refers to him in PAST tense. "It WAS Nacho", this doesn't necessarily mean he's alive, just that Saul is trying to distance himself from something he did in the past.
I am hoping that he survives though as I enjoy his character, and it'd be sad to see him go.
He's not going to die unless they make it really unexpected. He'll likely give Hector the stroke, making him paralysed, Hector will never figure out it's him, and he will move to another territory by the time of Breaking Bad.
Depending on what the writers want, he may even help "Gene" in some way.
Shut up Turk!
What's the matter? Not enough explosions for you?
needs moar Betsy Kettleman
I've met people like Howard in real life and I'm just disturbed by how fake nice they are.
new episode is out. both Chuck and Jimmy are SQUEEZING H.M.M and Hamlin is breaking down and getting tired of the bullshit.
Some shit happened in ep 9
Where are the jimmyfags now? What's their explanation for this? Oh. Let me guess, Chuck lead him into doing this. The "whatever I do isn't my fault" mentality by proxy.
what jimmy did to the old lady was pretty terrible, but I don't see how kim overworking herself is anything but her own fault.
kimfags will defend this
Jimmy is completely saul goodman now which is what we have been waiting for since season 1 episode 1. Jimmy grew up in a town of scammers and had a cuck dad and dealt with his brothers bullshit. we see how with these factors changed him till he just says fuck it and goes full saul goodman.
Its more of the same. Jimmy has a waifu that would overwork herself for him, because of his screw ups.
Walt White was a complete idiot and everything bad that happens in his life is his own fault.
That was a dick move, even if he wanted everyone to get cash settlement (especially himself)
Jimmy is pure trash by this point, bullying old grannies for a quick buck. Here's hoping a few seasons down the line we get a flash forward to Slippin' Chuck who has broke bad taking a drive down to Omaha and blowing his loser brothers brains out all over Cinnabun, after he learns how he helped notorious criminal Walter White. It would be perfect - Chuck finally realising justice is his and his alone to dispense, and Gene is top of the list.
chuck is just as guilty. anyway thats not gonna happen based on where things seem to be going. HHM is going to go bankrupt and destroyed because of chuck. chuck's desire to screw over jimmy has actually run HHM's reputation to the ground. the BCS characters are probably dead or screwed over by the time of BB and kim just had her big screw moment just this episode along with hector taking the fake pills. shit is going down in the next episode and the consequences will never be the same again
What was more disturbing was how light-hearted the tone of the scene was, like it was all a big joke Jimmy was playing.
I can't wait. I am expecting at least one death. I don't know what will happen but I have a feeling Chuck will suffer a terrible fate, probably a fire, and that Mike will have to kill Nacho to spare Hector. That would tie both storylines together at least. Fuck knows what will happen with Kim.
Irene didn't deserve that. This was the first time in BCS where Jimmy did something unambiguously amoral, not just illegal but maybe some grey area kinda shit.
Poor Kim. She took on that second job because she knew that Jimmy is probably not good for the money. Her accident is all Jimmy's fault.
I honestly only watch it for Ehrmantraut.
The cartel story is boring and uninteresting. What can happen that we do not already know?
Why does everyone think what Jimmy did to get the old bag to settle was so bad? That lady was screwing everybody out of money, because she wasn't doing her due diligence as the case representative. She was gullibly acting as a patsy for the law firms, and not considering the interests of her friends, who would likely die before they got their money otherwise. What jimmy did was deceptive and sneaky, but was definitely the right thing to do.
You haven't been around the elderly much, have you?
The stuff with Nacho or Kim is the most interesting because we don't know what will happen to them or when.
She just wants friendship and comfort like anyone else. Jimmy took away both. Even if that's just temporarily, it's horribly cruel.
It seems this guy who will go to prison for you still hasn't showed up yet.
how is that relevant
if she wants "friendship and comfort" she shouldnt screw her 'friends' out of money that would 'comfort' them. The other old hags were totally right to be mad at her. Irene and HHM/Davis were in the wrong here, not Jimmy.
He might be a guy looking for legal representation that Jimmy keeps in his back pocket. Or someone from his Cicero days? This is a stretch but I think it would be interesting if Jimmy ends up in prison for a couple episodes and makes some criminal connections like Jimmy In and Out.
If Jimmy wanted the payment sooner rather than later and it was truly in the best interest of Irene and the residents, he should have convinced Clifford Main to do it. Or he could've asked Chuck if he could discuss it with Howard. But oh wait, he cut all ties with both parties with his destructive behaviour and now Irene suffers for it. I'm not even being biased, narratively Jimmy only starts doing this now because he needs money and his morals are slipping, not as a natural extension of the Sandpiper case.
