Holla Forums WebMs

I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lunduke is such a rat.
Look how he praises Stallman in his other video.
Spineless man, he will suck cock for shekels.
Worst than a Jew.

What did Stallman said for having this response?


Cuck license user will defend this

forgot to webm sorry

.mp4 is a container format and is not closed source itself. It depends on the codec used. If only /tech. wasn't a bunch of LARPers


They had an interview with him. Rms explained that free software doesn't means programmers won't get paid, which they don't understand.


If I remember correctly WinZip license prohibits usage of non-paid version for commercial purposes. So if someone is running a business he/she has to buy it or risk getting fined for using software illegally.


He shouldn't take donations why?

Especially in light of the fact that he's been sticking to his words for decades?

This is why no one likes kikes

H.264 and H.265 are patented codecs which are used in MPEG-4 Part 14 format which is a standard (ISO/IEC 14496-14). x264 and x265 are free-software encoders.



I'd gladly buy a diskette if WinZip was free software.











fuck off from this board







I... I really wanted to laugh, user.

So what? Let them get paid and release software for free. I benefict directly from it

This machine is awesome.

Facit ESA-O1

Didn't they boot Bryan after this?

As a person with autism I can really sympathize with RMS here. When things you want to work out doesn't, and expectations and reality crash, it can be extremely frustrating. Especially if you already tried to prevent certain potential problems from occurring from the beginning.

Fucking saved.

I heard that guy use to work for Microsoft.

There's is a big lack of context.
Rms is angry because he asked at the beginning if everyone understood English (he's in spain or something)
Everyone said yes and after 45 min of speech the director asked if he could do it in Spanish.
Which infuriated him because he wasted his time.

He actually reacted quite calmly.
RMS is a really busy guy, and being able to see one of his speech is a blessing. The fact that those spic monkeys treated him that way, infuriates me.

Are these people fucking retarded? That's not what hypocrisy is. Hypocrisy is holding different standards for somebody else than yourself. Where has Richard Stallman ever said "don't accept money from people who make proprietary software"? He advocates using free software, making free software, and helping other people use free software. He has never stated anything to the effect that money made from proprietary software is "tainted" and "dirty", just that it's wrong to use and make the proprietary software itself.
Furthermore, RMS has stated that it's acceptable to use and create proprietary software if you have to do it to make a living. He has never said that you have to go broke rather than doing what you have to to support your family.

These people are literally criticizing things that RMS has never said or done.




Fuck off with your gay reddit shit

I will never miss VHS

funny as I got this from this board last year, from a different webm thread, and people then thought it was funny. You don't have to be an angsty edgelord all the time user.