Expand User Base

How do we expand the Holla Forums user base?

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Ive been around a while and the one thing that makes image boards popular is by pulling off a massive troll noticed by the media or inventing ebin meme's

we meme as hard as we can until we can no longer meme

also get our Holla Forums youtubers to be as big as say sargon of akkad or xexizy

We should take over /lit/.

We have to be careful not to turn into some project chanology meme.

Libertarian socialist rants has a tone of followers. Does he visit Holla Forums ?

he's beliefs are somewhere in-between /r/socialism Holla Forums

so idpolish but not unbearable

I should try to contact him to see if he wants to check the board out. I think the larger the user base we have the stronger we are(no matter the quality of users).

I don't think he could tolerate it here, if I'm being honest.
I worry he'd say we're class reductionist or something silly.

oh, yeah, you can try to make a viral video somehow shitting on both idpol and an the right and and then demanding a return to real leftism not upperclass virtue signalling globalism.

I mean, stefan molyneux just stands there and talks with his wide crazy eyes and he gots lots of subscribers.

It really isnt that hard to get famous these days if you have the vision and drive and put in effort.

All of you make fun of the alt right but then thousands of people are there going "hmmm, yes tell me your thoughts on the geopolitical scene varg vikernes"

also bad mouse productions. He turned left.

I myself have found tempting people into marxism of any and all kinds has always occurred through our shared interest in music and fashion. As shallow as it sounds, it prevents the lower more vocal kinds of childish posters who sully discourse, it's kind of a perfect gateway.

I'm not saying exactly how to apply this, but music and fashion always bring in the right kind of crowd into a conversation. A taste in both, you will find what you seek.

Stop trying to spread and grow Holla Forums. Seriously, we keep having these faggots popping up trying to promote "us" with fedbook pages and reddit and shit, and every time it just makes this place a bigger target for raids and shitposting. Not to mention liberals.

Promote leftism itself. Spread ideology and information, instead of trying to make us popular.


I hope you are trolling because it would be sad if you had no personality beyond the products you consume

You got me with clothes though, as broke as I usually am.

I was just on /lit/ and came here to ask what should be done for these lost souls. Some guy literally tried to convince me Ezra Pound was woke about WW2

Charisma is the key to the easily swayed

"quick look at stats proves communists would've been far worse"

But the holocaust is obviously exaggerated

I don't see your point but being suave compared to the alternative and pressuring the point of our own social success compared to the alt-right, that's key. Have people believing you are better than the other in various ways, but by being subtle.

When it comes to those that actually visit this board and might contribute to it, there is one simple rule.


If the idea of socialism is still scary to Americans, calling everyone who visits a dumb prole or an agent of porky is going to drive them away to someplace more accepting. No religion seeks to thin their ranks with a purity test, the most successful ones accept people of all kinds and do their best to educate them about their beliefs. So the next time someone posts a thread that isn't obvious baiting, be patient and introduce the concepts to them as though they are a ten-year-old. I've been here months and the terms and names you throw around are still foreign to me. I want to talk turkey but expecting an imageboard user to have the attention span necessary to read a 500-page thesis on economic theory is asking too much. Design infographics or just answer the questions, no matter how dumb they may seem.

Thanks for reading.

we already have lots of music. we just have to make them popular again.

I mean, this is pol after all.

I meant that they've got their heads so far up their arse, to the point where they (the alt-right) think the Holocaust is a lie - despite the overwhelming evidence.

I was just saying that fascists aren't going to be persuaded to our side. But I do agree with you. There are people who believe conspiracy theories (e.g. my ex thinks the Rothschilds did 9/11) but who can still be brought to our side.


i know
>write: hey, check out our site 8ch.net/leftypol/catalog.html

i know
>write pms to every poster: hey, check out our site 8ch.net/leftypol/catalog.html

you are literally the scum of the earth

We must seize the memes of production.

>write pms to every poster: hey, check out our site 8ch.net/leftypol/catalog.html
Where'd I put that spammer…

Holla Forums is like 70% Nazi 15% libertarian and 15% delusional christian with some overlap.

Holla Forums is made up of a ridiculous number of sects and denominations most of which hate each other if they were being honest.

You're not going to convince other people if you can't convince each other.

this tbh

Keep doing what we're doing, Holla Forums has grown a lot over the years.

Biting hard to Holla Forums's bait?

I often tell people on halfchan's Holla Forums to come here. I know that seems like a bad idea, given that board's clientele, but a lot of them really hate Holla Forumsyps.

