I made a new one, and no one will post. Martian queen chick thing. If I had a finger for my skill in drawing her tits I'd have none.
Queen posts
Other urls found in this thread:
I figured that image was a good idea. Hpefully there's no need to spoil it, it's not nudity even still.
how many times do we need to have this porn general for a cartoon that stopped airing almost a decade ago?
The autist will post until it dies.
Until the BO's finally realize this isn't >>>/rule34/
There's also discussions as well.
Fuck off.
The thread of for overall discussion and the fw guys who draw tyr'ahnee not my fault 8ch is even more tumblr than it was before with it's shitty generals and mostly redditors.
Can't you guys move into the drawthread, you know help give it some life with art? You're not even talking about Duck Dodgers just discussing porn about a dead character.
The drawthread is as dead as this damn board. Being specific is a better idea, it gets posts like it did before. The character is only dead to you man, it's certainly alive to me, and some other persons.
The drawthread is a general drawthread. This thread is a lot more specialized. If we moved there, and acted as we do here, it would mostly be Tyr'ahnee bullshit assuming the drawfags draw nothing else.
Yeah but these threads usually lasts literal months with 5 posts a week. Just combine two dead threads into one and concentrate their activity into one thread that is far more active than the original two.
Something about people asking for moderation to clean up all the waifu / smut threads that lay all over the catalog. You can honestly combine all those threads into one or two generals.
They last so long simply because Holla Forums is really slow as it is. The last thread went on autosage and lasted like two weeks. Since this thread is at least a little bit active in the sense it has drawfags and posting, doesn't that already count as a perfectly active thread?
Why ythe hell do you care this damn board bleeds visitors anyways.
Holla Forums's had a consistent 350 UID's for months now and a fine PPH around 35 posts per hour.
Why wouldn't I care? The question should be if you hate this place so much why the fuck are you here?
You have a point but I would still say it wouldn't just to try sharing one thread between tyr'ahnee and the drawthread. People see the drawthread active, they join and enjoy all the already established tyr'ahnee talk that's been going around. Heck, if they see actual art being made they might join in and contribute.
Just leave it alone. Let the thread go because it will, if it doesn't I'll post on my own.
I ain't even going to go there because the fact of it is quite lengthy.
Indeed, but after a while the talk might shift from Tyr'ahnee to something else. Eventually no one but you on the drawthread would want to talk about her. Where to go from there other than making your own thread so the subject is established beforehand. And if you're going to do that eventually, why not make it right at the start.
Hey look one guy who supports me. I mean the last thread first twenty posts were the same complaints. If I have to I'll bump this everyday, someone has to at least.
I was one of the drawfags in the last thread.
Great. I was the ond jackass critiquing your works I think, not often but I was still present. I'm gonna learn to draw maybe if I stop being lazy.
What do you gain from being the only user bumping a thread?
To keep the thread constantly active, your logic is sound and i respect it. But i still stand by the thought of combining the threads. Sure the discussion of the character might dwindle but thats the exact same thing these threads usually face. At least in this instance, while you wait for some to draw up interest or post art, you have something else in the thread to talk about.
I keep a sole, lonely thread warm while people who want to post do their thing.
So as long as this thread exists, any drawing requests?
The usual. tyr'ahnee in something skimpy with a nice pair of tits of course.
This ends up looking more silly than sexy. Her having trouble putting on one kind of clothes and her wearing non-skimpy clothes…skimpily.
Its cue in its own way dubs. checked.
Queen holding duck dodgers as a bride
Might do this tomorrow.
What we really need is another drawfag or something.
Not bad. I like it.
Well I could practice more and eventually grab a tablet for digital endeavors?
Another as in "the current ones suck" or another as in "having more makes a livelier thread"
More as in livelier.
I think it may be "having a livelier thread"
These threads used to be livelier back when they were called Martian Mondays. I was probably the worst drawfag back then.
you're still the worst drawfag whichever drawfag you are
I'm the one who drew this and so far it's the only drawing in the threat. I'm both the best and the worst. Back in MartianMondays I was Darwinfag
I still remember you. Guess I'll have to take up mantle and get better huh?
