A trailer has been released of a Voldemort non-commercial prequel fan film. How long till Rowling / Warner Bros. shuts it down?
VOLDEMORT: Origins Of The Heir
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why would anyone bother doing this? they could do an original film instead and not run the risk of getting shut down, plus then they might be able to get some money out of it
Probably HP fans. Making a non-profit movie about HP probably sounded better to them than doing something original and making a buck or two off it as well.
They apparently had litigation against them and Warner Bros agreed if they did it non profit then they would drop charges. Because they ended up getting a lot of monetary support
Did they lift the story of some teenage girl's first HP fanfic for the plot of this movie?
Because this shit is "My Immortal" levels of bad.
Are you saying we can't be inclusive in 2017?
I think you've been spending too many semesters at Hogwarts?
You mean the films that exist, yes?
Because they are slave to the electric Jew.
Looks like they have a decent budget for a fan-film, but it still looks awful. Also…
What did she mean by this?
Rowling is too accepting of fanshit and a;ready gave her blessing on this one.
rowling said not even voldemort is as evil as trump.
blatantly untrue, trumps more like a useful idiot with a rubber stamp, "evil" implies the will to power. voldemort at least kills people face to face.
Dunno if it's more credit for the creators or a shame for the state of the industry.
Voldemort is at least ten times more cool than Trump
Was it rape?
But she doesn't own the rights on the big screen, Warner Bros do.
Warner Bros let them do it non profit user look it up
Yes I know
Would love to know their budget, but I still find it stupid to invest into fan fiction films. They already had the precedents of LOTR so they knew they would never profit from it.
Why not write an original film with wizards?
To me it is a waste of talent, energy and time. What happened to Kate Madison (Born of Hope) or Chris Bouchard (The Hunt for Gollum)? Nothing, it won't boost their career and they will probably die from syphilis drugged in a ladyboy bar in Bangkok.
We're talking about Harry Potter fans. It's not like they're the most imaginative and original people around.
Lol, great point ^^
I never heard of any of those people or movies anyways but yea its fan made its going to be shit regardless since it probably will be combined efforts. If you want to do something you hire a completely original writer and a director.
Better than star wars fans at least
The two LOTR fan films are pretty good, you should check it out it is freely available on Youtube.
I can do a very good gollum impression and ok
Trade pics for pics?
someone needs to tell those guys that the story of how Riddle became Voldemort is already told in the books
Lol my sides, well anyway it is not like if they would write a new story by themselves.
I will probably watch it and trash it in my IMDB review.
Are you a roastie
To be honest a chamber of secrets film with voldemort opening it would be dope and you could make it about him starting to make the horcruxes
Yes, wanna meetup online?
Teehee ♥
No u
Reminder that Voldemort was right and did nothing wrong. It took the author's deliberate attempt at strawmanning him into a Saturday morning cartoon villain for him to be morally unjustifiable which failed even then, because 'hurr he was born evil'
The real villains in the story were the mudblood and halfblood scum. Though well-intentioned, are unwittingly reducing the amount of magical children born at such a drastic rate that it's a real possibility that at some point in the near future there will be no one left to pass the torch to. Not only that, but they have no respect at all for the existing culture and traditions, and furthermore, have no intention to assimilate. They are trash and deserve to die.
t.Holla Forumseddit
Why is Hermione so talented then you moron? Think before you type. There is no mention of "le pure" ARDS being more skilled at any point in the film's or the books, this is literally projection based on the racist bullshit you believe. Fuck off you silly little cuck, go complain about "muh mudbloods" to Holla Forumseddit because we don't want to hear it.
Looks like shit.
The real villains were all of the wizards. Fucking morons the lot of them.
Because magical prowess is not reliant upon blood. However, whether or not you are magical is passed down via genes and dna. Furthermore, I made no mention of whether or not they were talented, though I would wager more often than not that they aren't as compared to their pureblood counterparts.
This is because purebloods have grown up in a magical society, learning crucial tradition and culture and most importantly, magic itself whereas mudblood and some halfblood shits missed out on the first 10/11 years of development while wasting away in muggle society. They know nothing of magical society, tradition, or mores, arriving with little but the clothes on their back and unwarranted attitude. They are affronts to all that proper wizards and witches should aspire to be, and in a better world they would be shuttered away from polite society if not barred outright.
I apologize for not going along with your shitposting, but this is important.
To be such a hateful individual you must be a Jew, a Muslim, a Nigger or a leftist, maybe all of them at the same time.
You are creating a hostile environment, so just go away before the RWDS will put you out of your misery.
How many shekels did you spent into this fucking franchise?
I feel sad for you ;/
I bought the books and saw the movies in theaters up till the 3rd. That's all.
I just really like Harry Potter. If you cut through Rowlings godawful racism allegories and shitty plots, there's actually a pretty scrump setting underneath it all. Particularly Voldemort, who got the short end of the stick despite being the most interesting character by far, (up until Rowling copped out and made him a caricature of evil.)
They were all great in theaters lad, all of them. I love the movies because they all actually feel different. And yea the worldbuilding and some characters are cool.
thanks for the wallpaper
Is Harry Potter 1 and 2 the best films?
So it starts like this Waldomort goes to Nogworts after receiving his magical cane from a magical shopping street named Horizontal aisle, his homing pigeon brings bad news however. . .
The answer to that is simple:
Fan films are made by people who aren't good enough to make actual films. If it wasn't made with a recognizable IP sheen overlaying it, not a single fucking person would be interested.
Hermoine is the " Look not all blacks are bad, in fact look how awesome this particular one is" token Nigger, you nigger.
No they arent at all if you know anything about filmmaking they are still good though but they arent even top 3
but are they the best adaptations from the books verbatim for the Hogwarts feel?
Disregard regard films in general and think only about Harry Pooter and how the world felt when you read it and then watch the movies, are they the best HARRY POTTER FILMS, yes they are.
Are they the best films? Fuck no