SJW Woman Gives Trump Supporter The Finger.. Gets Followed

Which one of you fuckers was this?

You're not welcome here, cuckchan.

Was it you?

it was me fam

You need to go back

dude, they've swamped the regular userbase.
this board is screwed
welcome to Ironic/pol/



Why are all the kikes in this thread kvetching? That was a pretty good video.

I loved the part where she could get cited for public disturbance in a school zone.


Feminist bitches who think they can treat people like shit because Professor Oyvey Goldstein in their Womens' Studies course told them men oppress them piss me off. Seeing women like this just makes me wanna slam my head into a jackhammer.

Read the fucking catalog.

yes, yes you just might be..


Read the catalog Reddit

Tara Rodham Dublin
Twitter: @taradublinrocks
Facebook: taradublin/videos/10154599971976554


Oh wow, you started off explaining that you have to pass his house every day out of nowhere, and after you give the finger "for once" he chased you? Wow what a shocker? What else you say? He was taking pictures, taping and stalking you? Oh wow, you surely somehow know this insane person. Can't believe he was going super fast while stalking right behind you. What's that? You also called him a fucking racist? Oh my. You tell that cop about all your followers. That's right officer, she said nothing but the finger! She has freedom to call him a racist! She has freedom to express herself with only her hand. She be peaceful!

**This is the biggest bullshit I ever heard. She literally shifts from " I called him a racist" to "I dind say nuffin" between mere seconds. A lot of things she says is brow raising. She cuts out a lot of what the office says.

Judging by it all, this SJW has been harassing that guy for a while since he told the cop about his cameras around the house, and the cop tells her he can press charges with those cameras.**

Already a thread.

Also full dox available.

Last thread is full, isn't it?

First was second isn't

I feel so bad for this poor cop who has to deal with this autism.

People should do a survey of who different criminals in prison support. Most rapists and murderers are black/hispanic. They would support Democrats/Hillary.

We could get a statistic like, 90% of rapists 90% of murderes support Hillary.

Then anytime a feminist shrew like her says "Look what men do to Women in this country blah blah blah vote Democrat/Hillary" just respond with, "Vote Hillary?!?! 90% of rapists are democrats, your the ones raping all the women in this country your the ones victimising us!"