Irene is going to cuck Jimmy out of the Sandpiper money by "following her heart", Kim will face serious serious repercussions from her overwork/accident and find out what Jimmy did to that old woman, never speaking to him again, and Chuck will die in a fire. Cut back to "Gene" managing a Cinnabun, where he hangs himself in the back room.
That would honestly be the perfect ending to this fucking series, but instead it's probably going to be dragged out another season.
Gilligan already implied the ending would be a cliffhanger or at least not a satisfying conclusion, he's hoping it gets renewed, which is likely.
And personally I want a season or two set during Breaking Bad, there's two and a half seasons where Saul is doing his own thing and even then, he's doing non Walt/Jesse stuff behind the scenes. I dunno, I just think it would be cool to see more Saul/Mike/Gus/Gael when the focus isn't on Walt.
I want to see Kim get fucked by a couple of black guys. Maybe they could be getting things started when Jimmy drops by to see her, and she answers the door and sends him away and it's totally obvious that she's getting blacked.
the average Holla Forums poster everyone
TV is the medium of the people, after all
It was likely the black lady's husband from the grief counseling meeting Mike attended. The hiker who disappeared.
Interesting theory. Maybe Mike knows something we don't? If i'm not mistaken that was cartel turf.
3 seasons of WAH WAH MAGNETS HOW DO THEY WORK and a little bit more of insight into Breaking Bad plot because thats the only reason people watch this
Shitty show
Have you even watched Better Call Saul? The only episode with magnets was the last episode that aired. And BCS was pretty much it's own self-contained story for the first two seasons, entirely watchable without having seen BB.
You reply back to people every thread with that as if to imply that people who find the show boring just want to see explosions, but you seem to be forgetting that Breaking Bad actually did have explosions. Clearly explosions are not out of the range of visual and plot devices the setting is known for. In fact, you could argue that Better Call Saul could be improved with the addition of explosions and that explosions are sorely missing.
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Not only is Breaking Bad easily the superior show, it is a show that used explosions to its advantage. Better Call Saul remains a poor show and a pathetic prequel, and its lack of explosions is demonstrably its downfall. If Chuck doesn't die in a fiery explosion, it will have missed its saving grace.
Is Saul Goodman a sociopath?
Slippery Jimjim at least appeared to care about the elderly but once he went full blown Saul he seems to have no compunction about fucking over old people to get what he wants.
Go on…..
Jimmy uses humour to win over the suits at HMM, and false charm to appeal to the Sandpiper residents
Jimmy tends to use his wits, but Saul does employ Huell in Breaking Bad to intimidate and shake down Ted, although this is in everyone's interests, he also lifts the ricin cigarette from Jesse which Walt could have used to poison Brock
Chuck, Howard, Kim, the Skateboard Twins, Clifford, Erin, Irene and more. The stockbroker in the bar, the music shop owners, all his marks in the Cicero days were arguably fair game because they were bad people and Saul had no reason to care about them.
Jimmy is out of a job, hasn't even gone looking for one, only was a lawyer because Chuck pushed him into it.
Couldn't pay up to the broadcasting company for a time, refuses to pay his debt to society with the community service
Saul Goodman and Slippin' Jimmy both fit this description.
Might be onto something.
This is the kind of quality post I come to Holla Forums for.
Anyone notice that Jimmy is not nearly the coward he should be? In Breaking Bad he easily backed down, folded, or cooperated in the face of intimidation. In Season 1 he sort of did with Tuco. In the past episode he got told by Howard.
This could easily be sloppy writing which the show is well known for at this point, but it's something that is almost distinct about Saul in Breaking Bad that's missing in BCS. It's almost like they relied on the typical trope of the coward standing up for himself and overcoming opposition when they had Tuco but how are they going to make him a cowardly hustler like in BB (again)?
As bad as it sounds if they don't end the series with Saul being as close to 1:1 with BB Saul, the show is going to end on a serious contradiction.
I agree, Jimmy is a shark. A tiny little goblin shark but a shark nonetheless. He's predatory at the moment but I think a string of events will make him into that worthless slug in BB. It won't be one big thing I don't think, Vince doesn't work like that. I'm thinking something to do with Kim (accident, death, marriage/divorce) and Chuck (accident, death, excommunication) and some other things that will slowly crush his spirit.
Also hope BCS expands on the other criminal elements that were left a little shallow in BB like Madrigal, Uncle Jack's gang and Don Eladio's cartel (already seeing some of it this series). Gus was a fantastic villain but the impact of that was that all the other adversaries got pushed aside.
