So, what are your Holla Forums guilt pleasures?

So, what are your Holla Forums guilt pleasures?
I really like OOP and Java, i don't know really why, tbh i like the design of the language and how everything just werks.
ITT:Your Holla Forums guilt pleasures.

Other urls found in this thread:

I use Windblows when I need a brake and play videogames.
I'm also the same type of person who uses a x200 w/ parabola and libreboot

If you're not autistic it just makes sense.

- I like Java, Ruby & PHP
- Happy with Windows 8.1
- Got plenty of closed source software I love.
- I buy software occasionaly.
- I prefer full sized keyboards.
- I use a full blown IDE.
- I rather see some ads about my interests than get unpersonalized shit like feminine hygiene products.
- I'm not a (software) marxist. Man should be allowed to get paid for an honest day of work and protect his efforts against the big boys.
- I like Linus more than Richard.

That's really all though. Beyond that I'm 100% tech approved.

-I use evil-mode in emacs

I bet you're some kind of gaymer
Implying software/tool can be political
implying the GPL forces you to give it for free
I like both and I take the good of both and put aside the bad of both.
-Besides free software RMS ideas aren't that great.
-Besides managing the linux community and his kernel Linus isn't that great.

OP here, btw i'm not .
So, please stop your autism screeching.



Nah, it's not like SJWs aren't infesting software and the industry from every angle.

Why are you loonix nerds such mindless simpletons when it comes to defending their stupid beliefs?

your Holla Forums is showing

I think Google Chrome provides a better browser experience than Firefox and they already have all my information so I use it instead.

I like macOS, but I haven't told my family yet.

Wait, OOP is bad?

I mean, I fucking despise forced OOP, but all I seem to see is people clamouring for it as God's gift to man and everything should be OOP. I thought I was just autistic.

I think C# and OOP are ok for game development but I don't like how C# forces you to use a full blown IDE for larger projects.

Mixing software and politics has worked wonders.
And you can see the result of it.
Witch hunting, illogical shit, backstabbing, honey pots etc...
It can't be political because free software can be a tool used by everyone.
It's not exclusively for X or X group.
If someone tries then we have the result that we actually have with sojucs and other mentally ill people.

>Holla Forums bogeyman
You have to be literally retarded to be ok with everything RMS says, same thing for Torvalds or ESR.
They are all based in some way.
But they are all poozed in another way.
difficult to find it for ESR tho

OOP is a natural way to program. It turns spaghetti into code that is systemized. Anyone that is against it, frankly, probably cannot code. At its simplest, it's just nouns and verbs. A noun being the object itself with a subset of verbs (functions/interfaces) that can be applied to it.
That said, how languages choose to implement it can be utter dogshit. In C++, for example, I don't understand why a member function was not just short for:
public static myFunction(ThisClass* thisClass, ...);
... and in usage
... compile to:
ThisClass::myfunction(myClass, ...)
That would've made callback functions, etc, so much easier to hook into - particularly when using a C library.
Maybe there's something else that was preventing this that I have not thought of though.

Sometimes when no one is looking I'll use goto statements.


outsmarting the IT security team in my company
one time they had a contractor hit me with a phishing email to do some pen-testing making sure I follow security procedures.
So I decided to dox the asshat who sent me the email, and replied with his address, facebook, and a full list of every domain and email he ever owned as well as all the IPs his servers are hosted on. Didn't even trip the corporate firewall or DNS filter either while I did all this.

it's a great idea, It's just bad in a lot of languages.

Most popular ones either make you write boilerplate shitcode (c++, java) or let you do terrible mindbendingly hacky things (ruby, python). If EVERYONE follows the rules to not do dumb shit, it's fine. But that rarely happens unless you're in a small group with code reviews.


That's kinda the thing. There's most definitely times where it makes sense to me to encapsulate things in objects and such. What I don't like is being forced to make EVERYTHING an object. That's the bit that doesn't make sense to me. Just seems like it complicates things for no good reason.

but that's bullshit
(or you never learned Python 3)

in Python it's mostly fine, it just allows to write it in any way you like. can as well forget about classes and go without OO.
or if you're into kinky stuff, there's even multiple inheritance.

You are missing something. covers it quite nicely. has some more info on it.

Tell them. They may be able to cure you.

But I don't want the zapper :(

Right. Everyone knows that, ff is fucked nowadays
Wrong. Now you're just showing your (bad) shill skills. That's faggot mindset and doesn't even make sense. They can't have the info you're about to give up in the future. Botnet and the surveillance state are not just about knowing your name and location. Browsing habits and general statistics about your usage grow their power in a daily basis.

If you don't want to be careful, just admit you're not inteligent or mature enough to deal with these issues, don't pretend it's a rational decision. It's more pathetic.

Otherwise just install ungoogled chromium or even Iridium and stop being a nigger.

I prefer function namespacing over OOP. It separates data and code.
progdata_t *progdata_init();void progdata_free(progdata_t *data); contactdata_count(progdata_t *data);progdata_t *data = progdata_init(); contact_count = contactdata_count(data);...progdata_free(data);

downloading/viewing CP over clearnet

sounds like you're a faggot.