Is Buddhism the only form of communism that works?
Buddhism = True Communist Utopia
Communism is built to be corrupt and bureaucratic, and also non-religious. Buddhism is true socialism.
But if you have Socialism without Capitalism it IS Communism.
A bit far streched to call it communism but it's definitely up there with the believe of not being dependent on consumer goods and luxury.
If everyone is seeking enlightenment, nobody is seeking all the cool shit that gives us easy access to necessities, makes us live longer and lets us know more about the universe.
True. Though couldn't enlightened people also participate in science? There is nothing keeping them from exploring the universe
advanced autism
yes. but its worldly. why would you care about the world if you knew all its secrets
No. Socialism without capitalism is socialism. Socialism is different to communism, namely because socialism allows religion and spooky subjects but also completely gets rid of capital (ideally) and seizes the means of production. It's not to be confused with state capitalism which just taxes companies into extinction while the government functions as a corporation.
Google Incan civilization (pic related). They were true socialism.
Google mayan civilization. They were closer to state capitalism but it varied.
Communist countries have always made the mistake of trying to get rid of religion and the concepts of race and nationalism because the proletariat revolution must be global. This did not help them survive, although it did advance the cause somewhat through trial and error. Holla Forums makes the mistake of following old communist leaders' directions word-for-word as well, without learning from the mistake past countries have made.
Google Mao and how he had monks and scholars who defended traditional knowledge killed, as well as replacing the chinese language with mandarin. That was all a mistake.
Google Trotsky
Google luiz lula da silva who ruined brazil through state capitalist practices and disastrous socio-econonomic reforms making brazil the hellhole it is today.
Buddhism is pretty neat but the church is really gay. I got into it because it was like reading The Last Airbender but real apparently. I think it's a very healthy religion to be apart of even if you do go and chant with the SGI drones.
Dammit someone discuss socialism itt
okay, it is a thing, and the welfare state is the reason for the mass of mudslimes being in the west.
Europe and United States are SocDem. Try again. It is the jewish capitalists who import cheap labor so they pay less for work.
And you wonder why people say lefties are mentally ill.
Go get some fresh air.
Get out globalist
Quote some Harry Potter next time, that seems to work in your world.
the welfare state needs more people paying into it, then taking out, thus it needs a growing population. The native population don't have a birth rate at replacement levels due to capitalism increasing technological sophistication, making abundance with less work, increasing the standard of living, meaning 3DPD, due to their hypergamy, are less likely to find a male that is above or across in economic standing, meaning they are less likely to reproduce, even less so if we're talking 2 or more children. So the government has to make a desperate bid on 3rd world low IQ nigger economic migrants as a way to increase their population, and thus the number of tax payers to fund the welfare state.
Wrong, friendo, we can just print more money.
t. Venezuela
Quit mixing social democracy up with socialism. SocDem is a welfare state, true socialism is not. Immigrants are not required for a sustainable population under socialism. There is no profit motive under true socialism. Autarky is sustainable, and economic growth is not the motive under socialism as it is with cancerous (((capitalism))). Capitalism grows so quickly because it sucks life out of every third world country and out of every environment. Look at how it tries even now to claw its way into making the internet profitable. Socialism does NOT appeal to immigrants because a country under socialism only gives its population enough to survive. This is not the case under social democracy like the US and Europe because in those countries there are all sorts of faggots yelling "refugees welcome" and companies calling for more immigration to replace local workers.
genes are everything when it comes human behavior, it is what limits us, and compels us.
to understand anything, you must first understand the basics that make up that something.
yeah, okay. The people that vote for socialism don't want free money.
a free living is better then having to work for a living, and basic necessities for some are 50,000 euro yearly, so yea no.
look, I am not 100% socialism or capitalism, I lean towards capitalism due it be relatively tame compared to other economic models, but that is due to our primitive technology, which is something capitalism fixes, and will ironically be the death of capitalism, by creating such abundance that you can't sell anything, and everything is free. I think universal basic income isn't too far off, with the coming automation of huge parts of the workforce due to machine learning. So all you have to do is wait, and not fuck shit up for your glorious "utopia."
National Socialism is really great tbh
True socialism will understand that humans act by nature and it will acknowledge that race is real. It will not however act as if one race is better than another, but it will allow races to survive in their distinct forms because that is the only efficient way to actually deal with such real social boundaries.
The people that vote for true socialism don't want money at all. Or taxes for that matter.
True socialism will incentivize work. It just not incentivize living to work as much as working to live. Socialism is not meant to grow, it is meant to survive. Stop thinking as a capitalist would, and you will understand.
okay, guy
I am done talking about this, I need to go make some hot cocoa
Google Social Democracy vs. Socialism. Social democracy is two-faced capitalist liberal cancer. It is capitalism when it talks about returning to "the good old days" and it is "socialism" when it talks about helping the poor and muh refugees. I don't care to explain this because i personally despise both liberalism and conservitude. I think free market capitalism would be less destructive in the long-term because at least it doesn't lie about its globalist intentions.
I've never really understood why so many people confuse this.
Once back in school I asked why they don't feel compelled to live in a society without money. They just asked how they where supposed to acquire stuff if there wasn't any money.
So many people just think economic growth is how society is supposed to evolve and exist. Not more than the sum of performance
Some people look at statistics and are led to believe that cancerous and unsustainable growth practices are somehow better than gradual sustainable growth. This obviously means that, to some people anyways, socialism doesn't work as well as capitalism, although if you compared both in a thousand years, capitalism would have died first.
Well we humans aren't really known for thinking things through in the long run it seems
meep meep just meditate you don't need to join a cult to be quiet in your mind for a few minutes each day tbh no homo