
Why aren't you using a white nationalist OS?

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Because Nationalism is a spook.

it's shit

Garbage opinion detected

You do realize you're going against everything Stirner stood for by turning him into a strawman argument for things you don't like right?

Of course you don't because you're a leftist and it requires an actual brain to produce real critical thought past "muh spooks XD!"

OK, have fun with ur botnet fam.

you dont need to despise nationalism to realize it is, most definitely, in the sense that stirner meant, a spook, and not be an ethnonationalist for that reason.

What's a Spook in the context of the glasses man?

no thanks

some fixed idea you value above your own self interest. Nationalism calls for you to serve and protect 'the nation' to the opint of even being willing to die for it. The ethnonationalist arguments get even spookier, arbitrarialy placing 'propegation of ones genetics' AS ones "self interest," framing evolution as some spiritual master to be served and upheld. serve your haplotypes, not yourself as an individual.
Im not actually of the opinion thats why nationalism is incorrect but it is a spook in exactly that sense.

Stirners self-interests are not the same as anyone elses, and he doesn't consider the fact ones definition of self-interest can change and vary. Humans are naturally selfish creatures naturally regardless, and this is a problem for the interests of humanity at large. Classical Liberalism tells us law is necessary to protect self-interest.
Wrong, Nationalism is not necessarily the same as Statism or State Worship. The most successful forms of Nationalism come from the peoples voluntary willingness to uphold a Nations values for the good of their people. It comes from the ideas that upholding the idea of a "Nation" is necessary to uphold the values required to allow people the right to self-determination to begin with.
Genetics are a very real thing. You can be a race realist WITHOUT being idpol by accepting the fact, proven by science, that genetics have a significant effect on behavior and intelligence on different breeds of the same species and that humans are not an exception to this rule WITHOUT being prejudice to a race other than your own and instead judging them for their actions. It is necessary to except our genetic differences if we ever want to advance as a species. Too bad political correctness is keeping us from properly being able to do this

and theres the spook.
that last bit is nonsequiter, but obligatory videos whenever someone brings that up
please sage offtopic replie to a shitpost thread, also.

and it's faster than anything you'll ever use.

Humans are programmed to do that already.

IQ -1000

It's far greater than any political ideology.




because it's not practically or even theoeretically useful. alsoa I'm not white

If such people didn't exist your country, whatever it is, would be long gone. Think of all the great people from the past, innovators, generals, common soldiers. They all contributed to that "nation" to make it what it is now. You'd realize that if you weren't so selfish. You don't like the idea of people contributing to the society/nation, cuz everyone should be on their own, but your would spread your ass cheeks for immigrants (you didn't say that, but I have a feeling that it's true, say if it's not)

hello reddit


I judge an OS by its (anti-)features, not the ideology of the main developer.

Is Holla Forums the new /midpol/?

I need a modern OS, not a technical curiosity. Anti-spam bump 4.