Did Dafne really cry when she saw the r34 drawings (by Shadman) of her X23 character?
Also Shadfugg got into legal trouble cause of those shit right? XDd
Did Dafne really cry when she saw the r34 drawings (by Shadman) of her X23 character?
Also Shadfugg got into legal trouble cause of those shit right? XDd
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of course. She needed counsel therapy for a while.
I'm ok with pedos until they start doin' shit like this
What the fuck?
How did she see them?
Why is she even looking at this shit?
Did her lawyers fucking make her look?
What the fuck?
Puto pendejo
She is not even that cute tbh
I highly doubt the r34 drawings are anything comparable to what the Pedowood Kikes did to her.
I don't think so. So long as they weren't pornographic, he's in the clear. But, I haven't seen them.
She probably saw it from twitter or insta. Some fag prolly linked it to her. Lol
Some fags said he did got into legal trouble tho. They took down his twitter fir a while. I dont really kniw the exact details tbh.
It must have been a civil matter. The law pertaining to lolicon states that it can't be based on real minors, and Shad knows this, so he probably didn't draw something that qualifies as pornographic lolicon. But, it may have been just humiliating enough for a lawsuit.
i doubt she did .
No he did not get into legal trouble, her lawyers only asked him to take it down and he edited it.
His twitter got taken down temporarily because some retard was copyright claiming his art
Oh, that sucks. Would be really hot if Dafdaf really cried when she saw the drawings. Sad :(
but actors are kinky, they love this stuff, it makes them feel appreciated
animators are the most kinky, even more than directors
cgi people probably contribute to the furry community
i hope so
There's really no evidence/news that she got upset and cried, but I can see why a kid actress would cry if they see a fanart of them like this xDdd
Was she naked in the scene where she's tied up in the movie? I haven't seen it.
Pretty hot are there any penetration ones
Also post pic of girls ass irl
Last one is sort of gay
Is that some lame plot where she inherited wolverine's titanium bones or something? LOL
Nope tbh
thats gross
Dunno if shadfugg drew penetration tbh
These are all i can find
You know what, she deserves to be raped for ripping off Wolverine's character
Just like how all the little kiddies thing female super saiyans in DBZ are normal nowadays
Thats all i have
Maybe theres more
oh its just a normal flop cock. doing that to a kid would be harmless in real life
the fact there are people that think drawings should be illegal is sad
if you want to take it to that extreme then i could say 'drawings = art and child photography could be considered art'
I want what? Nigger are you on crack?
child porn hurts children by making a market for it, meaning the market will have to hurt more children (making more CP) to meet demand
drawings don't do this because no one is hurt in the making them
you're fucking stupid, kys
your opinion is not fact nor is your rectum a valid source.
read op.
guaranteed these autist send those pics to her
No, no it should not. Pornography is not art tough.
yeah, can't come to a logical conclusion base off based off basic knowledge of how markets work
or maybe you're too stupid to understand the conclusion. don't know, don't care
hurt as in physically hurt them, fuck even emotional scaring them due them going through something traumatic
not this stupid 3DPD's feels
if that's the case tell me why the person who created X23 r34 could be called an "artist."
So if i download gore im creating a demand for gore? youre fuckin retarded mate
because he draws other things than porn
you didn't provide anything other then you think drawings should be illegal
but it is.
kinds of gore are, and should remain illegal, such as hard crush
you proved to me you were retarded. thanks retard.
you're not retarded just very stupid, maybe even a little deluded.
yeah, after a few of your posts, all you did was provide evidence that pedos have low IQs
Has LtCorbis responded to Shadman's art of her?
I know, but you are.
You asked why he was an Artist, of course I was thinking of that definition:
Because if you use your definition then your previous question doesn't make sense.
What are you trying to accomplish here?
Is wolverine dead now?
nervermind, you're actuall retarded.
all pictures related
we wuz done n shet
pedophiles you dont have to have predatory affection for young girls! you can find women your own age with nice personalities! just put yourself out there and try! i believe in you!
No i doubt it.
HHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DUMBASS exclusive pedophiles ONLY like childern but your statement is true for non-exclusvie pedophiles.
(((authorities))) and normalfags on movies, music, video games, and even pornography:
(((authorities))) and normalfags on this one kind of file that they don't like:
Funny how this one market operates in exactly the opposite fashion of every other market in the world.
so is her character permanently a virgin?
she will always regenerate her hymen after every use
so its like fucking a virgin every time
Her mind won't regenerate into being pure. She'll always be sullied. Plus, it's not just the hymen that's a physical problem. It's the residual semen left inside the vagina. Every time you penetrate a girl that's not a virgin, you're rubbing yourself on residual cum. Now if you're the one that deflowered her and the only one whose cum ever touched her, then okay, it's your own cum, that's sorta tolerable. But if she's ever been with another man, then you're straight up gay.
With X-23 this would be even worse, because her hymen regenerating would trap the cum inside, leaving more for you to get all over your dick.
In short, fucking girls that aren't virgins is gay.
This is why I stay a virgin honestly.
Sex hurts children, period. I mean, imagine having a white hot slab of meat sliding into your rectum, filling you up from the bottom, a penis so big around that its girth presses out into your insides so hard that you can feel the contour of every throbbing vein. It's so enormous you can't help but grip it like you're hanging on for your very life. There are giant strong hands squeezing on your hips that almost wrap all the way around, like when you were held as a baby, kneading you. Behind you low grunts from lungs four times as big as yours, belonging to a powerful protective loving man, needing you. Soft sweaty hair against your behind as the penis gently, at first, pushes your organs out of its way. Your heart beats in your throat, as if the penis is pushing it all the way up there. Your skin seems to burn hotter and hotter as the pushes into you get faster. Eventually there's an even greater swelling inside you, so much that you think you're going to burst open, moaning somewhere, and then the penis shrinks, slides out of you, and you're left feeling empty but tingling all over with a warm spot in your center. Later there is a sadness because you know that you're growing so fast that you'll never be filled up quite as much as you just have been. But you can't wait for the next time.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Goes without saying for the majority of infatuations on here. If it's ugly, a tranny or plain and probably came from a lab experiment, Holla Forums obsesses over it.
Fuck you faggots. Daffy-daf is gorgeous. Her face is unique.
so… if some dude from Indonesia uses eMule to download CP that was made from the US… he's creating demand for CP to be made…
That's deep.
I never really understood the appeal of lolicon (or hentai in general for that matter), but why would you risk possible imprisonment over some silly stuff like this? If you're a pedophile, the last thing you want to do is attract unnecessary attention to yourself like that. Nothing good can come from it.
That was a pretty hot short story there. Nice erotic tale.
Will you stop doing that? Who the hell is that anyway?
I want to rub those thighs.
Check these Dafs
Not true. I like some adult women. Just not sexually attracted to them at all.
t. exclusive pedo
Holy shit
lol on her. Shes an actress, her image is public. Also shes a woman - her crying signifies shes sheltered and stupid. What do u think is gonna be happening later on in your life, little girl? Marriage isn holding hands.
As much as i dont like how Shad just draws feet and assholes, he shouldnt get in any trouble - its just a drawing, no1s hurt. Feelings dont count, otherwise its though crime, cuz pedos probably wanna rape her too. Is it illegal for them to think it? No, its illegal to rape her. Would she cry if she knew men wanna fuck her right now? I guess. Still not a crime
child photography is legal
u mean her face is ugly?
im a proponent if awareness and consciousness. Shes gonna learn about sex eventually - why w8?
Hello, this seems to be your first day on the internet. If she uses social media, some dumb fucks who think they're the cleverest thing since sliced bread sent it to her.
bullying little girls make him feel strong
Who the hell let her on the Internet anyway? They should know better.
ughhhhhhh.. This wrench of a child is so ugly. No wonder people draw pictures, wanting to stomp her to death.
I be she's already a cum-hungry slut.
girls are cum hungry sluts at all ages
t. Dafne
I wanna smell Dafne's face tbh
There is a NSFW filter on twitter.
Don't know about instagram.