As a leftist, what we need to do in regards to the ISIS problem is to genocide all members of every religion on the planet and leave only glorious atheist antitheists. Religion is the creator of the bourgeois.
As a leftist...
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For an atheist you sure do sound like a evangelical christian.
fuck off SJW
It's not bait
Atheists are annoying.
No? Why would it be?
I tried to bait people like this woth a Hitchens post yesterday. Tip: You need to be more subtle OP.
Considering you had to start your sentence with "as a leftist"I doubt you are. I think you are just another alt right wanting to "gas the kikes".
Fug, fixed one filter, forgot the other.
I think you could argue that the church taught people how to save/trade in medieval Europe. This vid talks about how "capitalism" was sort of perpetuated by protestant virtues.
It's definitely not created by religion but they were bed fellows, as the vid says.
As a communist what we need to do in regards to the globalism problem is to genocide all members of every federal socialist party on the planet and leave only glorious, violent revolution! Socialism is the creator of the xenophobia, especially white gen0cide. :^)
tell me more
As has been repeatedly shown, Islam and Judaism can easily become religions of liberation. CHRISTIANITY is the problem.
Um, how? I realise Islam was quite revolutionary for its time (abolishing slavery, redistribution of wealth, etc) but it's not any more palatable to socialism than Christianity. People like Quakers are far more socialist and democratic than Druze or Shia or Sunni.
Oh look another idealistic atheist, criticizing religion when he is the one babbling nonsense.
No, the ruling class is the creator of religion. They compel people to live as slaves on Earth in faith that they will be compensated in the next life/afterlife. The proper goal is to deconstruct the material base from which religion emerged and on those grounds continues to exist.
If you attack religion outright, you aren't doing anything to seriously change the state of things.
Read Engels
(also here's a stupid-easy read on the basics of marxism, complete with pictures! It touches on religion on page 37)
Fuck me, forgot to add it and it is 40mb
google "Marx for beginners" by Rius
Ebola was pretty much right about religion
You stated several of the reasons yourself. As a Muslim I think I'm more knowledgeable on this topic than you.
remove kebab
Yeah great job fitting in there Holla Forums
no, other way round, plz try again
Fuck off with this bullshit, why do you continue to take the bat?
socialism is basically neo-Christianity
Christianity has largely and essentially become a religion of liberation (in the west) heaily influenced by the enlightenment and in response to petty-bourgeois reformism.
Muslim apologia is psychological projection by liberal christians who seek to minimize their own genuinely tiny minority of orthodox views on women and homosexuality which stand at odds with modern democracy, while these sentiments are far, far more mainstream among muslims.
Denying or excusing these unsavory views is not the solution. Genocide would make them worse, rally otherwise heterodox "liberal" muslims to the mujahideen, and take us considerably off-message.
Read Marx on the use of terror and study Rojava as a success story in progress.
both pretty true too
fuck you, you're an SJW
How can I be a christian Muslim apologist if I'm actually Muslim?
Christianity is and has always been the faith of colonizers. Islam is compatible with Marxism. Read some Qatb you fag.
100% agree
Christianity has never been liberating, it only stopped being oppressive when it essentially stopped being Christianity and started being empty cultural symbolism. The most violent religious conflicts in human history were between different Christian sects. There is an active attempt to return it to its roots of endless sectarian war, like the Dominionists, and there is no room for left wing thought.
While it is true that most devout Muslims have strongly conservative social views, the vast majority of socially liberal Christians and Jews are not devout.
I will agree that Islam is obviously not liberating though. Sayyid Qudb was a literal reactionary and figurative shithead.
Alternatively, we can make sure to not fund and give weapons to fundamentalists groups fighting secular governments.
You shut your kuffar mouth user.
Because christianity is practiced by le ebil whities.
Only pocee religions can be good.
The way you said it is fucking dumb, but basically. Kurds are mostly sunni and many groups are Marxist or Maoist. Qatb was socialist and influenced baathist before they became shit. There are Shiah groups, but I don't funk with them nigga.
religion is in fact simply a factor of culture
Yeah, good luck solving existential problems once you fix material problems. What a croak of shit.
Yep, that's the point.
Maybe you should croak, fam.
Think about it :)
As a follower of Y.S.E.E. I find this to be counter intuitive.
Particularly when science has explanations and room for the spiritual, but has only divorced itself from such practices due to the powers-that-be.
Besides, Soviets tried the same damn thing and now it's only brought about an even stronger Orthodox reactionary body.
Holla Forums pls stop putting "as a leftist" infront of your posts…its just really obvious and sad by now