We stop being so esoteric
Literally no one but us and /lit/ knows what a spook is or what the "petit bourg" is.
We need to advertise to the average Joe, not someone who devotes their lives to studying Hoxaist thought

And become like Holla Forums? We need have our theory nerds go be reserved somewhere where shitposting won't dilute their discussions like bunkerchan and this place can function like a base at the front more friendly towards the normal person.


By making content that interests people.

Making memes works but that only attracts the lowest common denominator. If you want to attract people what you should do what Holla Forums originally did which is read theory, discuss theory, and propagate theory.

Not that poster but

the fact that you put christianity before socialism is proof that you're a "socialist"

More cats.

Is socialism some religion now?

I like you for some reason, but why are you such a shitposter?

It's not worth my time to go over the same arguments again, and again (and again); I have too much other shit to do, like work, sleep, et c. If I can make myself giggle and have fun then I won't get too frustrated.

It isn't just you. I know many other people do this. It sucks because the people who would have something insightful to say are discouraged no to contribute because of going over the same thing with people. What you should do is just type out your arguments, save them and post them with some edits (if necessary), so that you can survive.

Zizek Videos and Stirner memes.

You just watch.

I haven't made too many posts here lately (on vacation) and all of my more serious replies have probably sunk into nothingness by now. Perhaps it's a good idea to move the conversation in the direction I think it ought to be in but then I'd be doing the exact same thing as those I funpost to. Moreover, it's sort of arrogant to think I'd need only little emendations and it would blunt my tongue for when I face more nuanced arguments.

Cleansing the board of b8 and fake lefties trying to troll/distract/convert us would be a good start.

Not even imaginably possible.

Zizek taking the piss out of political correctness is a good start for deprogramming alt-right drones.

not congregate on a forum known for its facists and nazis, whose primary notoriety arose from gamergate?

Nothing. We just need to wait until white people have been driven to extinction.

gr8 b8 m8, 8/8.
-Garl Margs

Did I say kill? I said wait. Although I have zero problem with killing if it comes to that.

Take America as a micricosm. Look at voting trends and demographics. Or look at the UK. Brexit could have been stopped if the UK was a few percentage points less white.

I'm assuming you're a typical oversensitive white dilettante. Think objectively. Think of yourself as a worker and not a white person and you'll see that I'm correct.

Literal racism.
Neoliberal scum, please go.

Nothing I've said implies support for neoliberalism. And you've done nothing to refute my point.

I'm stating facts and showing you the clearest path to victory. No where did I speculate as to WHY white people are so shitty in this regard. Your knee jerk reaction as a white person has caused you to pretzel yourself to the point that you side with Farage over Corbyn. Think about that for a second.

The EU is dominated by the ideology.
You're literally advocating genocide and blaming countless people for conditions and ideas imposed on them by the ruling class. Should we disenfranchise ethnic minorities like black Americans or European Muslims who are often highly socially reactionary?
And? A broken clock is right twice a day, and noone is infallible.

Well actually if the clock's format is in military time, it would only be right once.

I doesn't matter what the EU is dominated by ideologically. It's free movement rules and the refugee crisis work in our favor. Revolution is far more achievable in a white minority Remain UK than a white majority Leave UK. This is a fact.

I'm not advocating genocide. I'm not even advocating violence unless the whites resist. All I'm suggesting is that you stop retardedly fighting a trend that works in our favor out of some fragile knee-jerk reaction vomited out by your hindbrain.

You change your ideology to something sensible.

Pedantic/10, would get trolled again.

I'm afraid it does, bud. The overlords, especially in finance capital and the state want global integration under capitalism. Brexit might be excellent because blah blah nationalism, but it's still a stumbling block to the elite's plans.
You still believe in the 'import the revolutionary class' meme? Is this the 1970s?
You're just as likely to have Fascism, Islamism or some totalitarian nightmare.
Nod really.
Literally Holla Forums memes come to life. Is this a ruse?
If anything the refugee crisis and mass immigration in general have empowered Fascists.

Yeah, I'm sure you know all about sensible ideologies. Maybe Dolan will make Chinese cartoons great again.

What you're saying is fucking retarded. It's like you're allergic to success.

Again look at who votes for our candidates. Now look at who votes for UKIP or Britain First or whatever other fascist outfit. Do you notice one very conspicuous difference? Forget the UK, look at the US, France, Germany, Sweden, etc. It's staring you in the fucking face.

Your position is essentially "whups, white folk aren't on board, guess we can't have nice things after all."


