And your telling me these people are not mentally ill?
And your telling me these people are not mentally ill?
most trans people don't actually get sexual reassignment surgery tbh
but i don't think there is any dispute about the mental illness part: gender dysphoria is a mental illness, i don't think they even dispute that
Wouldn't it be easier to use a real penis from a donated body?
no, they actually are. but at least they don't reproduce after such a surgery. maybe this is some sort of natural selection..
You can't just sew a dick onto a female, you fucking idiot.
Well why not? If we have the technology to do entire face transplants don't see why we couldn't re-route the urethra to a donated penis.
Transplants of limbs and such is fucking horrific, it's not as simple as stitching a hand onto a stump, even if its a very close match the body views it as alien and violently attacks it, people with transplanted limbs need to spend the rest of their lives taking immune system suppressors to shut down their body's natural defences.
Years after these amazing transplants hit the news, many of the pioneering recipients asked to have the offending member amputated rather than live with the misery of drugs and some swollen limb waiting for its first chance to rot off and die.
speaking of trannies, someone post the webms of Holla Forumss BO sucking cock
Says the sheltered burgerfat.
whats the point? fake peepees don't work.
show me an after picture without stitches i'm curious
youd have to be mentally ill to think that life would be better as a man xD
Penis isn't a limb.
A lot of people are mentally ill but we have to live with them. Plenty of people live good lives while having autism or depression and society accepts them.
lol user
BUT, It's different, because they want to make look like all the people with common sense suffer of some kind of mental ill.
How so?
Are you talking about the detractors of transgender acceptance?
That looks like a thumb penis . . .
What the fuck.
It doesn't matter what you're transplanting. Organ transplants are only done because they're necessary, because your body can recognize things that aren't a part of it and then those things are attacked by your immune system, so you need to live on a suppressed immune system forever. You basically have to give yourself non-contagious AIDS in order to have an organ transplant.
However, if I could somehow do a head/brain transplant (so more accurately, a whole body transplant) and become a qt loli, then hell yeah I'd take a suppressed immune system.
This shit looks like it came out of fucking silent hill.
apeture science
we do what we must because we can
remember when you didn't know that sex reassignment surgery was a thing?
i miss those days…
i mean, it probably doesn't hurt you personally
reddit pls go
it hurts society. it hurts humanity.
society does not actually exist
{{{u made it up in ur head lol}}}
he was good in "The Wrestler"
[citation needed]
I feel pretty horrible for the people who transition. Maybe if society didn't glorify it I'd just write it off but there are support groups to push you into a life choice that will absolutely destroy your life.
They deserve to suffer
They're our people who were mentally poisoned by Jews. Why the fuck would you blame the poisoned and not the poisoner?
Do you blame the lion for eliminating the old and weak gazelles?
Maybe rather than root for the lions to show what strong gazelles we are as we're slowly being devoured we should do something about them.
Abolished the psychiatric hospital is a extremely serious mistakes.
Tranny suffering is a warning to all who would wander down their path, and anyone who can be so easily convinced to become a tranny was a ticking timebomb I am happy to have purged from the gene pool.
I, really, like this reasoning.
They are.
Hormonal therapy and sex re-assignment surgery are meant as treatment.
Average suicide rate for transgender suicide is 35-50% (depending on country), for both pre and post-treatment transsexuals.
Average suicide rate for people who had treatment (not sure if it includes only sex re-assignment or just hormonal therapy) is 20%.
So, yeah. Think of it as mitigation of disease, like pain killers for pain, not treatment.
So, yeah. Think of it as mitigation of disease, like pain killers for pain, not cure.
organ rot too fast because external, need live transplant
heh, trans transplant
they'd rather choose to destroy their life, it's their stupid choice, the glorification accelerates self-sterilisation, stop being a dumbarse
this is good
more trannies leads to less communists reproducing
meep meep why does that teddy bear have a benis mother tbh no homo
And you're telling me these people aren't?
failed Butchers exploiting mentally ill people
trans here, not that it should matter
I consider it a mental illness when it become debilitating to hate your body so much you want to die.
transitioning will never make you another gender, just an imitation, at best asymptotic of another gender.
I would love to wave a magic wand or press a button and be a woman, but that's not real life.
real life is ugly and messy and we're just trying to make it through like everyone else.
I mean, you won't become the opposite gender, but your body will definitely become that of a woman. Besides, humans aren't sexually attracted to gender, they're sexually attracted to people who look like a healthy individual of that gender. We biologically evolved to be sexually dimorphic for a pretty good reason, but our dimorphic nature is the only thing that we can exploit. Dimorphism, not gender, is on a spectrum.
gender dysphoria got delisted as a mental illness decades ago.
t. just arrived from 4chan
It's going to be illegal to call this disgusting in the future