I have no tools for digital assets so it's all by hand for me but that's no big deal. I'll be at your level in a few years :^)
I might have been the worst drawfag, but my autism was unrivaled.
Good luck with working on your art.
You weren't autistic, you were fine. You did get quite a bit better and sure you still have a long way to go but that's how it is. You don't learn to play a piano in a night. I'll get to reading some books on things, I got a ton I can read so I may as well, I woke up feeling angry with myself for not doing anything other than video games.
I wish to remind you that he's the guy who basically shipped Tyr'ahnee and Charles Darwin.
There was also some Nicola Tesla in there.
And Scout from Team Fortress 2.
He's the autiest.
I'm aware of this as well but hey whatever everyone is a little weird on occasion. He doesn't seem to do it much anymore.
Hey now, it wasn't just the Scout but TF2 in general.
Everyone is ignoring the real problem here.
Why? None of those ships make any damn sense whatsoever. Now, if you shipped Elon Musk with her that would make a bit of sense since he is a huge marsfag.
That would imply shipping is involved. Another thing that guy got wrong. It was simply associative autism. Nothing more.
Asses are something I need to work more
I would say, hands too as well here. I don't have any references for butts that are all too useful, I got tons of butts though. I looked and you're in luck if you don't have them already here's some stuff. It's nice to get more Queen honestly
I'm usually fairly alright with hands but that pose did give me a lot of trouble. All the more reason to practice more.
Where's the pose from by the way?
I've seen a bunch of porno's where the girls lift their butt cheeks, I think the error here is there's little depth.
This gif from halfchan.
Yeah you sort of drew the beginning and end of the frame combining them into one instead of just doing the end of the .gif when her hands are lifting up her butt cheeks, that's what it is. I got tons of old .gifs from halfchan back when I used to browse there, a lot of them are butts may as well see how they work right?
I'll probably just stick to actual pictures rather than gifs from now on.
Good inspiration for poses could be Playboy magazines, I mean old school ones. They do a myriad of poses front, back, side you name it. You can apply any bust size, hip, thigh, or butt size you'd like instead of what's there too. I'm just posting images in case you want them, I don't really have women in poses, it's mostly just showing off assets.
I have quite a few reference pictures as well. Having that shouldn't be an issue.
Well you could try what I suggested which is old Playboys. I'll practice figures today I think
I might. Post what you draw
I have no way of getting it online, no camera, no tablet, no scanners. I probably wont practice long maybe an hour as I'll probably get frustrated or confused like usual and quit.
If we don't know how well you draw, there's no good way to make suggestions or critique.
I can't really draw in the first place I've been wanting to since I was 18 but just never got around to practicing, while I did study various things I never bothered practicing.
Start now then.
I'll get around to doing a bit of practicing today, that's why I said figures just so I can wrap my head around something at least. I'll read and reread the books I have as well.
You can read all you want but make sure you actually draw.
I'm aware of that. What do you plan on doing image-wise may I ask now as well?
I'll do some figures, the reading part is merely to help my grasp of how those even work.
I'm going to either work on the webcomic, practice 'lineless' art like so, or maybe do waifu sketches.
Does your computer have a built in camera? Maybe you can try to take a picture of what you draw with that. It doesn't need to be super high def, just clear enough to make out what you drew.
I've uploaded some how-tos to the Holla Forums Volafile room, if you're interested.
What's your webcomic, lineless art is good so are waifu sketches. Nope, no built in camera, it's a rig I built myself. I could steal my Dad's phone if I wanted to I suppose for pictures and transfer it onto my PC, it's pretty simple. Picture is my PC specs, if I had cash I'd swap to an 8350 over my 8320, more clock speed. I'll download that stuff though thanks.
It's not your PC specs that matter it's the monitor itself. Most computer monitors these days have a built in camera.
I'm guessing you aren't the person who drew these.
No, no I'm not I wouldn't even be capable of doing something like that. I screwed up and didn't mean to spoiler my PC specs, my monitor is a cheap Asus thing without a camera, no.
Well is there anyone you know who would be able to look over your work? Having an outside eye is essential because one can very easily overlook even glaring issues.
