It's like reading a passage from Finnegan's Wake.

I wonder though if this sort of thing could be used against them. For example, these sorts show up to our events and shout 'Racist!' 'Sexist!' 'Bigot!' But we don't care about these labels.

These people do care about these labels.

Imagine going to a leftist lecture and interrupting them with cries of "Ableist!" "Ageist!" etc


what the fuck is ableism

It's a cult of Abe Vigoda. Peace be upon him

You must be new here.

It's when an able-bodied shitlord like you uses his able-bodied privileged to gain an advantage in life over the physically and mentally disabled strong independent handicapable people of the world.

As a cripple I condemn those fucking retarded chucklefucks who use handicapable as a word. I'm not some mascot that they can show to the world to promote their faggotry and I fucking love saying racist and sexist shit when I meet those SJW pussies, they absolutely don't know how to react. I'm also a eugenicist so you can be sure that my bloodline ends with me.

well i suppose this was the conclusion all along. we need to meme leftwing suicide parties.

Probably a Holla Forumslack as a sleeper agent.

Firetires? You're still… alive? I thought Jim had you bumped off.

I'm not cripplekike, although I do have a milder version of his boneitis.

Sucks to be you. How does it feel that you're living in these degenerate times, yet it's due to these times you're probably alive.

You could have let me believe he was coming back, at least.

Hate it, I would have taken Hitler's vision over the degenerate bullshit we live in. Being in constant pain while those hypocrites keeping you alive think they do a good deed is seriously insulting.

I miss him too.

Oh sweet, Hotwheels is lurking!

Can you confirm or deny that the default Trump ad was put in place by you? We were discussing that in the Palmer Lucky thread. I figured it made more sense than someone paying for a year of ad space.

Where did he go? I've been away for a while.

I'm not hotwheels. I'm not a lolberg, I'm a national-socialist.

my nigga

Hotwheels lost interest in maintaining the site and the technical issues almost killed it. Jim's son Ron (Codemonkey) took over and fixed the site, but we lost like 500-1000 users before that happened sadly. He made a new board for feedback at >>>/sudo/ . The current file size limit is 12mb and will reach 16mb in two weeks.

I don't call him cripplekike like everyone else because he was more victim than villain, to me. The kikes made sure (((Jim))) was the only way out he had after the shit with GaymerGoy.

Nobody really knows. He pretty much ceded complete control of 8ch to (((Jim and Friends))), and hasn't been heard from since.

Oh, great. Jim.

Has anything fishy happened because of that seedy fuckface?

Can we meme intelligent-ism into existing? They already think IQ tests are racist. Why wouldn't they take the next step and just say that the concept of intelligence is racist and that stupid lives matter?

id rather meme total genocide of (((them))) because i want off this ride

works for me


So it's basically communism, but instead of applying it to social status/position, it has to go deeper and projects/blames genetics for their own deficiencies?
This is racism(if you can call it that) towards physically and mentally superior men but with a jewish mental gymnastic twist.

The basis for the mongrel race ruled by Sanhedrim.

I'm somewhat happy that Gamergate aborted this shit too early. Imagine if this was the norm and not laughed at.

Holy fuck, it's literally newspeak

Your body may be degenerate, user. But your spirit is one of a true aryan. Always remember that.

Not really, the site is faster and more stable than ever, with all the broken shit fixed and multiple new features added.

It is too easy to drive a wedge between these people. All you have to do is be more oppressed then the others, and then tell half to fuck off. The they fight over being more oppressed and join sides, and you can just leave. I wonder if those controlling these things ever wonder why they had to have chosen such idiots to do their bidding.

More like my body is degenerating because nobody taught me the proper way and here I am in my 20's too far late and far gone to have a chance.

they are the ones who are most vulnerable to this language.
if you are capable of justifiably accusing them of this, you win.
alternatively, you can also accept being a racist around them while giving your points.

I wonder if we can somehow meme that reproducing is reinforcing the patriarchy because it reinforces the idea that women's sole purpose is to have kids which it actually is. I know their birthrates are already low but if it can reduce it even more it wouldn't hurt.

