It appears that through a lot of research, I may have found a way to increase erection quality and sensitivity of the penis. Apparently, the peptide bFGF binds to smooth muscle cells, angio cells, and nerve cells and causes them to proliferate and divide. This translates to possibly more smooth muscle, more nerves, and more blood vessels if bFGF would be injected subcavernously or applied topically to the penis. Apply NGF (nerve growth factor), and the excessive growth of more nerves will be supported by the lack of programmed cell death. IGF-1 can also help speed up cell division within the penis.
What do you guys think about this? Could I possibly have discovered a way to hack your dick? Will the government try to classify this peptide if people start using it?
I think I will go ahead and attempt to make a topical solution of this peptide with DMSO. I'll let you guys know if it works, since this seems like something not tried before by anyone other than anyone trying chemical penis enlargement. It may be a bit anecdotal, but it could also end up being a huge discovery nobody knows about.
Tyler Rodriguez
I must also add that adding adipose stem cells to the NGF and bFGF concoction should cause the stem cells to differentiate into nerve cells via gene expression. If you are willing to pay several hundred dollars for adipose stem cells and inject the NGF/bFGF/stem cell mixture in your dick, you could very well end up with a hypersensitive dick with woman-tier orgasms.
Jacob Morris
Found your problem. My dick is sensitive enough as it is. I don't need something that at best will make me cum quicker and at worst will make anything touching my dick so painful I can no longer enjoy sex.
Easton Walker
This triggers me. Of course it's via gene expression that's literally the only way cells differentiate
Colton Watson
i need to grow skinns
Zachary Lee
Oh, hey, my keyboard is working again. Had to use my touchscreen one and as you can see: NOT EFFECTIVE.
I need to regrow skin so I don't have hair halfway up my dick. That would be nice. There are accounts of people regrowing fingertips and a cat even regrowing a tail through use of ORMUS. That's getting into heavy stuff, or light - since it's magical aether food - yet through increasing cell conductivity and other things, has results. I pretty much live off that and colostrum (which is loaded with IGF growth factors). If I was determined enough, I would make a paste with the 2 aforementioned ingredients combined with urine (full of nutrients and stemcells) to slather all over my penis and see if it regrew the skiiiinnnnnss.
Jackson White
Plus it's natural and organic.
OP, I'm not going to go to some kike doctor to get your steroid serums or whatever the fuck.
Luke Perez
Explain what you think ORMUS is and why it works dweeb. Search results say pseudoscience, but I have an open mind.
Levi Nguyen
It's beyond your reasoning capabilities since it exists in a higher dimension. It's higher dimensional food. It's manna from heaven. It is orbitally rearranged solids that exist in a high-spin state. It is conductive to the charge that holds the blueprint of your body. It's for initiates only. Only pee drinkers would understand.
Luis Powell
What is it? What is it? That's the question. It's the ark of the covenant, BITCH. Hahahahaha if you took the high potency stuff you would be unable to function in 3D and thus a complete NEET, like me.
Camden Turner
If you tell me, you can drink all my urine for a whole year.
Julian Thomas
Kitty understands.
I have enough of my own urine thank you very much and I would only accept boy urine, anyway.
Elijah Perez
I only want my foreskin back, Rabbi.
Camden Price
It's real gay but if you're looking for women tier orgasms, prostate and penile stimulation get you about 70% there. (You also last longer with prostate stimulation added)
Ryan Reyes
Sucks to be anyone here then. None of you faggots can get either of those.
Josiah Carter
Easton Carter
Never mind, Smileberg. I didn't read your other posts, carry on being insane
Blake Fisher
I like how there is this amount of research done simply to avoid having to tell your wife not to let the jews handle your baby's penis :^)
Brody Green
I want to REDUCE the nerves on my dick.
Adrian Fisher
inb4 OP returns >Guys I fucked up. My dick now has eyes a nose and mouth and it is yelling at me through my pants to jerk off on the bus.
Grayson Collins
Growing more skin is actually very easy to do. All you have to do to grow more is put the skin under tension, and allow the tensioned skin to produce excess skin. If you want to do this for your dick, just simply look into foreskin restoration. Applying EGF (epidermal growth factor) should increase the growth of the top skin layer dramatically, giving you a ton of excess skin.
It doesn't really work like that, though. Nociceptors only fire signals when they detect extreme stretching, cutting, or pinching through a mechanism that detects damage. While the pain experienced may be higher if you do these things, it won't necessarily make it easier to trigger pain response.
The types of sensations that are enhanced are also largely dependent on the region of application. If you decide to topically apply a growth factor to the shaft, you'll be causing the nerve fibers that are near the skin surface to proliferate, which consists of mostly nociceptors and less fine touch receptors. If you decide to rub it on the inner foreskin, however, you will almost certainly increase sensitivity. If you take a different route and inject the substance, you will cause the main nerve which controls everything, including erections and overall sensation to grow and repair, in addition to deeper nerve fibers which are waiting to make it to the surface of the skin.
If none of these things are what you want, then penile enlargement should be a desirable effect. Remember that bFGF causes not only nerves, but also blood vessels, smooth muscle tissue, and other erectile tissues to grow.
Julian Harris
user, i just noticed a fatal flaw considering you're talking about injecting someone's dick, you need to be a LOT more sure than "may"
Xavier Barnes
They have already done the studies on rats, and they work exceedingly well. It's been scientifically proven that these peptides are crucial for development, so it's safe to assume that they will work.
If it's safety you're worrying about, then that isn't much of a concern since these cytokines are utilized naturally by your body. The only thing I'd be concerned about is excessive cell growth that could cause cancerous cells to grow, which is highly unlikely if you control the growth. If you inject too often and never clean your dick, you could cause an infection or cause scar tissue build-up. All this can be avoided by learning how to inject your dick properly an safely, since there are people with extreme ED who have to do this. If you don't want to cause much internal growth, then you could just topically apply it and not worry about sticking a needle in your dick.
Chemical PErs are using IGF-1 injections into their dicks for penile growth, and it seems like a new method that works really well. You can find many of these interesting experiments by just simply searching for them.
Owen Rogers
oh, i'm not terribly concerned over my safety. if anything, i side with the shitskin, wanting to reduce sensitivity to increase my endurance. regardless, there's no way in fuck i'm letting anyone put a needle in my dick. arguing with me is a moot point
Mason Lewis
Good point. I'm not sure if it's true that uncircumcised men have premature ejaculation over circumcised men, but dammit, it sure feels better.
John Foster
since i was circumcised as an infant, there's no way i'll ever know to compare them
Parker Moore
Just take the accounts of people who went from being uncircumcised to circumcised. That should accurately let you know what it's like.
Jose Rodriguez
yeah i've read some of those. i just meant i'll never be able to experience the difference. apologies for the poor wording
Angel Cox
The entire science of pharmacokinetics disagrees with you. Saying it is naturally occurring substance and thus not a safety issue is just wrong. Look at the serious adverse events up for any biological cytokine-based therapy for how safe it is.
Please tell me how to control cancer once it starts. That's a mistake you make once, or maybe twice if you get lucky with your chemo/radiation.
Isaac Stewart
It really depends on the cytokines that you use, anyway. And it appears that bFGF and IGF-1 have no adverse side effects that you speak of. Perhaps the entire science of pharmacokinetics that you are talking about are pro-inflammatory cytokines, not growth regulating cytokines.
It only happens if you already have cancerous cells. The cytokines amplify the production of the cells, so if you have cancerous cells, then you shouldn't really use anything that promotes growth.