Fuck off Holla Forums can't believe I even wasted my time responding.

Man aren't you just grasping for straws like there's no tomorrow.
Also who are you quoting?

Considering that the left threw the white working class overboard 30 years ago and is just now starting to regret it, it's understandable that a lot of misguided people throw in their lot with the far right.
Who are 'our candidates'?
Anyway, your position is essentially "welp, a lot of white people are ignorant, so instead of educating and organizing them, let's let in ALL the foreigners because that'll cause revolution somehow."

It was Tumblr tier.

What if we formed a large grassroots movement informing the people the top 1% of pol owns over 9000% of our dank memes?

What you're saying is bull shit. You are what ruin the left. Fuck off.

This tbh fam

I'll just copy past the Milk Man, always works.
But i never bother with perma salt krauts cause they are spooked as a motherfucker desu.

The "white working class" is shrinking into irrelevance. I'm stating obvious facts about voting trends. In light of this, convincing these people is a waste of time if it's even possible.

Fuck off yourself. I bet you believe that blacks have 80 IQs and ebil Syrian refugees are hunting your precious white wimmens through German streets. Enjoy dying bitter and afraid as the revolution moves on without you.

Nice quotes, shitbag. I wonder what's going on there. As for 'irrelevance', this is anything but the case. The fact that the far-right are gaining traction proves you wrong.
You're using those facts to advocate genocide.
Yes, convincing working class people to act in their own interests is a waste of time. Better not try to educate and organize other reactionary demographics; It's a waste of time if it's even possible
Obvious Holla Forums troll is obvious.

Holy fuck you're dumb. Let's go through this bit by bit, okay?

1. I'm not responsible for your shitty birthrates. The white demographic is in decline. This is a fact.

2. Who gives a shit if a few more members of a dwindling group become delusional skinhead mouth breathers. They. Are. Shrinking. Get this through your thick neanderthal skull.

3. Point me to where I advocated genocide you fucking prick. In fact, if you'll remember I specifically said that wasn't what I was advocating, so stop sputtering about muh anuddah shoah like some anime avatar polyp on twatter.

Pot, meet kettle.
1. White people are still a large demographic, including the white working class
2. Who gives a fuck if millions of people embrace a toxic and dangerous ideology? I do. It's not like they could seize state power and put their beliefs into action or anything.
3. Where did you advocate genocide? Uhh…
In other words, unlimited migration until white people are extinct and if they complain, kill them. Literal genocide and literal Holla Forums memes. I'd be shocked if you weren't a Nazi troll.

you are the reason why leftypol has no leftists anymore. there are only sjws here now. its your fault.

Do you have any proposals on what to do?

Wow, way to strawman you frothing sperg. Let's see here…

Never going to happen. Even within the white demographic our camp has the youth. Look at fucking age breakdowns "growth" on the far right comes from the same group of frightened pensioners.

What the fucking are you even doing here?

I personally think that leftypol should attempt to find a group of leftypol users that live close to one another so that they can start a worker's co-op, giving leftypol and official presence in the real world. As long as the official presence remains untainted with sjw bs, they can then procede to support a leftist forum or image board of some sort as well as an official website. The goal should be to encourage people to help the co-op evolve into a worker's federation consisting of many co-ops globally and provide a lot of internet services and legal services, creating a "leftysphere" that would instill our anti-sjw pro-worker ideological values in everyone that partakes of it.

What are nationalist parties in Europe and Trump in America gaining steam?
Yeah, that's totally not genocide.

Yes, because the Holla Forums Mansion and Namibia worked out so well.

not living together, just working together, though I do think that co-op housing should be considered if for some reason they do want to live together.

control the memes of production

At single digits in the polls, opposed by coalitions of every other party and again, relying on a rapidly shrinking demo for their entire base of support.

Brexit exit polling.

lol okay

Again, you fucking twit, miscegination isn't genocide and I was referring to having time resort to violence if they try to start mass deportations of otherwise swing things back.

There is literally no difference between a brown America or UK and a white one beyond the fact that with the former we can actually come to power through elections.

I like this idea.

Why do shithead liberals dismiss any dislike of scab labor with 'derk ur jerbs'? Trade unionism is historically anti-immigration.

And you're an idiot, Muslims I know are capitalist as fuck. Socialism, like humanism, is as European of an idea as it gets.

Yes, I'm brown, so I must be imported slave labor here to steal your precious serf job.