Sadly those insane cunts have influence in politics. I have to deal sometimes with SJWs in my line of work and they are currently lobbying. Some places are so involved in this that their sham of NGO's funds go almost completely towards this instead of doing the thing they say they do to get funding.

There is nothing wrong with killing people who are extremely mentally or physically impaired, with no possible cures, and their lives are meaningless.

I do but I call him affectionately. ;_;

This. If Karma is real you must had been a real prick in your previous life to end up red-pilled and crippled in this rotten era.

If that makes you feel any better I might need to have a prostatectomy at the age of 35 and probably lose any realistic chance of reproduction.

So SJWs are about to stop SJWing because it makes retards feel bad? I dont get it.

Yeah gather a band and taunt them at the intrance :^)

If it makes you feel better the odds of you rolling that sick ID was lower than anything else you'll have happen in your life

We need to meme that you can't be a true SJW if you're white. That will destroy them and make sense to their retarded melted brains.

that should be an easy narrative to push

it all seems like misplaced maternal instinct, and desire to be cared for.

suppose that's what you get with single childless women, whose self-worth is found in things outside of her children and home


What a retard ;^)

That fucking website is ridiculous.


Bumping because this is actually a good idea.


No, this is what happens when you send you daughter to college, the rest of her life turns into a self-indulging quest for ever more refined forms of cat-ladyism.

Body Integrity Identity Disorder is fucking bullshit jew psychology, we had to discuss the ethics of this in my philosophy class and most people who spoke out were ```in favor of crippling people because they don't feel right in a functioning body```. I was literally the lone dissenting voice as the entire discussion group argued "but what if all parties involved consent and its not hurting anybody?".

These people are mentally ill, and instead of giving them help the politically correct thing to do is to indulge their delusions. You wouldn't tell a depressed person that its okay to cut their wrists if it makes them feel better, so how the fuck is this any different? Many of these people "identify as amputees" and will chop off their own limbs if not given treatment. These brainwashed faggots think this is perfectly acceptable. We are not living in a healthy society, this is pure insanity.

Well I fucked that up, how do I into inline bolding

'I once knew a mentaller' would have saved the wordcount

you used the wrong punctuation

inline test of bolding

Oh thanks bro, the cheatsheet i was reading looked like ` rather than '

Take note, this is how you divide leftists. Modern liberalism is based off of a victimization totem pole- the more a victim you are, the more your vice matters. Non-whites (especially blacks), Muslims, trannies, and cripples are all top dogs on the totem pole. All it takes to send a leftist organization into disarray is for Leftist B to accuse Leftist A of transphobia/racism/islamophobia/etc- it does not matter how valid the claim is.

t. former leftist

They are running themselves into the ground.

By making everything oppressive, soon they cover all the traits that apply to them, and they'll have neutralized themselves.

The whole thing malfunctions because it attracts people with a malfunctioning brain. This way, they collectively make each other worse and all go down crashing. It's much better than if they were isolated with their malfunctioning.

We should rejoice. They are destroying themselves and each other. We've seen them eat each other on twatter. It's happening and it's accelerating. Praise Kek!

sup Hotwheels

What happens if..

tits or GTFO


gas the kikes race war now

Definitely, I know I'm late to this thread but I know some pretty staunch feminists quite well (they run a magazine about intersectionality and everything), but they are actually fairly intelligent i still believe they only mean well.

They ran a night for discussion of intersectionality and a bunch of non white women turned up and basically told them that because they are middle class and white they couldn't even be part of any discussion because they were oppressors (ironically a lot of these non white woman were international students from upper class families in their own countries).

The next day we talked about it and I started dropping subtle redpills, which actually did get through, they haven't been the same, and seem much more open to other opinions now than they were before…

It's not impossible to turn these people, they know deep down something in their ideology is rotten to the core, they just don't want to believe it because it would shatter their comforting worldview.

Didn't mean to rant that much but you get the idea…

Any ideology that has a fundamental belief that all races are equal are able to be chipped away at as people get real time evidence of it, they then start thinking Holy Shit we are fucking up the one area that actually worked, European lead areas.

