Why are you not mining cryptocurrenies? The great digital coin rush of 2017 is upon us. Mine if you can afford an AMD card.
Why are you not mining cryptocurrenies? The great digital coin rush of 2017 is upon us...
You'll have to try harder to inform me of my potential second income OP, explain
dont touch the poop
Mining hasn't been profitable in ages and the cryptocurrency market acts more like a stock market than a currency market.
I invite you to mine my new cryptocurrency: KangzCoin™! Get in early because every coin takes twice as much power to mine as the last and worth half as much. I've hardcoded everything up to 800kWh/5¢ in a secret wallet to give everyone else a fair starting point.
Whats the deal with mining eth mining? My friend is suddenly mining this shit and telling me to create a .bat and a wallet.
Not Jewish enough for you Moshe?
Seriously, I don't understand how anyone who understands how fiat currently works can be against cryptocurrency. It's a huge step up from the (((inflate at will))) money that we're stuck on at the moment.
i personally dont like the idea of a currency that's backed primaily by chinese with warehouses full of asic miners, but that's just me
I still find that preferable to a currency backed by (non-auditable) regulation and situated primarily in the United States of Israel.
At least they cannot inflate it at will. And acting dishonestly, on their part, works against what gives the coin value.
Besides, there's always opportunity in the future for other international players to board the mining train. It's still a far more democratic, less corruptible system than what we currently have.
Because power costs, and if I wanted crypto, I rather deal with Proof of Stake or DAG coins.
It's the great digitial coin rush of 2017 because the normies just heard about it, not because it's suddenly lucrative.
I pay my electric bills
1. Fake money
2. Too late to make the 'big bucks'
3. Where are all these supposed new millionaires and billionaires that are all over the internet but never seen irl?
1. Backed by jewish banks
2. Bitcoin is losing its market share
3. (((coincidentally))) started gaining value after all the jewish media told people to buy it
Yeah, but that's probably damage-minimization. When you're moving into obsolescence (conventional banking), you try to 'control' the next big thing so that you can either subvert it (current blocksize debate) or at least have your hands in the pot.
The current Bitcoin Dev Team (((Core))) have done everything they can to prevent Bitcoin scaling it seems.
My hope is that the other cryptos take over. I still think this is the best solution we have to the Federal Reserve at this point in time.
Most cryptocurrencies only have value because... they have value. That's literally what people are doing: mining to sell them. Who the fuck uses bitcoins after that?
Basing value on such a ponzi scheme is a very bad idea, and you should have learned from 2007.
Mining now. 10 GPUs, 8 R9 Fury and 2 RX580
7K hardware investment, 2K return so far. Plan is to generate enough to pay back initial cash drop, sell the hardware and then trade the currency to grow it. Unlike the stock market you have price, market cap AND network hash to give you hints about what the big fuckers are doing... price going down but hash rate going up? Clear example of manipulation going on, buy in to anticipate the rise.
I do like the idea of transferring "money" without all the fees, signups and middlemen, and worst case when you cash out you just pay capital gains. For example, paypal froze the account of some organization with an unkosher opinion (can't remember who)... If they were accepting crypto, paypal wouldn't have a say.
There is money laundering going on for sure and the fatal flaw is its total dependence on both internet access and electricity, so traditional investment advice (spread weal;th among many asset classes) applies x10
One more thing, some of these currencies are basically "useless" like bitcoin. You are calculating for the sake of calculating and it is as legitimate as fiat is.
But others like Sia or Ethereum are designed to provide a service. Sia is some kind of distributed storage, Ethereum is some kind of distributed app/site hosting platform and you are rewarded for supporting/powering the network.
Ironically, crypto has taught me why the idea of a central bank is so appealing to people. The volatility in cryptocurrency is absolutely fucking nuts, if your country lived and died on a value system so volatile it could never survive. 15-20% fluctuations in value per day are commonplace.
That's down to BTC being pure speculation. Start demanding it in payment for taxes and watch it stabilize.
You mean a currency backed by some government will stabilize? No fucking way.
Yes it will, because that is most beneficial for the majority of people. How can you save BTC if it's so volatile? You'd need to invest it immediately into something like property or a car or clothes whatever.
Because I would make a whopping 2.5€ of profit a day with my current workstation. That's neither worth my time, nor the extra hardware strain.
Mining hasn't been profitable in ages and the cryptocurrency market acts more like a stock market than a currency market.
I behaves more like a pump and dump penny stock scam than a legit stock market
That's the conclusion I came to. The $2/day isnt really worth it considering my fat salary and if my gpu shits out I dont want to have to pay the crazy inflated gpu prices right now because every nerd is buying them up trying to get rich mining.
Why not just skip the pyramid scheme and pay me your hard cash directly? I'll only charge half of what your electricity bill would otherwise be, it's a bargain.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 8ch are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous imageboard culture!