I can upload pictures from my Dad's phone if need be. Otherwise nope I got no one to really critique my works. What did you upload to the Vola I didn't see it?
I didn't upload anything to Vola. is a different person.
I'm guessing you don't have a phone of your own with a built in camera either.
I'm "Medea". I have uploaded various MEDIA.
It's hard to tell thanks to no ID's. I can acquire a phone to do so, so that means I could post pictures when I can.
You uploaded a bunch of images, I see them. I'll download what I think is useful and see if I can do anything with them.
And books, a shit-ton of books on art, cartooning, animation, and writing.
We don't need a permanent thread for your waifu.
user you're my waifu though.
So I ended up doing nothing all day, I fell asleep for seven hours and didn't draw at all. I'm still waking up so I'll have to do it tonight.
Don't be sad, little doggy.
Found this animation from cuckchan's booru. On the other hand, looks like they've been stealing our own pics drawn here and put it there.
Not quite. I posted those there myself. Someone also asked for a follow up to the second picture to which I drew this:
I'm just going to assume it's vantablack, then. Literally so black light doesn't escape, unless I'm mistaken.
That's what I assume too. I probably made a comic about that at some point in time.
Still waiting for to make something. He should try this
Check it out! Is this even legal? An EXTREME extreme closeup of her naughtiest part!
Save it quickly because it's gonna be deleted in minutes if not seconds! Oh man, I'm SOOOOOOOO banned and I don't even care!!
R-right after I finish fapping…
Now that it's Monday, is anyone working on anything?
I'm and I have no skill to draw.
You keep saying that but haven't you haven't tried yet. You've posted nothing so far.
It doesn't help my situation that I'm incredibly unmotivated individual, and lazy too.
Just do a quick sketch or something. Like get a pen and some paper and actually try.
Stop trying to force this to be a thing.
This is the first 'Martian Mondays' for a while, user.
Thanks. I've been wanting to do more ass-centric pictures as of late.
Pls do more user, you got some good shit going on
Jay Naylor, Norman Lindsay, Frank Frazetta and Masamune Shirow are the masters of the butt.
I'll upload Naylor's tutorial on butts to the Volafile room.
I do not feel like drawing much tonight, but I've made a rather unpolished erotic picture and a quick silly sketch.
Cool. I'll watch them when I get the chance…when they're uploaded.
Keep practicing
I will.
Finally finished this. I wanted to add a background, but I thought this looked good enough
Might be nice to post other art in the thread as well for variety sake.
Finished this for the thread. One with some Photoshop filters I threw on and the other without the filters.
Eh you'll get better eventually
Some things that stand out are her eyelashes going underneath her headband and her breasts look like they're bolted onto her chest. Also her upper body in general seems to stick out well beyond where it should considering where her neck is. Finally, the shape of her head looks very off. Even style aside, she has a more triangular head than anything.
I've made a redline (or green line in this case) of what I'm talking about with her chest.
Oh, and the burn and dodge tools are better used for minor tweaks in shading, not as the shading tool in of itself.
I think with some practice you can turn out really well. Keep working on your art and you'll improve.
Thanks for the feedback. I guess the biggest struggle I have with drawing is getting the anatomy/proportions right. I guess I should do some more practice sketches with some references.
Also, I didn't use a burn tool for shading, I just used a Water brush in SAI and blended it in with the drawing. I was originally gonna do flat shading, but I thought shading it that way would make it look better.
Once again, thanks
References would be good. I used to actually be a lot worse than you are now when first drawing in these threads so you should be fine if you keep tying.
So for anyone who does draw her, do you know of a good way to draw her eyelashes? Even now I find that part troublesome.
Ain't bad. The face needs work, but the ass turned out fine. Breasts don't really follow any physics, but let's face it - they don't in half of the porn made
Dont draw them individually
Can you elaborate?
Too much time as single hair threads, draw their broad shape as a whole
I know that, and I do that for anyone else's eyelashes. However Tyr'ahnee has sort of odd eyelashes where they're a solid shape. I've seen a few people draw them differently and find it one of the more difficult parts of drawing her simply because they are so unconventional.
