itt: god tier snacks
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Itt: god tier snacks
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Trail Mix
Daria white
Waffles with Nutella and powdered sugar
I don't like mayo but pizza is a god tier food. I'm not much of a snack person to be honest. I just eat a nice meal (1200-2000cals) every day, maybe a small 300~ cal snack if I'm feeling supr hungr
There's a bag of strawberry marshmallows hidden in the back of the cupboard downstairs and mummy doesn't know that I know about them. Just waiting for the old bag to fuck off to sleep, and then that shit's mine.
wtf is strawberry marshmallows?
post a pic of that shit
You never had these things, fag?
come on now you must have a vpn or something because ur flag says america
Who wouldn't use a vpn on Holla Forums, burger.
Hey, fuck off user. I am yuropoor, and i have had strawberry marshmallows.
No, you are Japanese. Silly chink
What are VPN's?
ill continue the thread
see, bitch?
You're still Asian, dipshit
how about now, faggot?
No, no monsieur. Je m'appelle OP is a Faggot
Those are onions, leaf.
I think the thing above the onions is fish.
That's the jewiest meal I've ever seen.
That's a cuck, burger.
which kino should i watch with this kino?
The fuck is wrong with garlic? Garlic is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. They sell supplements of concentrated garlic.
Something in me thinks that this is a mexican's meal and not an americans.
Is there any difference?
more like a snack
Those are onions.
Yes, a lot of difference on the inside.
it depends. the southwest is full of mexicans but the midwest to east coast is hard to find a good tamale vendor.
Americans and Mxicans are the same people now
what is the difference
Is that a Nagant Revolver?? I always wanted a few of those with threaded barrels
I thought was quoting
My bad.
Not yet. Pic related the 'difference' between mexicans and americans
they wont surpass whites for another decade. it woud've happened sooner but drumpftd.
Bite into a raw clove of garlic and get back to me.
Absolute poorfag.
How many fucking poorfags are her?
THAT ISN'T CHEESE. Fucking poorfags.
Well played poorfag.
I would rather starve than to eat this braindead food.
What am I looking at?
I see a ?? (which probably includes cream cheese) coated in chip dust and topped with hot sauce. Is it a tamale? The corn leaves would be a problem.
Mmmm, yes, quite.
Makin a sammich
It's called toast dipshit.
elote(grilled corn) they are delicious and dirt cheap.
if you are not eating like this, you are a fucking cuck.
nigga black coffee is great.
i don't
toast is made in a toaster, not a pan you idiot
Imma go ahead and eat canned food and fuck bitches. you feel free to keep on calorie counting and crying.
I've never cooked for myself. I've people for that.
I like corn because i can see it before it goes in and after it comes out.
Zero real protein. Oh (((you))).
underage b&
Nothing you lardass
Is it more heat efficient now?
thanks for showing everyone how nutritionally retarded you are
Oh (((you))).
(((I know I will call them (((you))) because it if everyone thinks they are (((they))) then they wont think (((I'm actually they))) so that I can trick everyone into eating unhealthy shit)))
this is what peak performance looks like meat pleb
vegetarian since 2005
became a vegan in 2011
probably had to do some research and improve on vegan methods
now he's kicking ass again
kicks ass all the way to here and then starts kicking the worlds ass
4 more world records after going vegan
Set world records and broke PBs (personal bests) while being vegetarian and vegan.
>(((I know I will call them (((you))) because it if everyone thinks they are (((they))) then they wont think (((I'm actually they))) so that I can trick everyone into eating unhealthy shit)))
I tried. never went that (((inception))) with ((( ))) before.
I mean, do you even get all your amino acids, punk?
I'll never understand vegans tbh
Okay, fair enough. did you ever even try? some do it for moral reasons and some do it for healthy reasons, some do it for both. if you only knew how unhealthy animal products are, you would freak.
square above freebie related
Lack of real protein causes retardation.
nice to know you have no argument. it's strange how some people just have an instant knee jerk reaction when someone talks about eating vegetables. they have no idea how much protein plant foods have and think that only meat and eggs and fish could ever keep them alive. they always ask "where do you get your protein?" and all I see is my vegan friends ask them "we get our protein from plants, where do you get your fiber and vitamins?"
POTASSIUM BROMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the argument for veganism was strong enough you wouldn't need to resort to cherry picking one man who's vegan and strawmanning arguments against vegans.
I'm not even vegan and want this.
Do you want to be violated by a plant in every hole that you have? For real?
that is in fact a nagant. they did not have threaded barrels.
I was simply preemptively crushing your 2 second in the future totally stereotypical meathead argument that all vegans are weak faggots.
if veganism isn't such a big deal then why do so many shills pop up to try and shame tactic it every single time?
If veganism is so great why do you need to insert it everywhere it's not invited?
Reeks of insecurity and desperation when you bring up a counterargument to something nobody said. Specially when the counterargument has fallacies, which was my main point.
Instead of focusing on that little group that angers you you could be providing real evidence and explanations. I'm not even aware of these people you're talking about so you're the one who comes off as a shill.
There's also the possibility that nobody likes vegans because they're stereotypically smug holier than thou assholes.
alright people, how about some facts. Yes, I know you find vegans annoying. the reason we tell everyone is because we hope to teach people to eat better. we really have hope that everyone will improve.
graham crackers + peanut butter
get a big 'ole fuckin' spoon of nutella
dip graham cracker in nutella
dunk in milk
it's orgasmic, me lads
nutella is fucking disgusting. shame on you
I'd take some scientific papers over the propaganda spread by a single man with an agenda.
objectively false
you do know gregor cites his sources inside of his videos right? you can see him reading the actual data as he goes along.
I wonder who ((( Harriet A. hole))) is?
You can cite sources and still make biased claims in spite of that fact.
(((Michael Greger)))'s the one who sounds like a Jew here if he's making biased and exaggerated statements.
I'm open for the idea of the benefits of veganism, but I'd prefer peer reviewed evidence over one man's biased videos.
Cry more soyboy.
Fucking hilarious, but honestly, what happens after that vine surprise?
Tons of Iron in Veggies. Just saying, how does the Animal eat naturally and not in a man made pen…..
I don't even care about this meme but this thread is asking for it
Lol you're a fucking numale faggot, put that on the bingo, soyboy.
Nice hooknose brah
tfw no more snacks
sauce pls ;_;
See this guys? 10 entire vegans out of all other vegans on the entire world aren't faggots! Fuck, I guess we were wrong after all.
lmao he sure showed us, huh
Half-assed nancy boys, the lot of you.
I'm going to steal that, thanks
meep meep mayonnaise on pizza is a federal offense tbh no homo
meep meep where do you get the energy to format all your posts this way tbh no homo
meep meep it doesn't take that much energy tbh no homo
My nigga!
meep meep if science can prove that plans have sentience and can feel emotions and have complex societies will you just stop eating everything all together so that you can stay morally consistent tbh no homo
i recommend a book called the secret life of plants tbh
you've gone too far
This with horseradish mustard. I just finished off my last bit earlier today. It's of the gods.
chicken is a waste, tennis ball and a hot-dog r not even being cooked, so its fie to take it apart and stop being retarded
cucumber sandwiches
pound cake
black coffee
Andes mints
fucking fagot you sound like my girlfriend.
underrated tbh
bread with mayo
and fruit
manlet detected