Spoken like a true pleb.
If you want to see some retarded action scene every episode, then by all means go back to watching BrBa.
Kim's accident doesn't fall on Jimmy, you idiots. He tried to stop her from going.
Maybe Gus just puts the fear into him to stay quiet and do his job?
Do Jimmy and Gus ever meet in Breaking Bad? Obviously they are aware of eachother but not face to face I don't remember. Maybe this will happen in BCS, but I think it was implied that Saul only knew whispers of what Gus was capable of and that was enough to scare him.
Defending BCS must be so tough you have to disparage Breaking bad in an attempt to make BCS appear decent. Face it user, at this point having one or two explosions in BCS even in the most pointless way possible would be an improvement since almost nothing happens in an entire episode. There's so few scenes of consequence in each episode that you could condense the series down to a miniseries and get the same effect.
What's funnier is that even if you were right and if there were an action scene in every episode of Breaking Bad, it would be counter to the amount of pointless montages in BCS that are so common and so tiresome and so obviously there to extend the episode to its allotted run time. There is quite literally one or even two pointless montages of someone doing menial labor or crafting something in every episode of BCS. If you could find another tired and desperate defense for BCS aimed at people criticizing the show, it's likely that just like this one and the last one, it will have more to do with how poor the show really is than the people you are replying to.
I don't think insisting she stop doing the work she committed to qualifies as trying to stop her from going on a car ride that would lead to her car accident. Especially when the reason why he wanted her to stop doing her work was so she could celebrate over his petty victory.
Gus often referred to Saul as "The Lawyer," and since at that point Mike was advisor to Gus, he probably warned Gus not to do business with Saul. Mike had his personal lawyer that was mainly in charge of money laundering and then later handling the hazard pay shit so he didn't have to use Saul. Once Walt got involved with Gus, Saul said to Walt something along the lines of, "Can you put in a good word with your boss for me? For old time's sake?"
It's likely that Saul has worked with Gus in the past by Breaking Bad but he burnt that bridge too. Mike didn't like Saul at that point at all and didn't waste time when dealing with Saul. Saul himself objected to Mike working with Walt and Jessie early in the last season.
I'm not the one who brought up BrBa in the first place. That said, it was a good show but BCS improves over it in every way.
None of those are pointless. Every single scene in BCS has meaning. The show is a masterwork that doesn't let a frame go to waste. It's probably beyond your understanding though.
Saul isn't a big time criminal in the way Walter was. He's a corrupt lawyer and a con man. The kinds of situations he involves himself in don't really lend themselves to shootouts, explosions, and a high body count.
Bringing up Breaking Bad isn't something that's left out of discussion when the discussion is about a prequel series and the cast is almost exactly the same including the production staff. What occurs in BCS can significantly alter the events of Breaking Bad in its context and even through potential ret-cons.
How? How does BCS improve over it in every way? If you examine what's happened per episode and per season, BCS is a show that is overwhelmingly lacking substance.
Chicanerous statement of the year.
Pretentious redditor detected. I'm sure defending BCS gets you the upvotes you need. I'm gonna summarize the shows side by side and only mention significant plot points and leave out all the details.
In Breaking Bad up to Season 3:
BCS up to the penultimate episode of Season 3:
I just remembered that whole 1.6 million stolen from the government by an idiot story arc. Boy that didn't go anywhere did it. Yes it was characterisation and such but it had no long term affects on the show.
It's supposed to be foreshadowing the 1.6 million from the sandpiper case. Jimmy said he'd never let it go, and now his cut of Sandpipe is 1.6 million. It's not a coincidence.
Yeah, he says, "I know what stopped me, and it's never stopping me again" at the end of Season One after remarking about the money. It's showing how when Jimmy tries to do right it blows up in his face, leading directly into his failure at Clifford and Main and his tampering of the Mesa Verde files. However, even if it was inconsequential to the greater storyline, I don't see this as a bad thing, it was good viewing.
I thought he screwed himself over with Davis and Main?
He made and aired the commercial without running it by the partners so instead of firing him they put Erin in charge of him as a leash. He aired the commercial because he know that it'd be tied up and destroyed with dozens of meetings about inconsequential bullshit, like he heard about their last class action commercial from a co-worker. So he just wanted to get himself fired.
Nah I meant that Jimmy initially tried to do well at Davis and Main but it didn't work out, just like with the Kettlemans. He airs the commercial ASAP because it was important to get it out there but circumvented Clifford to do it.
