CNN brings a Muslim woman hoping she bashes Donald Trump's policies against Muslims instead she endorses his policies.
CNN BTFO #NotAllMuslims
She still has to go back.
tippy top kek. the trevor noah looking faggot in the middle has the biggest look of shock and disbelief on his face.
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
It's been said before, and Trump has brought it up, but people who got her legally will naturally detest those who get here illegally or through unfair methods. Like 'refugees' being granted 'asylum'
What a shitty low energy edit.
Saying that without making a better version makes you look like you're full of hot air.
You don't need to be a chef to hate the taste of dog shit.
so what's her angle?
there has to be more to it
Cable news knows pretty much word for word what you're going to say before you get on air. There's no genuine shock involved at all. This is nothing more than agitprop along the same vein as when they roll out some nigger or spic who offers worthless platitudes about "legal immigration" or "law and order".
It's the American version of "British values". The amount of these threads we're getting is becoming unbearable.
Also, stop linking to fucking YouTube. I have no idea what compels you newfags to screencap the video and provide the link in the body of text. Use webm or stop making threads. This isn't reddit or GLP. It's not a dumping ground for whatever the neo-con version of journolist is.
He's right. Put up or shut up faggot.
shouldn't be Trump, but a random Holla Forumsack tbh
we can advocate the perpetuation of the white race while doing so in the meantime.
This meme always gets me
Nah, I'd rather focus my energy on things in real life, not degeneracy like cringefest memes.
That was brave. She's on at least a dozen hitlists now.
Just gtfo…
nice try, mohamed
Go back to reddit…
Because lesser races are able to come to the realization that they'll shit up our country.
Want to be reported for being a fucking retard, because I can do that for you.
Try again pal
they just don't want it to happen too quickly so it doesn't affect their quality of life
*funded by whiteys tax dollars
If you go further they can realize that if the white race prospers the world prospers as a side effect
She goes back First Class though.
More like cuckasoids amirite? XD
Wow, they were not expecting that.
You could say she really dropped a bomb on them…
The funny part is I can imagine the media spinning this as a 'See? Muslims hate Trump!' thing.
I don't know why this would be seen as a good thing. This lady has been full bore against Trump IIRC. She's just happy she can spread the 'muh islam is peaceful' narrative while Americans are turning against them en masse.
Hey it's nigger faggot!
I think she's earned it.
carlos go home
Holy shit.
Daily salt intake requirement: met
Don Lemon looks like he's going to shit himself and I'm not even sure what's going on in the kike's head, except it involves panic
Reported, then. Enjoy your faggotry.
If you are on a chan you have to be a chef.
for what if I may ask?
triggering you?
Why haven't we ever tried to bully Don Lemon? It would be so fucking easy
t. faggot
their fucking faces like deer caught in the headlights
exactly what i was thinking
They are thinking two things
1. how can i turn this into a negative for trump
2. how am I going to explain to the mein kampf directors at CNN that it wasn't my fault, i was left no wiggle room.
I haven't seen a meme this dank since I seen snoop dog smoking memes that one time…
No muzzies in the west.
Where's the webm you triple nigger?
It seems with HRC's campaign going down in flames despite relentless shilling on the media's part, the media is now trying to find a way avoid or atleast delay their demise in the face of a Trump presidency.
May a rope find their necks.
You may have gotten trips but you sound pretty euphoric to be honest.
There's enough rope for you too.
DOTR confirmed
Dumpster Clocks you mean?
Don Lemon is such a fucking faggot holy shit, looking bewildered when he meets someone who disagrees with him.
VP9 Webm
Tee-hee, t-thank you for the (you)'s user-kun :3
Muslim reporting in
White man holding back laughter does more for me than surprised darkie.
dat lip twitch is gold
That lady earned you one free night of respect. Enjoy it.
Is it just me or is Don Lemon always getting blown out?
