Which one of these countries is most likely to go through a socialist revolution?
Which one of these countries is most likely to go through a socialist revolution?
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Israel. See: kibbutzim.
By that logic, the US and Canada shouldn't be "allowed" to have socialism either.
If Russia did it once - they can do it again.
The USSR used to say how anti-communist zionism is. I still think this is true. They wont do socialism unless it is Not Socialism. I would bet on Georgia.
Iran, fam.
southern Yemen
And the Kurds in northern Iraq
But i can see them go 100% Totalitarianism
The working class
Saudi Arabia, the moment they run out of oil money
communists were all killed and arrested
they don't have much influence in iranian society now, and most people don't even know about Shariati
Not in another 1000 year bud
the saudis don't even know what communism is they think it is an anti-religion movement that want to kill religions and thats it
They don't even know about the economic side of communism it doesn't exist in their minds
Saudi Arabia is investing in alternative energy to be there when they run out of oil money
it is tho
Yemen or Afghanistan
Both of those countries are still mostly tribal.
Israel. It's the only one even remotely developed enough in economic and social realms.
Israel indeed is almost a 'dictatorship of the Jewish Proletariat:' a bridge for oppressed Jews that can survive just long enough to keep them alive until the majority of the world is ready for workers' revolution.
You call a country that gets most of its military money from the US as economically developed?
Israel has a lot of high tech though.
Israel, which is why we should be fighting to ensure it remains a Jewish ethnostate.
I'd bet Iran or Turkey.
Afghanistan. They have Maoists.
Gonna go with Israel.
The fuck's going on here, Holla Forums?
It's a shame that one of the main problems with the 1917 revolution, which the Bolsheviks themselves were greatly concerned about, is that the revolution established itself on the peripheries of capitalism, in a country more used to supplying the developed world than being a center of economic influence itself.
But the worst thing is that a century later retards have not learned this lesson and still want to pinpoint a little shithole in the middle east, Africa or South America and think "this is where Socialism will be built" you people are hopeless
The question OP raised was not "do you support Israel?" but "which Middle Eastern country has the best chance of going communist?"
Apples and oranges.
either every country or none.
We should rather ask ourselves where the revolution will first uproot capitalism. IMO probably Turkey, Israel or Iran, due to the strong presence of the working class in their metropolitan areas.
Only in that religion is an opiate/social pain killer, that will largely disappear along with alienation from labour and a higher standard of living for all people. There might well be some non-institutional spiritualists after that, but we won't need a cleanse except against reactionaries.
That's not how you link you double nigger
Forgive me for being cynical comrade, but being surrounded so heavily by enemies on all sides, I don't think Rojava will survive in the long term. We have like 5-6 years tops before military intervention by the Turks or U.S or perhaps a offensive by Assad or Isis destroy it.
Hahahaha holy fuck dude
this guy here
he's an "anti german"
if you were to look for anything remotely resembling what nazis call "cultural marxists", these guys are a charicature of it, a fucking living joke
Isis is currently getting its shit pushed in by Kurdistan's Finest, comrade. If they can't retake Manbij or pursue new diplomatic objectives their war machine will grind to a halt.
I don't usually identify using the term. I prefer 'critic of the German ideology' since it's more accurate. And it really is accurate: Marx dedicated much of his life to criticising German idealism, and we continue that work, our main enemy today being Heideggerism and neo-Heideggerism.
Also, the Assad Regime is in no fucking position to go on the offensive.
The only thing that could really wipe Rojava off the map is an offensive by Turkey.
My money is on the UAE or Qatar - if their economies were to collapse, their massive populations of migrant workers would become increasingly restive.
Anyone else intrigued by oman?
They practice a very specific type of Islam that is very secretive and peaceful.
You never hear about war or terrorism in that country.
Also there are rumors that the sultan is a homosexual.
Nah the Omanis are in love with kingship of the sultan they even protested against him asking him to marry and have a son to rule after him
But he refuse to have a son for strange reason he says that he fears his son will betray him just like he betrayed his father .
Or maybe the guy is into Bara who knows
The immigrants workers in the gulf countries are sub class workers i don't see them revolting any time soon
There were a few close calls during the recession when many of them went unpaid for months at a time. If they were properly organised, they'd present one hell of a challenge to the governing class.
Are you from the middle east ?
There have already been bombing canpaigns in Afrin carried out by the Turks. The US is bound to look the other way when the Turks grow more bold.
I still don't get how many say Israel. Their communist party does not have a single seat.
Actually, what this guy meant
are these guys
They're the guys who show up at Antifa rallies with banners saying "BOMBER HARRIS DO IT AGAIN!"
They're pretty small, but German neetsocs think that they secretly control the left.
Israel. They are idustrialized, and they are trying to control half of their population with brute force.
They are already doing Not Socialism. Israel can not get any more totalitarian than they already are.
You're wrong about the immigrants in the gulf countries man. The only reason there haven't been more riots is an extremely strong police state
After the bourg khalifa riots in '06 you are not allowed to speak one word of workers rights in public. Let alone orgasnize
Also, I am only aware of this in Dubai, I can't speak for the governments of any other gulf country
One more thing, you can ask me anything about the struggle of the workers in Dubai and I will answer to the best of my ability. I am originally from Hyderabad, India and ideologically I am socialist
Communist parties barely exist in the Islamic World.
Here is a better English article I found about the riots
Have you noticed how I call it the bourg khalifa. Quite an accurate play on words
Lol, Israel is less likely than Saudi Arabia to go socialist.
Wait until the oil money stops coming in and the royal family no longer has a way to prop itself up.
I said it before and I will say it again. Saudi Arabia is investing over 100 billion dollars worth in solar energy. You can find info on this all over. Also they make a lot of money from Muslims flying in for Hajj and they plan on expanding their tourist industry.
you're not a very bright one, are you?
Didn't Ethiopa already go red for a while? They went autocrat later with some Chinese help under Meles Zenawa, and now there is a movement to return to feudalism under the bloodline of Menelek.
"Islamic socialism" sounds closer to social democracy than the DoP.
I don't think that's too profitable to export.