Takes a while though.

Dealing with the "oppressed people"'s constant whining is what turns many liberals away from the movement.

Unfortunately they also have the additional problem that feminism and left leaning values in general basically dominate a huge part of their personal identity and their feeling of self worth.

If they turned their back on the 'movement', they would lose their friends, their social status, probably even their jobs.

It's sad really, knowing the truth isn't always easy.

I don't personally subscribe to the more extreme views on Holla Forums that these people all need to essentially be killed, i feel sorry for them, i remember thinking that way, they think they are being logical and doing what is right… It's noble in a pathetic ignorant kind of way.

I suspect a good chunk of these people only persist in their lunacy because the modern lefts heavy reliance on labels means their sense of self identity is utterly tied up in and reliant on said labels.

To abandon the modern left is to abandon those labels. Leaving you as nothing.

There is no end limit because it's all abstract fluff, and degeneracy in general ends at legalizing child/corpse rape and slavery.

go away already

This is the worst pill chart I've ever seen.

meme warfare, support this initiative and encourage left wing suicide parties. Especially easy after Trump takes office, play on their victimization and despair complexes

Karma isn't real.

At least not in the sense we all know

Karma is action and the result thereof. Of course it's real.

Environmentalists seem easy to turn; talk about how illegals and massive non-white immigration ruin countries.

action and reaction is karma. cause and effect.

Finnegan's Wake is beautiful, though.

Any of Trump's sons could have afforded a year of Holla Forums ad space with their kiddie allowances at age eight.

And we know with 90% certainty one of them browses Holla Forums.

Damn, that shitty nickelodeon cartoon that had the main character's family be jewish so they could have propaganda episodes about kike holidays wasn't joking with the last name.
Also, (((psychologists))) belong in the bog with the rest of the degenerates.

>its not hurting anybody?"
>"its not hurting anybody?"
This is something out of fucking nightmares I've had before, people intentionally mutilating themselves, asking to be dismembered, or otherwise physically and/or mentally fucked up to live out some fetishistic desires. This is fucked. Everyone pushing for this and everyone taking part in it needs to be put down.

Options > Show formatting toolbar or git gud


Body horror films are truly the scariest. And it does effect everyone around them because it normalizes mutilation for the sake of delusion.

And there are people that LIKE it. Movie-wise, fetish-wise, it's disgusting but it just won't stop.

I'm personally enamored with the disgusting but I don't necessarily condone it. It just catches my interest.
No one has yet put their foot down and tried to reverse these nasty trends yet.

Kek this must be a satire website…

most likely not, its TCY+1

The problem here is, your technique didnt fully work.

And there is no longer enough time to halt the decay without extreme measures.

There will be blood no matter what we do.

Not an issue unless you have paper thin skin

The thing about social justice warriors is that they are in an eternal game of "who is the most oppressed", this causes them to be easily divided and conquered.
The feminists hate the trannies, the niggers hate the gays, etc
The only thing that binds them together is their hatred of white men and the west.
But it doesn't really matter when its so easy to throw a wrench into their plans and make them all in fight.

I actually thought of something a while back, celebrities cow tow to social justice hard on twitter and youtube, but what if a right wing group where to pull a false flag on a prominent celebrity?
We pretend to be offended just to ruin their career.
We do this so much it turns the celebrities against the left.

the left loves witch hunts, they love hanging people who say the bad words or do the bad things, sjw's are insane and can ruin careers, even the people who cater to them.

1 way we're gonna have to deal with these people.

Suck my fucking ass. I'm so goddamn sick of SJW's and their schizophrenic nonsense.

That's a thing? BRB, I need to puke.


It's never too late. I have a myriad of health and neurological problems and I have been slowly overcoming them one by one.

I just have incontinence to deal with now, and I've already shuffled out far worse. It is never too late to become a good specimen of man.

great SJW paradox:

calling people homophobic is literally ableist because it's persecuting people for a genuine fear. ironically it was the previous generation of SJWs who dug this hole when they deliberately conflated "homophobic" with "someone who hates gay people"

Gonna use that for medical marijuana. Thanks legbeards.