Actually now that I think about it, I'm not sue I'm very good at drawing her eyes in general.
This would be a very accurate statement if it really was just one person continuously bumping up the thread with no one else contributing but there's at least four people here, you and I included.
Drawn another quick ass-centric picture. I think next drawing I'll redraw an old picture I did during the earliest MartianMondays threads.
Go make your own thread then, it's not my fault there is nothing to talk about in comics or cartoons.
Since you faggots are drawing shit, requesting duck dodgers a la pic related
There's only two people who have posted drawings in this thread.
ITT: Autists posting their shitty blacked-out templates instead of posting good porn
None of these are templates though.
What is a fucking exaggeration?
noun: exaggeration; plural noun: exaggerations
a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
"it would be an exaggeration to say I had morning sickness, but I did feel queasy"
synonyms: overstatement, overemphasis, magnification, amplification, aggrandizement; More
the action of making statements that represent something as better or worse than it really is.
"he was prone to exaggeration"
Here's some more art from other people.
r/ing the afterglow image from the last thread. Couldn't save it due to being away from comp.
I don't know if I have it or not. Can you describe it further? Is there a background?
You mean the one where she is naked partially covered by a see through cape, and the sun is setting outside?
Alright I know what you're talking about but alas I don't have it saved either. I do have some of that person's other work saved I think.
Yeeeeh, that one.
Also, does anyone have the black and white picture of Martian lady in 70's workout clothes?
Like a one piece leotard with fur-like things on the legs?
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
You wouldn't happen to have the picture of her with the Farah Fawcett outfit with the 'Do you want the wig on or off?', would you?
look buddy, lower the reddit by about 60% or you're out
forced meme general
Nah :^)
I'm totes ok with just getting that one image and then lurk from here on out.
More old pictures.
Thanks, we really needed another waifu/porn thread on the front page.
No problem, pal.
As if you are making any threads yourself. Maybe if you did more than complain you would like it here better.
Latest picture didn't come out too well even as a sketch. Not much of my older stuff is interesting enough to redraw.
Last drawing of the day. Might color it later.
Some questions just shouldn't be asked because they will be answered.
Not bad.
Keep practicing
That's what I've been doing, m8.
Are there any other women in the show any of you would be interested in drawing?
Or if you'd rather have a hankering for some human women
Maybe after I finish this I'll try drawing some of them.
This reminds me of Sealab 3000. Was this an adult swim thing or some youtube thing.
It's an edit on the actual cartoon series.
Relatedfag here.
I feel like drawing some queen tomorrow. Any suggestions?
How about her having a /fit/ body and in workout clothes like this chick, but with a towel on her shoulders?
Eh, I ain't too god with fit bodies, so I'll pass on that.
Have a quick doodlesketch, though
How 'bout something like this gif, riding X-2 (Marvin)?
Thanks man. Too bad because I only have /fit/ girls in my stash.
Tyr'ahnee masturbating through her skin-tight latex suit?
Colored in the Tyr'ahnee picture. Don't ask questions you're not prepared to get the answer to.
Decided to do two of the aliens. If anyone's good at faces, can you tell me if there's anything major I did wrong here? Faces are something I've been having difficulty with lately.
They're not bad actually outside of being a tad flat. Though I doubt I'm a good person to ask.
If I could animate I'd do this.
Working on something new, might try this as well>>764825
this is hecking nice.
Prepped up a model, for this on a white user dick so far, because I already had it lying around, but I don't feel like putting it into motion today.
Also some random unrequested ahgao pic.
How about some petplay between her highness and Dominator like Dom on her hands and knees eating out Tyr'ahnee?
Add Snowman from Homestuck and you got a party!
Throw in Princess Mandie from Fairly OddParents and Queen Vexus from Teenage Robot and you've got yourself a Royal Galactic Harem.
Never heard of her but she doesn't look space-y enough.
I think someone else is going to have to do this.
Decided to color it in anyways. I've done lewd stuff but this is and one other picture are the closest to anything pornographic I've done.
requesting smug tyr'ahnee to post in response to this.
