Emphasizing the main character's gender is big part of the movie's marketing and people these days are easily convinced to parrot marketing.

Hong Kong Cinema had a lot of non-fanservice heroines and villanesses too.

Women proving once again how they are unfit for any role that requires mental and emotional stability.


She's pretty cute tho, unlike Gal Godot.

Even more pathetic tbh

i'd rather watch these pathetic nu-males cry over the women who like this movie.

Nobody cares though it's just another marketing campaign that is using "controversy" and "muh female solidarity" to sell tickets.

Idk I liked hermione too


She is, but so is /ourGal/

Downloading right now.

copy that

It's not a great film, but you might like it's Righting Wrongs, Millionaires Express, and The Magic Crystal. She starred in all three.

Here's some femkino

Of course not, if cluster B personality disorders are the norm nowadays.

Holy shit I lived the Xena show when I was a kid.



Dont forget the Underworld films.


This is a pretty good female fight scene. It doesn't rely on her just being "THAT GOOD". While her abilities (and the guys') are clearly inhuman, it's actually her use of the environment that gets her the win. She's immediately outclassed, not just because she's outnumbered but because the two guys fighting her are shown to be stronger and landing more hits on her. She has to rely on tools and try to escape/separate the pair to even have a chance of winning and then when she does get into a straight fist fight between the containers, it's again shown that they're simply too much for her to outright handle, so she has to flee again and find a new plan.

This is so good to watch and shows how you can have a woman winning a fight without it coming across as just complete bullshit. Now if this film was made in the west and in CY+2, she'd have just brawled with them without any explanation or plans for her win. She'd just win by virtue of being "THAT GOOD".

This is what I don't get about modern cinema. So much groundwork was laid out from past films from all over the world. Yet as soon as CGI was introduced and commercially viable, it's as though every single director disappeared up their own asshole. The only good fight choreography now comes from from low budget, short films like the stuff Eric Jacobus does. How did they forget everything that past films had learned? Jackie Chan never had a fight scene where he outright dominated, the best action movies always had the heroes struggling and getting wounded throughout. It was the desire to overcome all obstacles that made them heroes. If John McClane had just blitzed the entire skyscraper by virtue of protagonist power, nobody would have given a single shit about Die Hard. It's the exact reason why the newer films were complete garbage and ignored.

Is this a result of capeshit getting popular? Now every hero has to be superhuman and face no real challenges?

wrong, only recently women have been throwing down literally millennia of oppression by white men and being featured in movies, games, books, etc.

I had sex with her in Sidney ;)

the hilarity of this idea is that a "Hero" is meant to someone who fights against the odds and throws down oppressors and oppressions.

While I do know heroic women existed in reality and fiction pity most women are pic related while in denial about it.

Fucking five seconds of research on the Fallout series was all they needed to do.

Not even a good grrill pawar kino


Talk about pointless adaption.

Jezebels so desperate to be men it's pathetic.


Most of (if not all) the action genre are power fantasy. When budget was low, when there is no CGI, the action stars had to put in extra works to learn the fighting skills, keep their bodies in shape and so their sweat and pains felt real. There was a time when Jackie Chan was knocked out for real by Bruce Lee during a shooting when Lee kicked him in the chest and hugged him apologetically when he woke up. Sammy Ho once asked to spar some with Lee after meeting him for the first time and want to test Lee famous kicks. With CGI, all the actors had to do is be a jew, be an idol star or sleep with the director or one of the producer.
That is the results of embracing power fantasy too much. When people talked about how this character is badass, they rarely talked about how he became such a badass (or the way he was presented), just the cool moments when he is a badass (usually when beating the villains). That thinking is of course shallow and when shallow filmmakers and producers just think in this level, what you see is what you get. And of course, the actors don't have to work hard any more, so a skinny jewish bitch can land a role.


holy shit that thumbnail

my sentiments exactly…


But who wants to see a dirty chink fighting movie? for the first time ever we get to have an actual White Women in a movie proving that the patriarchy is bullshit!!


Nobody gave a fuck about Ghostbusters because it looked unfunny, so they cried feminism.
People gave a fuck about this because it was capeshit, so they cried feminism.


Nigger what. The "open lock 25 - 50pts on target" spell is called Allah-homo-oral.







I sense some kind of jew shilling around here

is that nigger's neck real?

Because they are women.

its a prison tower, so it was charmed to not open by the most basic spell

What is she going to do with that shiny crystal?

What tipped you off Sherlock?

no thanks

you can see the inbred jewishness in nearly every photo of her

Cynthia Rothrock is badass. She has another good scene where she and another asian girl are fighting a slew of dudes in a large living room, it's also really amazing choreography.

Israelis aren't real Jews. The real Jew is a wanderer.

Forgot pic.

It's simple, the female heroes of the past took blows, fucked up hard and shit. As far as these women are concerned, they don't count, because they're not absolutely flawless in every possible way, just like they think females really are.

Our girl tbh flim flam foom

regardless she's the worst kind of kike


Holla Forums is a bagel board



The only difference between these kikes and the rest of the kikes is that they believe Jerusalem will be given back to them by direct intervention of yahweh. But they still want that piece of dirt they and the sandniggers love so much

do you fags really go around the net reading clickbait false flag "journalism"?

get a fucking life

Stop being an asshole. She's just an actress.

what is wrong with wanting land? if they are pacifists about it then those kinds of antizionist jews are good people

she is isreali, she supports zionism, she is the scum of humanity