It's OK to be black
It's OK to be black
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meep meep black is whack tbh no homo
t. jew-owned media
in Africa, tbh
how did he get the coat and the hat and not know about grease fires? throw salt on grease fire, not water.
so it is okay to be black but not okay to be white? oy vey
If it's okay to be black then how come the most successful and best looking blacks are all mixed-breeds? Seems to me like it's not okay to be black and that blacks often strive to be "more white"
soon user,
That's what happens when a white women gives birth to niggers. White men fucking black chicks seems to yield different results (their skin is darker but they have more European features)
its ok to be mutt
Big if true.
I hardly even consider Obongo a nigger, assuming he really isn't from Kenya that would make him half-pacific islander and half-Irish. African Niggers are nowhere near in the same league as Pacific Islanders. For one they can actually swim while African niggers can't
quit appropriating white culture
t. triggered nigger
Ya think?
t. cognitive dissonant
It's ok to be light skinned.
Nicki used to be cute.
Stop posting monkeys
this, young onika was a qt
snow nigger
Slavic female perfection.
Snow Niggers are in the same league as Indian Niggers and Pacific Islander niggers, neither are as bad as African niggers
Hands up
t. Jew
Look how abused she looks in this picture. Sad.
obviously shopped
Sad Roastie :(
Nogs stealing something white people created, as per usual. Pretty sad tbqh, fam.
wow. trying a little too hard there, shitksin
now destroy this thread
checked. it still amazes me sometimes how cute she is
Shameless self check.
pls no more masha. i can only fap so much
don't worry those pictures are obviously shopped
keep telling that to yourself, everything will be all right
(you might die though, and your children will be raped)
Nice try retard, but children can't consent to having their naked picture taken in those poses. Then how could those pictures exist hmmm?
wtf what did I miss this time?
oh wow, that's amazing
that really the first time you've heard it?
i haven't
not to brag or anything, but i am not embroiled in the pedo community.
What if it's not ok to have skin? What if someone were to come and peel yours off?
Once you go black
wrong nigger
t. overweight fat 56% white Amerimutt
Yes you are fat and scary and you are frightening little children on the internet
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW you are quite a tough guy.
Beat me to it like a nigger does to white women
The Big O would like to have a word with you.
Why were these images deleted? What were they images of?
of a girl (properly clothed)
, maybe he posted nasty stuff and all of his posts got nuked
When will this meme die? Being a "rocket scientist" means some basic trigonometry and a shitload of menial paperwork. Literally anyone can do it if they aren't retarded, but it keeps getting lumped in with cutting edge physics work like we're supposed to be impressed.