A webcomic about the Midnight Crew would have been indefinitely better than the befuddled mess the Homestuck story turned into. I dropped it back in 2013 after the alpha kids got added and haven't felt the urge to pick it back up since.
Hands and arms look a little off, texture of the fabric is weird. Otherwise it's not too shabby, oh breasts may be out of place but your head is fine.
I was going for a bit of a rubbery/latex texture since that's what I imagined her outfit to be like. The hands did prove to be more difficult than usual but I think it was more getting everything placed right than anything.
Not having a mouth is hotter though.
I don't know why this is, mouths are just kind of gross
What are some of the best and worst fan art you've seen?
Same user from
Anyone found the image yet? Or point me to an archive of the last MM thread so I can gleam its location from the filename?
It's in the booru. Use it from here afterwards
Yea but no one ever uses it (not even Holla Forums with their frequent drawthreads) so I have to look for and upload anything I find here myself.
Well spank my ass and call me Charlie.
Maybe we should sticky link it at the top like the Volafile page.
That's actually a pretty good idea. Admin please do this.
The earliest Tyr'ahnee stuff posted was late 2016 but I'm pretty sure some of those pictures were drawn earlier than that.
Nice thank you user. I will remember this booru.
Oh yeah, thats a thing.
A sizable amount of that stuff is mine. I should probably draw other stuff for a while.
Keep on the great work.
It's falling off so here's a bump.
It was on page 5. Not that much falling and on Holla Forums, it would still be here for a while.
Plus it doesn't seem like anyone's working on anything at the moment. At least, I'm not. Can't think of anything I really want to draw that's Tyr'ahnee related.
Dead thread is dead thread.
Martian threads just aren't what they used to be.
Not as dead as you think.
Not surprising. Most of the drawfags went to Holla Forums, and it's not like the show is off-air. These are pretty trying times for a cartoon/comics board.
If anyone has any good requests I might draw one. It's just that I've been drawing this character so many times it would help to change things up a bit. And there's other projects to work on too.
Pretty alright. I think her left hip (viewer's right) could use some work.
Beautiful, though her hands seem pretty gargantuan
It must be the gloves.
You could spice things up by having her with other galactic babes:
Just have them pose in their normal attire with each other being all happy and shit, sexed up of course.
I'll think about it. Until then here's a redraw I did a while back
looks good otherwise
It's my personal opinion that she has a mouth.
Why would you want such an awful thing; haven't you seen the results of women having the ability to express?
She's already able to talk so that's a moot point.
Alas no one did my request of Tyr'ahnee exploring a cool surrealist world.
Damn it, I thought something was up with that..
Not much one for muscle girls but it looks nice.
I drew that though.
Shine on you crazy diamond
Second quick sketch
In retrospect, I think I made her too thick on this one.
no such thing
Eh, still not satisfied.
shit man, this really looks nice one of the best tyr'ahnee faces you've done tbh
Thanks. Can you tell me why it's one of the better faces? For future reference?
Time to play dressup
At the rate I'm going I'll be forty before thirty.
I don't get it.
Man, you are getting better everyday.
Is it really necessary to spoiler guides?
It might just be something to stay on the safe side.
Thank you. That means a lot to me. It has been very fun working in these threads again. If I could figure out a more long term project to work on rather than the odd sketch.
Still good
The shading from what I can see is nice. I'd highly recommend adding color to your line art if there's a significant overlap between two parts such as her upper and lower left arm or her right arm and abdomen in your picture.
Either that or shade the parts near the overlap a tad bit lighter than usual just to help differentiate things.
the abs look beautiful, but something seems off with the face. The eyes look sketchy, and her nose is really big.
compared to other recent pictures - probably something about the proportions. Her jaw isn't as big as in other drawings, nor as square.
Also, her general body shape is great, those are some nice curves.
You should polish this pic up and color it.
Her facial tattoo, the right side (viewer's left) is drooping lower than the left side. Both the eyes look the same so it doesn't look like a matter of her facial muscles causing the distortion.