We see it all throughout Series 1-3 with the Skateboard Twins, The Kettleman Bag Heist, The Safira Anejo Con, The HHM Billboard, The Davis and Main Commercial, The Fifi/Schoolyard Commercials, The Mesa Verde Forgery, The Solicitation at Sandpiper, the worming out of Community Support, the Music Shop Slip, the Teddy Bear Bribes, The Squat Cobbler Falsified Evidence, the Rolex Scams, there is probably more that i'm forgetting. Point is, Jimmy 'breaks bad' constantly but it's portrayed positively and harmlessly so people don't notice and go "when does Jimmy break bad/become Saul?". In every case Jimmy ignores the rules to favour his own outcome but it has also generally been in the interest of others or an overall 'good' in the world.
Only now do we see Jimmy doing something truly evil, purely for himself when he screws over Irene. Jimmy has lost the comfort of being the 'Robin Hood' charming renegade by Chuck calling him out as a common huckster he is and Jimmy being struck off the bar just made him regress to his comfort blanket of Slippin' Jimmy, who wasn't good by any account but commanded respect and was loved by all. Saul Goodman is a tragic figure when you account for BCS - a crooked lawyer who has neither the good heart of Jimmy McGill or the respect and love that Slippin' Jimmy commanded.
I have never even watched an episode of BB or Cuck Saul but this made me fucking cry out laughing.
new episode of
watching the finale
chuck an heroes lmaooo
He was getting annoying to be honest.
You pussies are pathetic. Old people forget shit the same way dogs do.
You kick a dog for in the head for barking and it forgets it happened after a few minutes. Old people are the same.
They are almost all senile. My grandma is and forgets shit all the time. She writes me a $1000 check every month because she used to do it yearly and now keeps on forgetting that she's did it the month before.
If I need more money, I can even visit her twice a month. It's better the money goes to me, her descendent, than some fucking scammer or church.
Isn't that what you are?
That aint scamming bro.
sometimes they overdo it with the imagery.
Damn this nigga be classy as fuck, yo.
Sure it's not scamming.
If you squint your eyes Kim looks topless in this one.
Howard is so god damn fucking professional and correct. I love his character. And I also love Hector & Nacho, they just have criminal faces. They look like what they're supposed to be.
does anyone see the similarities between gus and hector and chuck and jimmy? gus is professional guy who built up a business just to get revenge against hector while chuck uses the business he built to try to fuck over jimmy and their desire for revenge is what does them in in the end.
I love these scenes
Obsession ruined the McGill family.
That's just how mexicans look.
i wonder if he'll be ok after Hector turns into a houseplant
Gustavo totally knows what Nacho did.
yea and it'll be interesting to see how Gus reacts. he hates Hector more than anyone and isn't above poisoning his enemies… but maybe he wanted to kill/cripple Hector himself?
good season, renewed my interest after a boring season 2 imo.
Good job, you called it.
Of course he did, that's why he didn't want Mike to kill him.
He looks really pissed off.
I doubt he actually meant that, because after that he went back to Crazy Chuck like he was when he went through his divorce. Something about breaking off relationships with someone who's close with him makes him go into that psychosis.
Inadvertently Jimmy killed Chuck by visiting him, that's hardly Jimmy's fault though.
ah right, I forgot about the whole tracking Mike thing.
In an interview they said Chuck only said that to wound Jimmy, which makes sense.
Also for that one user who wants to fugg Betsy Kettleman, she shows up in a Season 3 bonus scene (I linked it).
aw she really does care about him
I remember ;_;
That's why he did the chest compressions.
I love the way he fondles the cash piles like tits.
This show is kino
BrBa and BCS are both shit, stop arguing.
ur waifu a shit
What a shame.
She was a good secretary. It's too bad Kim was a bitch to her every time she tried to make conversation.
user it's not their fault you're pleb
Better Call Saul is the best of maybe a handful of good tv shows still on right now. Unless you have a backlog of stuff to work through, it's BCS or American Gods, Sense8, Transparent, I Love Dick and other assorted trash.
Also Better Call Saul being slow and boring is a reddit meme, if you can't sit down and watch BCS you are overstimulated. Even Season 2, which is judged to be the slowest and most boring, has an awful lot happening and is every bit as good as Season 1. The same people would probably call something like Gattaca boring because they need music stings and constant dialogue to stay invested
Lynch vomiting out a return 25 years late is better than anything that has aired in the past three years, m8. It's too bad Gilligan has nothing worthwhile to jizz his cinematography magic on.
The nuke shot is probably my favorite visual in any medium in the past decade.