In all seriousness your post is proving my entire point. Socialism thrives in brown soil, but keep courting a dwindling population of crusty old racists. Fortunately the rest of the left isn't this fucking stupid.Your entire regressive breed is going extinct and there's nothing you can do about it. Get fucked.

Like equality, fraternity and liberty.

And capitalism doesn't need them anymore.


i guess by expanding you mean getting more traffic and users that are "like-minded", if you can even say that for an anonymous imageboard platform, right?

you'd need a place where each group can be for themself and also have room to engage each other, reaching people from the right into the liberal bourgeoise camp up to the ultraleftist radicals you can come up with.
kinda like Holla Forums already offers, just more focused on leftist politics.

if you have them all thrown together just here it gets a huge fucking mess that ends up in nothing more than utterly shitposting and spam.
you don't want this board flooded with the scum from reddit or tumblr and whatever else is out there.

if you were to get this place here promoted, that's what you'd get though. and what can you do about it? start banning every fucking newfag shitting up the place? being reliant on an imageboard owned and managed by someone completely unrelated to politics in general and Holla Forums in particular makes it kinda hard to manage.

creating yet another fringe imageboard doesn't seem like a solution when you're seeking to grow either.
and seeing how other "projects" of this board went before i don't really see any chance for an organized attempt of doing anything effective either.

this thread is depressing me.

Thanks for proving my point. Socialism, like most things, is a European phenomenon. Brown countries largely are autocratic shitholes.

also, throwing yourself behind some youtubers and other personalities, or some circlejerk of tripfags, only makes you a clusterfuck of grey mass that gets associated with only these standing out fags.
do you really want this?
it wont help the board, instead just some random individual will get the benefits out of making a name on some imageboard following that ends up further promoting the channel or whatever.
might as well get all behind the board owner to collectively suck his dick so he'd get out there and become "our voice".

Way to show your true colors you racist white twat. Maybe you're really a socialist of the "national" variety, eh?

I can't even begin to describe how funny this is and on how many levels.

There are no white people. Europeans are pink

Our fragmented user base is due to this being the only place non-nazis can talk politics. We should celebrate our diversity of ideas in order to honestly seek the truth.


By stopping the Stirner circle jerk being more attractive


You're a dumb asshole Ganjeet. Reddit and Facebook are filled with the worst trash imaginable.All this "advertisement" on Facebook and Reddit does is send waves of ignorant liberals here that we have to deal with now. You're just lowering the quality of the board.

Make or adapt a meme. Agree on a message, make it simple and easy to understand and digest, and difficult for polyps or porkies to spin or hijack. Preferably something irreverant, memetic and using weaponized Streisand Effect and/or Rule 19. Also if it can be used as a forum weapon or reaction macro, or if it generates some sort of fauxtroversy. It seems to me that the reason happy_merchant.eppanmeme became popular was that it could be used both to mock the establishment and to call those disagreeing with the whoever posts it part of the establishment. Ponies had similar success in part because their art style was really easy for people to make at a very low skill level, they were the AK-47 of fanart. Also because of Rules 19 and 43 and yes also because autists like colorful things. Sex sells too, look at the Fappening. So maybe put a pair of tits and/or a dong on whatever it is somehow. Become as virulent as the cancer.

One of the tougher things about this board for newbs is that people disagree on shit. This isn't bad, disagreement and bickering are vital components of a free society Sri Lankan abstract sculpture appreciation BBS. But it seems tough for a new person to get educated, figure out which direction he wants to go in, and go in that direction. A stickied glossary on the FAQ thread would help. For a start, maybe a short summary (if possible) of what a member of X political group believes, and answers to frequently-asked questions and criticisms of that group. And maybe some links to some shit about Marx, Stirner, Zizek and the other usual suspects. It would save a lot of time if we could refer interested parties and polyps poorly impersonating interested parties to that when they had questions.

This also. However, be prepared for trolling to increase if they think you've got a long fuse. GIFT means people like to see the fury of the patient man when they don't have to beware it.

Pic unrelated and there because there are at least a half-dozen words that trigger the NSA in this post.

Now this really tito'd my yugos

Please just don't go on the other boards to try and push your ideologies.

I think most sympathy for this place comes from it not being Holla Forums, run with that. You don't need any kind of memes or info-graphics, just don't be Holla Forums.


pft, the last thing this board needs is more people. It's already a shithole infested with shitposters and cultish newfag idle talk. If anything, this board needs a good purge.

Holla Forums is basically the same thing except it does nothing IRL and hasn't been influential at all.