I'll keep that in mind. Unfortunately I have no desire to continue working on that particular picture right now.
she's also missing the trademark eyelashes.
asked my artist friend to draw this as a joke and she actually drew it
the absolute madman
What a wild child.
It's easier to differentiate the arm and some features. Personally I'd go with a shade a bit darker for stuff like her abs.
The eyebrows are better. The blu color lets you focus more on the eyes. Unfortunately I don't thin the eyelashes came out right. Something about them being essentially line less doesn't look well but I do the same thing and haven't been able to think of a better method.
If anyone has any good tops on how to draw her eyelashes, it would be helpful. Until then, I'd recommend sharpening them at the ends like so:
Coloring I did years ago, figure it belongs here
Holy fuck thats nice. I've never seen that artstyle before.
Not bad.
You should draw her more. It looks nice. I do remember vaguely the first time it was posted.
I might be reading that wrong, but I think user meant that he only colored it.
Oh, I think you're right about that.
Here's what I'm working on now.
I think this is pretty good for now. These drawings are getting a lot more lewd.
I'd say go black-and-white.
Your colouring shading is flat, it'd look better without it.
What about it is flat?
What do you mean? He'll have the same problems in B&W; things looking flat or 3D depend primarily on values, right?
If you guys can provide any good tips for coloring, that would be appreciated. How much of the picture actually looks flat and isn't the fact that Tyr'ahnee's skin color makes it hard for variations in shading?
True, a solution would be to do as the OP did and lighten her skin a little, so that you get a greater value range to shade.
So a bit more like what I did here? A dark grey for the base, lighter grey for highlights, and pure black for shadows?
I guess. Lighting it very dependent on your mastery of 3D shapes and where they are comparatively to the source of light. For instance, if you've got some strong light coming from the side and her arm is between the source and her chest, it will most likely project a shadow onto her chest (that's not the case here, but you see what I mean).
In order to know how to draw shading, determine where the soft or hard shadows are or what kind of shadow is being projected, you need to know what shape the lit limbs occupy in place. This is easier if you simplify them to the max: cylinders for the arms, etc. Search up some lit up solids photos to see how the light hits them.
You also need to pick a light source and stick with it. In your picture, I'm not sure where the light is coming from. The top of the tits is lit, which make it seem like the light is coming from the top or top left, but at the same time the arm seems to be lit from under, or even from the viewer.
Choosing an interesting light source isn't totally random, either (see pic). I think number 5 would work well in the context of a show (strong top light).
Thanks for the advice.
Does anyone have any Tyr'ahnee requests that might be good for practicing this concept?
Tyrahnee in a noire outfit, and style?
I actually tried drawing something like that a while ago but I'll give it another shot.
She needs one of those big hats with the really poofy feather.
I have the base colors down and have made a rough guide as to where the lighting and shadows will be.
Bretty good.
Shading is much better.
Neat. The lighting is much more interesting. Given the light paths you drew I think the shape the light makes on the wall should be an ellipsis, and you should probably be able to see her shadow on the wall as well, but you could chalk it off as a stylistic choice; it's not especially jarring, at least to me.
Pretty good. Have you got any guides or books you use? I think recently a really good set of artist tutorials recently became public.
I noticed about your work that when the light shines off of her it shines almost like PVC plastic or something. Like its insanely smooth.
Wanted to do a quick doodle before hitting the hay tonight, but turns out I'm too tired for that. I'll finish tomorrow.
Can't say I do.
It's something I've seen a lot of people do not just with Tyr'ahnee but women in general. I generally like the effect and want to use it.
You're the Queen of an entire planet. Order someone to go out and buy a corkscrew from future Wallmart or whatever.
If I had to guess, she's trying to seduce Dodgers in that pic. Ducks have corkscrew shaped dicks.
They're also rapists by design. (Not feminist defined rape, I mean legit "No god please no!" rape)
So basically, the Uncle Dolan comics are actually a surprisingly accurate portrayal of ducks.
She's clearly too drunk to rationalize the obvious.
Yes thank you user, that was the joke.
I didn't know until he explained it.
It makes the imagine a little uncomfortable for me.
Duck are also known for having some of the longest penises (compared to body length) of all animal kingdom. Some of them, when erect, can get as long as the entire duck.
