What e-cigarettes does Holla Forums use?

What e-cigarettes does Holla Forums use?

I use one made from a cast of a 3d printed model I made.
Primarily I just use caffeinated liquid in it.

I only use scientology-certified e-meters

smok alien 220w
haven't had juice for a couple months, feels bad man

i don't wear a mouth fedora

any mods that work well for dabs?
my friend (singular) has an Aspire box mod and he says it works well for him. I've hit it and it's like a rig but more manageable. I can't find which model it was in particular, and he's spoiled so he might miss important cost efficiency stuff.

turning 21 in a dispensary state. looking forward to enjoying my freedom from smokers, realizing I have no other companionship, and falling back in line.

*tips fedora**


Stay classy Holla Forums


Smoke cigars, or cigarettes. Keeps the blood flowing, even after your body is shutting down.

Standard mech+rda and homemade juice niggas here


That's a nice way to describe it.

Nicotine is not jewish, maybe ecigs and cigs are.
Every type of slow-smoking, like pipes, cigars and rolled cig are actually classy and useful when well used.

you're a fucking retard


it's honestly quite useful for your psyche in stressful periods
smoking in a cool late night or early morning is probably the most relaxing and thoughtful experience you could have

the one with the nanomachines

I know you're just doing your job but try not to blaspheme too hard

this one
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How is this related to Holla Forums anyways?