Im looking back at the american revolution and seeing it now I feel as if I realize that perhaps the reasoning for the colonialists revolting against King George was not justified. Britain just came out of a war against france and Britain gave the colonialists protection and providential benevolence as a government. I never understood why the colonialists took up arms just because they didnt like being taxed and didnt feel the need to house the soldiers protecting their ass. Its sounds like the colonialists and the founding fathers were ungrateful for king george and if they wanted independance they could have sent a delegate to london asking for independance like canada did a d succeeded.
The more I look into americas independance the more reminiscent it seems that of the Russian revolution sort of, overthrowing the government of a monarchy in the viscinity and replacing it with a confederation of 13 states that didnt work because the colonialists wanted a a government that couldnt get shit done untill 1789 when they had to aquire a constituion and introduce a federal government.
I feel apparant that I look at the colonialists and the founding fathers with contempt because they started a civil war in britain occupied america just to gain independance so they could expand their territory.
If this country was founded on libertarian principles, then I am glad to say that my ancestor fought for the union military in the civil war and brought an end to the libertarian regime of the confederacy trying to preserve the flawed ideals of the colonialists and the founding fathers, I also am glad that andrew jackson, abe lincoln, and ulysses s grant instituted a bigger federal government that goes against the founding fathers idea that didnt work out.
The very fact that donald trump was voted as president (I voted for him to for a different reason) further illustrates that the united states wants to keep a weak government and not have socialism which I am a socialist.
Dylan King
Like everyone else they were disgusted by the anglo. No more explanation needed, son.
Levi Kelly
fuck you bosstone pd fucking let those iran-fuckers dye to make funni
Kevin Baker
Isaac Miller
Anglos were always a mistake
Noah Morris
The founding fathers were the lolbergs of that time. They saw a chance to test their beliefs, and they took it. Gun rights, first amendment, all that stuff. And we what got was the most prosperous and powerful nations in the world. Freedom is a blessing. I don't care about intention, I care about results, and results here were very good. Black slavery was a big mistake though, as you can see what their descendants are doing currently.
Henry Lee
I wouldn't fuck with the guy on the right tbh. One on the left looks like a posh little fuckslave in the making.
Adam Richardson
You're a fucking kike. Libertarian ideals only work within a racially homogenous society. It's nothing like your jewish revolutions.
Ryan Wood
Then you have a central government to keep order
Oliver Moore
Also, lets take the UK as a model for what America was to become without the revolution. I'd certainly rather take America over the UK.
Josiah Hernandez
Sometimes freesom for the individual can be abused and doesnt have benefits for advancement if the government is too weak and small.
Mason Lopez
black slavery wouldn't be a mistake if we sent them back to africa or made the jews take their items back
Robert Peterson
Well my nation is great because we modified and deviated away from how the founders inteded the country to be, our whole civil war from 1861 to 1865 was fought because the libertarian dixie south states thought the government of America was too big and seceded to continue having their own shitty anarcho capitalist country that they lost and fled to latin america for. Yea niggers.
Adrian Watson
True, the South lost because of slavery. Because they didn't have the incentive to make machinery, because you already have organic machines doing the work for you. Because of that they did not have enough industry to produce weapons and equipment.
Thomas Torres
You can say would have been, I can say it wouldn't have been a mistake if a negro killing meteor killed them. But fact, it was a mistake. Learn from your mistakes, don't do it again, because you'll end up the same as you are now.
Michael Taylor
Jeremiah Sanchez
The south lost because of incompentancy and since the government of the north was more centralized, they had the technology and industries to get what they needed for the war, also ulysses s grant was a very brutal general
Ethan Howard
This, the south did not have this. Because of slavery. You seem to try and twist this into: more government>better less government>worse
I disagree with that, if the south had made slavery illegal, people would be forced to industrialize, as they did in the north. They did not industrialize because of the fact their was more government, they only did so because there was no organic machine to do it for them.
Ryder Stewart
Well the point of the southern states seceding was similar to the americans seceding from king George the III, the only diffefence is that the confederates lost and the united states was reborn with a better and more federalized government, libertarians did not like this.
Nolan Hill
The ones for were rooting for slavery, which was a major mistake, yes. But what are you trying to convey here? The US was still as libertarian, just without the slavery. As you can see in the taxes only bumped up to three percent after the civil war.
Anthony Foster
Colonials got racemixed and then they went full chimp against whites through cowardice and mobs against their white masters
Literally the only way to explain it
Ryan Perry
It was justified because as the years went on the idea of Britain controlling territory thousands of miles away as large as what the American colonies had become was becoming more and more apparently retarded
It was justified because the Founding Fathers were all wealthy aristocrats (George Washington was the wealthiest president for over 200 years until Trump broke the record) whom felt their wealth was being robbed by snarly cunts overseas
It was justified because the Free Masons saw an opportunity to create the first country in the history of the entire planet that was created from scratch. (This was before the Masons gave themselves a foothold in government to lobby their own interest, ie. Before the Anti-Masonic Party of the 1850s)
"The underdog rising up to slay their malevolent masters!" Is a thing that has literally never happened in history with the only exception being Nazi Germany
The October Revolution, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and so on, have been financed by banks.
It was justified out of opportunity, and if you don't think that's enough justification than you can fuck your commie monarch loving self you sack of shit
Owen Butler
The salty britcucks don’t understand that the American master people simply could not be taxed without representation. If that faggot king wanted America to stay maybe he should of visited every once and awhile.
Thomas Walker
Bloke on the right > queer on the left
Jace Rivera
Britcucks had a concept of "Virtual Representation" and the Normalfags of the American colonies fell for the virtual representation meme untitled the Founding Fathers rounded them up
Ryan Campbell
lmao who founded your country again?
Andrew Miller
Nice thing to call the people who stopped you from having to speak French right now
Kayden Butler
We didn't need your help. France and Russia were literally handing land out to America just to undermine you're global influence. "The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire" really made a lot of enemies for you.
Dominic Gutierrez
What? I'm referring to the Seven Years War
Matthew Ross
Oh In American schools the French and Inidan Wars is mostly taught as its own thing in contrast to everywhere else where it's considered a theater of the Seven Years War
Anthony Johnson
Did someone say invade Silesia?
Adrian Bell
No one brought up the krauts until just now tbh
The Indian (as in the pakis) theater was more important to us, once we booted the frogs out of bengal we were making more money out of paki land than we ever were out of the 13 colonies
Jason Evans
The north industrialized for their economy while the south still relied on agricultural as their main source of revenue. They even send their cotton north for production. It was industrial vs agricultural, not an issue of government.
Evan Bennett
I know the gigantic spike was due to the worst president in history (FDR), but who caused the initial red with yellow spike in 1916?
Christian Scott
Look OP, you can not even spell "independence", what makes you think you can discuss it intelligently? Why should we give you the fucking time of day if you can't even be assed to educate yourself to a minimum degree? Fuck you, you are retarded.