The Queen knew what she was doing when she picked him for a mate.
And the little twerp X2 thinks he can compare
Shit guys, when did this come into existence?
If the shipping to my country did not cost 20$ I would have bought myself a Tyr'ahnee figurine already
I remember seeing that years ago. Duck Dodgers really didn't have a lot as far as merchandise goes.
Looks cheap
I've been thinking of writing a short story involving Tyr'ahnee for the sake of practicing writing. Does anyone have any ideas? Perhaps one of those first person stories?
If it's supposed to be sexual - I can't think of any party that i would like to hear the story told by. Unless you make it first person user x Queen.
If you're interested in writing a nsfw story- Tyr'ahnee absent-mindedly fingering herself while bathing thinking about Dodgers.
So far it seems to be more of an adventur-ish story than a sexual one but it is told by an unnamed protagonist. It will be up to the reader to decide if it is themselves or someone else so I've left the exact details a bit scarce.
Perhaps I might be able to fit something like that in.
All I could come up with at the moment. It's unedited meaning there's no doubt some grammar and pacing issues: pastebin.com
Not a lot of Tyr'ahnee unfortunately. It's more just setting things up. I can at least say I contributed to the amount of bad fan fiction that exists on the internet.
The story isn't going anywhere. Might just stop here.
Well, this could have gone better: pastebin.com
Thank you.
Keep up the work
If you have any suggestions for what to draw or write, I'd like to hear them.
Are you trying to draw her with more realistic proportions? I just think her head is too small.
I try to. Generally I go for a slight mix between realistic and cartoony but mostly realistic,
How's progress been going on this sketch?
You say meh but that's pretty nice.
It's more meh because it's just a just a very bland picture of her.
Are you a kid or a marsquid?
Her breasts are the best part. Sometimes the simple things work best.
…I admit to having completely forgotten about it.
Finished it up.
hey darwin you nigger, hit me up on sjw central
Maybe. It's still a bit of a preference though.
The breasts looked fantastic, your head was okay and her face was while a tad flat decent. Hands could be better but I'm not sure in what way honestly. I've done a few sketches but I feel nothing worth posting. It's a few hands or me making crappy shapes.
You should try drawing Tyr'ahnee. The thread could always use another drawfag.
Seems kind of pointless now that the thread has made past the bump limit
One: this is 8/co/. We produce about 7 posts per week. Hitting bump limit means the thread is gonna die in about a month.
Two: This is martian fucking mondays, nigger. The entire point of those threads since time immemorial was for two drawfags to have a circlejerk over a space niggress wafiu. If you're brave enough to join us, we will make a new thread, then the next, and so on, forever.
I can't really draw people but I'll learn, you ain't seeing my dirty stuff yet though.
These threads have always been pure autism.
There was a point in time where I really couldn't draw women at all. Just post what you can here and we'll give suggestions on how to improve.
Try drawing Tyr'ahnee in a really badass overcoat.
I'm not the guy who usually draws anything. I can't do that. I guess I could try but don't expect it to look good at all.
You'll never get anywhere if you don't try first.
I'll try you first. Mind you this is going to take me a while.
I finally did it.
It's hard to see with the camera but I can see enough to see you really didn't bother putting in any details at all. Like if you posted this on any other thread, would they be able to tell who that is or what it is?
Probably going to stick mostly to sketches than full on completed pictures for a while. There's a lot to work on outside of waifu shit right now.
Would you
good to know they don't last figurative months
The only reason I know it's supposed to be Tyr'ahnee is because you responded to a request to draw her. Without that context, I wouldn't.
I just commissioned Izra for some tyr'ahnee porn.
The camera I had was shit for one, two I said it would be pretty bad because I can't draw.
It's not supposed to be Tyr'ahnee it's just a stick in a coat.
Noice mate.
Another sketch. Lewd stuff is fun to draw.
Nice, good view too.
Which one of you did this?
This is a rather nice idea. I'll finalize it later.
It's going to be so unfortunate when this thread finally dies.
rip thread
Gonna have to make a new one. Probably next week.
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