Did you know that last night there was a thread on halfchan's Holla Forums where one of us defended communism...

Did you know that last night there was a thread on halfchan's Holla Forums where one of us defended communism? I'll link the thread.


Chinatsu a qt

That was a hilarious read, thanks.

Best girl thread?


Oh hey, that was me! I can't give proof right now, but I'll show you my (You)s when I'm back home.


Why even live tbh comradetachi

I find it interesting that everyone on leftypol, meself included, seems to want to be sexually dominated.

Any hypotheses on the matter, my fellow leftists?

No. That's you. I want to DOMINATE sexually.

hi what is happening here


Well I'm dominant. So, you're wrong

Wow, what an awful thread. Shit taste everywhere.




I like both.


i´m asexual

I'm about 80% dominant, so you're wrong about that.
Speaking of which, I'd love to force Akari to wet herself in public and then take her to buy diapers while still wearing her wet clothes.

Okay, this thread got derailed to shit, but if anyone cares, here are the (You)s.

No, I want a Tsundere that actually wants to be dominated.

in hispachan's /int everyday there is some faggot trying to spread communism.

fuck off with the anime bullshit
stop trying to derail leftist politics


>implying the best girl isnt anfem poster

>best anything

Good job man.

If I were female we'd already be in a long-distance inter-racial lesbian relationship

I just like the way she draws so much flak, I meam we dissagree in a lot of shit, but girl's spunky as fuck, I like that.

So, wall, gulag, guillotine, or noose for them?


Holla Forums got btfo so hard






So the only true socialisms have all been thwarted just before they properly establish? Phew. Good thing CIA got there just in time or I'm certain the global revolution would be here by now.



Bump for yuri.

Subs are actually more in control than Doms.

Also, if I want to control someone sexually, I'd just have them on their hands and knees as a stool for me to rest my feet on while they masturbate while I watch TV.


It depends a lot on whether or not the sub is allowed to have a safeword.

On a related note, there are almost no images of Chinatsu in bondage. This should be rectified.

Fucking degenerates.

If I was a cute little girl like Akari I wouldn't mind getting tied up and molested by Chinatsu.

As it is, I'd much rather restrain her and punish her for being such a naughty little rapist. Maybe make her wear a chastity belt and vibrator for a few weeks to keep her aroused but unable to get any release.

Wtf happened here


OP posted some shit about halfchan. Everyone else decided it would be more interesting to talk about Yuru Yuri.

I still need to watch S3 of yuru yuri. Is it worth it?

Also everyone in this thread has shit taste. Behold best couple.

It's definitely worth watching. There's a very slight shift in style/tone, but it's still just as good as S1 and S2. It actually develops a lot of the characters more and you get to see a bit of a different side to them.

All animeposters should be shot tbh

You should love it considering Sakurako and Himawari basically become the main characters.

