Guys, my mom needs my christmas list soon and all i have on there is a pair of headphones, what else should i put on there?
What things do you use daily that you could not live without?
Guys, my mom needs my christmas list soon and all i have on there is a pair of headphones, what else should i put on there?
What things do you use daily that you could not live without?
Other urls found in this thread:
What headphones?
1) Way to expensive
2) i need close back because i plan on using these in public
3) bluetooth because i have a shitty iPhone7
My brain
wow, thanks user, that was really helpful
yeah id like a new gaming computer and if ur buying i want this one
Get some nice socks, OP. It seems like I can't go a month with a new pair before they get worn out and gross, but that might be because I buy low quality socks. Happy holidays by the way, I hope all anons have a comfy Christmas.
pic related
underage OP , reported
Your whole life is backwards.
end life.
an lgf
Ask for gifts/ spend your money where you spend your time. If you spend your time listening to music ask for an mp3 player. If you spend time outside ask for clothes. If you spend your time gaming ask for a game. f course this assumes your mother is rich.
If she's poor then JUST ask for headphones.
My vape. I call it my magic wand because one time I misplaced it for a while and nearly went mad like the kings in SMB3.
I already have a vape dood
Cool, so put some vaping accessories and ejuice on the list.
I think you have the gay.
Everyone who vapes is at least 50lb overweight so how about some fucking running shoes
user, I believe in God. You're 0 for 2.
Then why do you suck the mouth fedora?
get audio technica ath-m50x
best reasonably priced headphones
don't judge, user. most of us are NEETs
Why is a gook jap fag talking like his country men look like ladyboys. Your birth rates are dropping as fast as your testosterone levels.