You really think two people can share strong affection and adoration for each other, or is it just fantasy that exists only in 2D?
Do you believe in love Holla Forums ?
I think love is a trick nature came up with to make sure couples stick together and raise their offspring together.
i don't believe in monogamy tbh
i think it's a nice ideal and wonderful while in a relationship's initial stages, but i don't think sustaining/developing further an intimate bond with somebody through marriage and life is something that most people can do
Yes but only between men, bromance is real.
but love between a man and a woman is nothing more then biological programming, we're wired to care about our mates because that will give the best viability to our offspring.
its a mind trick.
in reality women are dumb and annoying and nobody in his right mind would want to stay with them.
Yes because it's our biological prerogative
>tfw in bromance with asexual (I think? might still be lesbian but not active) woman
you're full of shit m8
the love that 3DPD can feel is like the love you feel for your car, you would be sad if something happened to it, but you'll just get another one
the love males can feel is the love most consider romantic love
This. Women are capable of a kind of self-interested attachment that they call love, but in their heart of hearts, they consider men disposable.
If you want devotion, get a dog tbh.
The majority of people will never know it, but there are outliers. I watched my grandparents act like newlyweds for 50+ years. It was really heartwarming.
It's real friend, it's just not common.
"Being good at love is like being a good surfer.
The girls are waves and your goal is to ride as many as you can.
They come and go and you won't catch them all.
Some will be shitty and some will be really good, but eventually every ride ends.
Whether you decide to get off or get washed up and beached is up to you."
I like that. That's a good way to put it
Two men definitely can feel love for one another but a man and a woman or two women, the man is the only one who loves while the woman uses him
Also, she was such a goddamn qt in that movie. Made me wanna be born in the late 60's early 70's just to fap to her without thinking about how she looks now (which isn't that bad but isn't at the level of beauty she had back then)
fucking shitposters. user here is right
She personally created my goth girl fascination. Too bad they're so insane.
Mine too, but all the goth girls I'm around - not in hs btw - are the really basic dyed hair and uninteresting kind; they don't know good goth formula and it saddens me
She looked better before the makeover.
Don't worry so much about it. Women are insane whether they are goth or not.
I totally agree but they should've had the camera on her more so we could enjoy it, not saying that the red head wasn't also hot just saying we needed some more of Ally
I dated a goth qt when I was in HS, but after HS they all seemed to get fat.
Yes they are, but there are varying degrees of insanity.
Claire was an appropriate hero for the generation growing up in the 80s .
Allison is an appropriate hero for the one growing up since late 2000s till now.
I don't follow. Do you mean as in a character or do you mean for looks? For character, sure but I couldn't give less of a fuck about character and for looks I'm not so sure since they both are gorgeous
Goth women aren't the most insane.
Fuck no I don't believe in love.
Not romantic love anyway. Of all the untrustworthy emotions romantic love is the worst and most untrustworthy. Love is the death of reason.
This is how being in relationships feel like:
The first month or so it's like someone handed you a million dollars and everything is awesome. Then you start to get used to that million dollars. Then you start to remember back when you had fewer bills to pay, fewer meetings with your accountant, you found happiness in simple things, you woke up every day knowing who you were and what you wanted, now you're not sure what's you and what's the million dollars influencing you, nothing makes you as happy as you thought it would have. You start to think about ways to get more money, more millions of dollars. You walk around like a cocky businessman when you're not even fooling yourself.
Eventually your million dollars becomes harder to access, it takes a lot longer to buy things, you're not sure if it's even a million dollars anymore, what if it's only 100 grand? What if it's only 10 grand? What if you're already in debt? Now you're paranoid about what's happening with your million dollars because you can't check it and none of your bills make sense to you, why am I paying for pool cleanings when I don't even have a pool? Who authorized this?!
After a month of not being able to access your bank account with the million dollars, you being to accept you'll never see it again and you have to go back to being poor. Part of you is happy that life will be simple again, part of you is scared that you'll have to count out your change before going food shopping again.
You occasionally see if someone else is around handing out millions of dollars to people, but the times you hear about it are few and far between, everyone else invested their million wisely and is still living well from it. You're jealous of those people while also filled with self-loathing for letting your million get away from you like that. "Why didn't I live like I did before, simply, but with more money?" You ask yourself. You dwell on the past for at least a few hours every day. You have amazing dreams where your bank account suddenly becomes accessible again and it all comes back to you and you have nightmares where you discover you're actually a million dollars in debt. Your nights are restless, all the possibilities racing through your head, no way to turn them off.
You falsely remember the times when you were rich and exaggerate how great they were to yourself. You accept you will be poor forever. You eventually stop thinking about money, resigned to your fate. Then someone hands you another million dollars.
Intense long-lived romanticism, no.
But imagine if you divided aspects of yourself up into two people, that's kind of what it's like to be in a long term relationship (a decade or more) with somebody.
You acknowledge that they're part of you and that you part of them and that's just how it is. It isn't so much a euphoric feeling but one of being whole. Imagine a physical being that embodies the recipient to all the thoughts that float around in your head.
That's what it's like.
Ive changed my opinion about it over the past two years, its real but its by far the rarest thing you will ever feel. If your talking about relationships you should focus on companionship and getting your shit together and in between the fighting and drama you will feel a dose of love.
Romantic obsession with it is stupid just appreciate the feeling when it comes to you since it is temporary and not what holds up a relationship it is merely a product of the relationship.
But damn is it a good product if you can make an entire day in February about it and rake in the money. Im glad anti-romanticism is a thing now, to the point that even girls are more practical in relationships, its refreshing
Consider yourself blessed user.
I do feel genuine love for my waifu but I doubt that true love is possible in the 3D realm. I mean, I see my parents and they do not seem to love each other. In fact they never did.
meep meep love happens when the people who want to stop being lonely are willing to settle for someone they can somewhat tolerate tbh no homo
I do. They were amazing to watch. One of my best bros has been with his wifey for 11 years now and they're still nuts for each other also.
People can and frequently do share affection and adoration for years. But that's not what makes them stay together for years. That takes mutual understanding, acceptance, respect, and no small amount of effort and forgiveness.
The trouble is finding someone mature enough to do that.
yes but it lasts 1-2 years
Not always