NSA data-mining thread

Please participate good goyims!

I'll start

tell me why what I'm using is shit and why I'm a retard

Other urls found in this thread:


Startpage is run by pajeets, OP

pfsense. What's the point of letting CIAniggers in your home just so you chase them out again?


u wot m8




Vanilla Tor

-µBlock origin
-uMatrix (block all authorize few)
-Https everywhere (block all non https tragic)
-Random agent spoofer (several obvious options activated)
-Self-Destructing Cookies
-HTML5 Video Everywhere (for jewtube)
-Detect Cloudflare


Cuck license gets what it deserves.
Don't use any chromium like fork.
Google has pozzed to much of the code to be verified technically or legally (legally=license).

Use umatrix, I only add µblock origin has a fail safe if I allow by mistake shit from uMatrix.

searx is good and starpage request can be added in the options of searx

Firefox ESR
JavaScript Toggle On and Off
Privacy Badger
Random Agent Spoofer
Self-Destructing Cookies
µBlock Origin

Bing tends to give wrong results when running inquiries

are you me?

Pick one!

It's important to know that this is not about making it theoretically impossible to find anything about you, but to make bulk analysis unprofitable. The more of you use of these things, the better:
* GNUnet
* Tor
* GnuPG
* Paying in cash
* Zcoin
* Not using facebook (and if you are dump enough to do, not posting things there you couldn't tell in a TV interview under full name)
* Icecat
** Privacy extensions: >>760344

Is the whole source code available under a free software license? And I don't mean certain unimportant parts, just enough to be able to stick the "Licensed under a License Certified by the Open Source Initiative" sticker on some of it.


80000 blocked hosts in DNS

yellow pages

I don't think I have to worry about this user..

I'll look into it actually


More like the more you use these things the more you make yourself a target.

Until there's a mistake.

not if there's a lot of people on it.

Bonzi Buddy 2.0
Google you fucking cuckold

This doesn't even deserve a reply

Did you get triggered, user? Was my bait too much for you?

not an argument

I noticed no one is using Disconnect, is it trash?

You best be spoofing your user agent or everything you've done is pointless


HTTPS everywhere
Privacy Badger
Ublock Origin

Google I know, I know, but Disconnect doesn't do Google anymore and I need to actually be able to find stuff

If you're willing to use Google you might as well use DuckduckGo, it's suspicious but better than Google in all likelihood and the bangs are handy.

I'm using Google because I need to actually find stuff

0 results for 99% of searches

I suggest a metasearch engine like Startpage or Searx, they pull results from Jewgle but without the HIV

You can also choose to include results from other sources (not on startpage IIRC, but you can on Searx)

In my experience its results are fine unless I'm try to find lots of information for study. If you're not happy with its results just append !g to the end of your search and it will search Google for you indirectly so that you're not sending info to Google or getting bubbled.

Main reason I like it are the bangs, !yt for Youtube, !w for Wikipedia, !aw for Archwiki, etc. It seems to have one built in for anything, so half the time you don't even care about the search results because you skip directly to the information you want.

Yes I know you can implement this for other search engines but having it just werk and also having it search other engines anonymously is preferable.

I'm not sure if I can trust it user

Tor Browser

HTTPS Everywhere
UMatrix (should be mandatory in every browser tbh, really powerful and flexible)
UBlock Origin
Self-Destructing Cookies


FuckFuckGoy is a joke, no wonder it gets shilled so much.

DuckDuckGo is bad, but that image is really terrible.

Why zcoin over zcash?

I heard DDG sends your user agent and IP to the websites you visit as well. More accurately it exploits a known flaw in web browsers to make them send it.


I once blocked my browser from sending that info. You'd be surprised how many websites outright stop working. They're all in on it.

Are you retarded? You send both your User-Agent and your IP (or Proxy/VPN IP if you use one) yourself to websites yourself. Lurk more.

Ladies and gentlemen! May I present to you: the greatest autist that has ever lived!

Duck, Duck, You. (Revised)

A mysterious startup appears from the blue.
A duck in a bowtie, run by (((you know who))).

He promised privacy, to respect your space.
But did you take note of the methods in place?

A company US, your privacy sworn.
In 2010 markets Tor (for your porn).

Years later it's mentioned in Time Magazine.
"It's like early Google", the author did preen.

"We do not track you!" the Duck says as you choose.
Remember: He's tracking search terms that you use.

And location data, though not your IP.
They get ads from Bing, don't you think that they see?

Hosting their servers, guess who? Amazon!
Do you trust their cloud? Are you such a moron?

There's auto-suggestions, think, how does that work?
You trust that you're safe, I suggest you more lurk.

You hopped off Google, privacy was the plan.
Jumped out of the fire and into the pan.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Your browser sends every single website your useragent and every connection you make is via your real IP, unless you use a user-agent spoofer and/or use a VPN/proxy. Why don't you do some research before claiming I am an autist while sitting at your mom's basement?

Jesus Christ. People on Holla Forums really think autosuggesting is tracking.

$ createdb duckduckgo$ psql duckduckgopsql (9.6.3)Type "help" for help.duckduckgo=> create table search_queries (query varchar(255) not null, count integer, constraint uniq_query UNIQUE(query));CREATE TABLE// When something is first searchedduckduckgo=> insert into search_queries values ('viagra', 1);INSERT 0 1// When something is searched againduckduckgo=> update search_queries set count = count + 1 where query='viagra';UPDATE 1// To sort for autocompleteduckduckgo=> select query from search_queries where query like 'viag%' order by count;
Now you are going to call me DuckDuckGo IDF/Jew/NSA/whatever.

No reason to get mad. You're just autistic. You must certainly aren't alone in here. It's just that there are some things painfully obvious to normal people that you don't seem to get: like sarcasm. At first I thought you just may have just missed it, but now it's clear you really don't know.

For the record, I'm not the one who made the joke, but it is funny to see how you missed it so entirely and actually got mad.

Nice ad hominem, but you still haven't provided any arguments to explain why you think I am autistic.
Tell me what I missed.

I also think it's a joke, but I'm only about 80% sure. I could imagine someone who misunderstood an explanation about the referer header saying something like that.

Browser: Firefox

Privacy Extensions:

Search engine:

uBlock origin


Https Everywhere
Privacy Settings


This but with Umatrix.
No flash player and no java either
Same addons except with NoScript and a random user agent changer
Also using OpenNIC for DNS

Forgot search
Jewgle for work only

Right click into search form->Add a keyword for this search->Keyword
for example if you add youtube as y you can search it with y foobar in your address bar


sleep snug, smug


>>>Holla Forums
VPNs are government-owned pieces of propaganda, especially paid ones. It's double jewry - not only do you need to pay for the VPN, they also sell your info.



I'm just fucking GETs up by posting sage on a page 15 thread don't mind me

ooohh nooeesss the number I cannot predict

black people smell bad lol

where are the post numbers jim?

retards don't see it comming


black people


This is a test of the emergency GET fuck up system, this is only a test

46 GET

retards don't post past page 1

lol my peenus weenus

53 GET

GET watchers don't look past page 1 either LOL

don't mind me just moving this slow shit along







holy shit

You fucked up.