ITT: Webcomics you'd like to see get a movie or TV adaption.
ITT: Webcomics you'd like to see get a movie or TV adaption
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I don't get it, why can't he get up?
I'd rather stand, niggers stink worse as they age.
damn, that takes me back
It's funny because it's terrible and they were so fucking stupid and talentless that they thought it was good.
the one where the two fat bearded men talk about meeting each other's families and then decide to have sex before the lasagne they ate causes one of them to start shitting
I think Uzumaki would make for a great tv series.
Series 1 Episode 1: The Spiral Obsession (1/2)
Series 1 Episode 2: The Spiral Obsession (2/2)
Series 1 Episode 3: The Scar
Series 1 Episode 4: The Firing Effect
Series 1 Episode 5: Twisted Souls
Series 1 Episode 6: Medusa
Series 2 Episode 1: Jack-In-The-Box
Series 2 Episode 2: The Snail
Series 2 Episode 3: The Black Lighthouse
Series 2 Episode 4: Mosquitoes (1/2)
Series 2 Episode 5: The Umbilical Cord (2/2)
Series 2 Episode 6: The Storm
Series 3 Episode 1: The House (1/6)
Series 3 Episode 2: Butterflies (2/6)
Series 3 Episode 3: Chaos (3/6)
Series 3 Episode 4: Erosion (4/6)
Series 3 Episode 5: Escape (5/6)
Series 3 Episode 6: The Labyrinth (6/6)
The episodes would correspond with the chapters so each story has an hour to be developed and play out. Like the Twilight Zone, it's a spooky tale each time except the ones that carry across two chapters with the third series being it's own story arc to finish the series off. The film adaptation was pretty bad because it was released before the third volume, and the loose connection of each of the stories mean it would be better suited to a MOTW format. Why has nobody made this?
It doesn't serve the agenda the electric jew is supposed to espouse. Although I think some of the stuff wouldn't work in live action and what makes Junji Ito so good is his mastery of the medium. I'd love a limited series about a town slowly descending into pure lovecraftian madness though.
A Junji Ito anthology show would be good in general. He has a lot of material that would easily fit into a 20 minute episode, like Dissolving Classroom or Army of One.
i surprised Netflix hasnt made Captain Sweden Yes yet
give it a rest
I will when kikewood gives the brainwashing a rest.
I want more anthology shows, in particular horror anthology shows but nothing has come to fill the void. I was excited for that Channel Zero show that was based on creepypasta even though it was
Gonna watch it and see if it's any good.
I know, right? Why can't people accept that some women have penises and that sexuality is a spectrum, and that whites have inherent privilege?
wouldn't he just follow her home then?
What is the joke here?
Because originally he had to sit there, but then he and the guy next to him were the only ones left. It gets awkward because they're the last ones in the train car but are sat right next to each other.
Wouldn't a Finnish nightmare be someone sitting next to them at all?
maybe when they sat next to you it was the only empty seat
How is that awkward? You just move seats. What kind of faggot wrote this joke?
An awkward faggot.
Whomp is not for you Chad.
what if there are no empty standing spots?
Then the Finn is having night terrors
You're missing out
It's considered rude to move away from someone like that once you've sat next to them.
Read the Finnish comic for context.
This one.
The author went full tumblr cuck and virtue signals for patreon cash now.
What a shame.
This one.
It was done already.
i genuinely cannot tell if this is a parody or 100% serious
it is
oh fuck not those feels man
El Goonish Shive
it would make an AMAZING tv show
Achewood. would probably need to be at least a trilogy.
But thats even better
this SMBC strip. would be a good comedy.
I would never sit next to a nigger in the public transport.
What if assigned male was cis
i don't get it, what's the punchline?
At least post her loli version.
That even ages after his death, jews will continue to try and punish a man they dislike.
there's multiple punchlines
thank you.
Cbt is the thinking man's fetish.
Sam Whitcomb Hyde starring as space moose.
Nick Rochefort as Bald Dwarf.
Charls Carrol as Marlo Smefner.
I'll never get over the real ronnie being a rootin tootin texan complete with accent.
If you have 400 pictures of her, why do you only ever post the same 20 or 30?
that its scientifically okay to be racist
Holy shit, this is literally Kino Pravda. Pasolini would be absolutely proud.
These are my favorites
i guess if you dont know what science is, sure
Science is a spook.
That nigger can't draw humans for shit, god damn
National socialists, communists, moslems, take your pick, any of them are preferable to American libruls.
This. Only capitalist classcucks believe in the (((white man's))) science and "logic".
I know Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of those "pretend I'm really smart" types, but that's no reason to say all of science is a nigger.
Oh fuck I thought you were talking about Ronnie for a second, I almost got sad.
Social science is the hardest science there is.
Science is bourgeois social colonialism.
The earth is flat conrads.
You want to be safe?
Geometry is a tool of oppression. We should ask what the Earth consents to be.
Hore shet!
These poople are so retard, How don't they forget to breathe?
The way masculine and alpha is in quotation marks is real nice. It's like even within their degenerate fantasy they can't bring themselves to accept that they are the effeminate beta male.
Strangely reminiscent of the Maddox video.
The only webcomic worth adapting already got it.
Bleedman's work
Dreamkeepers but it would be impossible to do well. A movie wouldn't be along enough and a TV show animation budget wouldn't do it justice.
Crossed: Wish You Were Here would make an awesome trilogy.
looks incredibly generic
He basically already has set up the whole story board.
Get a trip already so I can filter you cuckfag.
it's like he almost saw the future
I'd like an adaption of the Bus. It'd be a miniseries of surreal shorts about taking the bus.
didn't this comic used to have a cat of some sort?
Yeah but he ran away.
Is the one of the edgiest western comic ever publicated.
Jesus fucking Christ
Did anyone else think that the star on the back of the snail in the second panel was a star of David at first?
t. 12 yo edgelord
So an ugly girl fell for the trans meme because she didn't think she could meet the aesthetic expectations that are placed on women? This is very similair to cuckoldry in a way when you think about it.
You ever notice how most people who go trans never looked good anyway? Case in Point: Chris Chan.
thanks doc
does this artist draw cuck porn?
fuck crossed and fuck ennis up the ass with a horsecock
if that drawing is any indication, he really was ugly
That's something straight out of an outlandish Holla Forums spaghetti greentext.
This should never be considered normal or acceptable.