Mate that was clearly sarcasm
One good copypasta deserves another, here's userjs to make Holla Forums's tripfag filters work almost as well as 4chanX
"use strict";let userFilters = { name: [] , trip: [] , com: [] , sub: [] , board_tech: [ /fagioli/i ] // per-board example };let getText = x => x.textContent;let removeDiv = (selector, type, functor) => document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach( x => userFilters[type].some(f => functor(x).match(f)) && x.closest('.post, .mix').classList.add('userjs-filtered'));JSON.parse(localStorage.postFilter).generalFilter .map(x => userFilters[x.type].push( new RegExp(x.regex ? x.value : x.value.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&').replace(/\s+/,'\\s*') , 'i')) );removeDiv('.post .subject, .mix .subject', 'sub', getText);removeDiv('.post .body-line, .mix .replies', 'com', getText);switch ( active_page ) { case 'catalog': removeDiv('.mix .thread-image', 'name', x => x.dataset.name); break; case 'thread': removeDiv('.post .trip', 'trip', getText); removeDiv('.post .name', 'name', getText); $(document).on('new_post', (e, x) => { let newid = '#'+x.id; removeDiv(newid+' .trip', 'trip', getText); removeDiv(newid+' .name', 'name', getText); removeDiv(newid+' .body-line', 'com', getText); if ( userFilters['board_'+board_name] ) { removeDiv(newid, 'board_'+board_name, getText); } }); break;}if ( userFilters['board_'+board_name] ) { removeDiv('.post .body-line, .mix', 'board_'+board_name, getText);}
kek @ you both for being such newfags and sperging over trips like you just came from Reddit (which you probably do) instead of contributing to the discussion. Reported to the 4chan cyberpolice.
if you decrease the priority of the transaction the fee goes down. of course you might not want to wait 10 days for your transaction to go through, but if you're mining those huge amounts every cent counts.
I don't want to do it because I don't want to be reminded that I missed the boat. I have emails from 2010/2011 reminding me that I could've had a million or two in capital gains, even after taxes. I sold what little btc I had during the first crash. I'm still disillusioned about people using the distributed ledgers to get rich quick, as it could be something much more, but am also a greedy fuck that's more upset that I'm a terrible investor.
Oh well, I guess I could just make myself feel better by telling myself that the prices on exchanges are being manipulated. Too bad I didn't take advantage of the manipulation.
I have mined cryptocurrencies and it was years ago, and the only sane way to do it was with 4KW of ASICs on free electricty. WTF are you going to do with an AMD card?
Because mining expends more energy than the currencies are worth if they are worth anything, and the other option is trading my hard earned and more universally accepted monopoly money for its digital counterpart.
Pretty stupid prospect if you ask me.
Its threads like these that show just how mentally ill the average Holla Forums user is.
Go get den evil joos. Careful of their teeth.
le ebin no-intrinsic-value meme XDDD
Let's say I have free electricity and can guarantee uptime. What now?
Serious question: I thought that I need some serious (and expensive) hardware to mine. Like TH/s at minimum.
Really gets that noggin' joggin'.
What are you mining? The 2k return includes electricity bills?
Do you like any digital currencies, or do you fail to see the importance of the technical innovation all together?
I'm mining zcash rn
Thank fucking god that AMD made Vega shit for mining.
The real money in a gold rush is not in mining gold, it's in the saloons, restaurants and whore houses the miners will spend on. That's where even a draft-dodging unemployed immigrant like Trump's grandfather could make a fortune.
Invest in AMD and Nvidia, not in cryptogarbage.
Hi there!
It seems that you have noticed a feature of imageboards called "trips". Their purpose is to give a person an identity - instead of being anonymous. And this is exactly what they're for; you need no context to use them whatsoever, they're just a feature of imageboards. You appear to have forgotten this, or you're just extremely new! Whoops! You should always remember to not post when you're a massive newfag.
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to not being a retarded newfag on imageboards!
What websites do you use to learn to trade and talk about cryptocurrencies? I know the big one is bitcointalk.whatever.
If you want to hog internet attention then go be a Twitter thot.
or go back to >>>reddit
This is why I'll never be rich. I never believe in something. I liked bitcoin, but I let skepticism and calculations win me over anyway. It's practically useless now mining with just one card.
I've been scraping all my drives looking for info on the 0.1 I gathered, because even that is substantial now, but it seems to be lost for good.
Don't feel too bad user. I know a guy who worked in a college and used his army of GPU's to mine night and day for many moons. I don't know what he had, but he sold when the exchange rate for 1 BTC was 20 bucks US. I can only imagine his pain.
How easy is Ethereum to get into?
I don't want attention, I want identity.
As humans are social animals, anonymity makes no sense whatsoever.
Also it's
Where can one actually buy amd cards
The only consolation I have is that apparently it was impossible to get market value in real money for your coins back then, and even if you could have done so MTGOX would have stolen your coins in the first place.