Retard abuses cat, gives poor, harmless animal trauma

mirrored from Holla Forums
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Retard throws cat way out on the street, cat breaks leg and suffers trauma. Video above.

His adress:

1346 N Parkside drive, Ontario, California

School: AB Miller Highschool

Snapchat: Obeycharles1234

Fontana Police Dpt: (909) 350-7740

Workplace + pic with adress. Let's get this motherfucker.

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Welcome Holla Forums OP, enjoy your stay


newfags don't know about proxys


Found the guy's phone!
+1 425 499 5552

Santa Maria… let's suspend the righteous doxing (((hikki-obasan))) and direct our energies on this son of a whore.

Dox him and his family, and if he has a sister or female cousin, go after them. I want him to feel horrible knowing his sisters/cousins will be stalked by 20+ edgy (animal rapists) virgins while he rots in jail… make sure to tell him that too.

As a matter of fact, I'm going to send him natural and organic texts warning him that edgy virgins are out to get his sisters/cousins.

natural and organic dubs confirm I'll have fun.

Wow, nothing of value was lost
I've raised countless animals
Cats are by far the most soulless, sociopathic, vapid, sacks of shit.

You know who likes cats? Terrorist Muslims, cunty old hags, and people with severe autism. words cannot begin to describe my detest for the worst "pets" on the fucking planet

t. self-loathing pleb