This is literally a syntax error for liberals. Can't wait to spread this on normiebook.
The eyebrows near the end got me.
This is the work of Kek.
Now we have a go to source when a lib says Trump is racist against muslims and "he will do what Hitler did to the jews!"
It's fucking over. The debate ends with this.
fugg meant to reply to u
that shit is the lyrics from sanic music
But she still has to go back, fucking mudslime.
No it doesn't, you taqiyya whore.
Not putting Melania's face on?
The fuck.
You better not be in a white country.
I think this is psyop that would work on Trump supporters, so they won't hate islam too much. To make them continue to believe its a religion of piss instead of completely banning it in the future.
They would lick Trump's butt to not be just counted with terrorists. I am hoping here for the world to finally make a civilized decision to completely ban islam, because since it is written in their books that you must kill non-believing infidels, its just a slow time bomb until some of fanatics start radicalizing and get recruited into ISIS.
Watch your tongue praising her words, its all a trap.
The only right answer.
I'll praise them to make statists look like fools. After the election, none of this shit matters.
Not all muslims basically. I don't care as long as we unfuck Syria and tell the refugees to fuck off back to their land.
Wait… are Muslims coming out for Trump, because they think he's Hitler reincarnated? KEK
Women respect men who create their own path. What a fucking ugly mud face she has.
but notice how she mentions mudslimes on his cabinet or in his administration
and how islam condemns terorism, SUUUUUUUURE, taqqiya bitch
serious? watch it again
what for?
she just shined the turd that is islam
wow, what a supreme gentleman yo uare
I don't think it will work on many
but (((they))) want it to
What the fuck, user?
DOTR KKKonfirmed
Kek wills it! Praise Kek! May his Champion have strong rope and tight knots.
That was a shitty edit.
Not that I'm particularly much better, but it's late and it's a start.
Saying you can do better and not even trying is a bitch move, so I decided to take a stab at it.
We know who he really wants to fuck.
Toss out some names, and preferably include the image of people you wanna see replaced in the newspaper clippings.
I'll get back to working on it when I wake up.
Oh, also, I was probably gonna throw in The Art of the Deal on his bookshelf.
Again, other suggestions of Holla Forums-books are welcome.
Though, I'm not to sure how good they'll look, since it's just the spine of the book and pretty small.
Is he the nominally "pro Trump" guy they got on the debate, and the woman the "anti Trump" side, except they'd not bothered to check her views beforehand? I bet somebody's job is hanging by a thread right now.
It'd be like a channel getting Milo on to defend SJW's because "he's gay so he's bound to lol"
Don't they vet and script these people beforehand?
How is it possible to be surprised then?
Is it just all acting?
"My New Order", of course.
Yes, it's like one of those movies or tv shows where you start feeling the embarrassment for the character, this is why I watch his show, mid tier kek, He regularly gets owned by his guest, loses control of his show to his guest, and gets corrected on his own disinformation by both the right wing guest and the left.
This needs to stay at the top.
this nigger is so passive aggressive i cant stand it
From the thumbnail it looked like the pink guy from filthy frank was being interviewed.
inb4 she's stoned to death
A couple open pictures, still, but I think it looks fine with those as-is.
thank god someone's doing it.
A well considered post I guess, on the face of it that is what I see - a trap for us, to downplay our suspicion of Islam. But look at the white mans face while this is occurring. That is bemusement, confusion, and sheer joy all rolled into one. Look at him nod; look at his eyebrows raise in the center. You dont see that on CNN or any news channel. That is reverse virtue signalling, he subconciously supports her views, and is unable to contain his reaction. Now look at the news nig. His forehead is leant forward, brow slightly furrowed. That basketball american does not approve of what he is hearing. As the other user said, syntax error. Listen to him repeat her national security line, with an incredulous tone. He mad.
I am unsure of what to make of this. I think it was a setup by an insider, which the presenters were not aware of. But it seems to good to be true.