Why do Russians abuse animals so much? Are they honorary niggers or something?
Why do Russians abuse animals so much? Are they honorary niggers or something?
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because russians abuse everything
Russians are super weird and unpleasant even if they didn't hack burger elections
In what way? I've never really been around Russians.
They are exceptionally materialistic, status-fixated and emotionally cold in comparison to others.
You can't abuse something if it doesn't have rights.
Russians are based.
Zera always seemed warm though. Sure, she tortured animals for money, but she seemed nice.
Whats wrong with any of those things moral fag?
Shut up kike, Portugal is literally Israel.
I'm posting from a server in Switzerland, dumbass. The flag system here is all fucked up.
Besides, telling me to shut up isn't exactly the same thing as proving me wrong. Which you can't do.
who paid her and how mcuh do make these videos
she is hot tbh
but that is pretty bad, shes done this a number of times before
any more info on the girl? more videos?
Dumbasses with too much money.
$100 per mouse, or $1000 for the complete version of the clip OP posted.
She's still active; you can always ask her any questions yourself.
About a dozen.
good info user
I can only find news articles about her
links to her social media? or where the other videos are stored?
She's on aryion. Her username is Emi.
If you PM her on aryion, make sure to send her links to them. Hell, screencap the comments section and send her pictures of particularly juicy comments if you like.
Long Siberian winters, boredom, excessive vodka consumption.
Because it can be hawt. Your vid related.
Why would you want that?
Probably because he wants a new video
Honestly, what's hot about watching a girl swallow mice?
land of the free
I didn't know swamp Germany had so many niggers.
Russians are cruel and savage people. Literally subhuman garbage. Hitler should have killed them all.
Everything is you're a masochist with a vore fetish.
But can you explain what in particular makes you like it? What about the concept of a girl eating mice alive is hot? I'm curious.
it's different for different people. total control over the life of a lesser being is attractive to some individuals, for instance. otherwise, the idea of a woman acting as a cat is attractive to others, this just taking that to the extreme.
as to the OP, Russians vary quite a bit. the elite and their children can be utterly unbearable, but there are a few good people there and the women are especially attractive and feminine. there's a tradition (that is not universally observed) that if you sleep with a russian girl they're supposed to make you breakfast.
so does the fact that it's death by eating make it special, or would death by other means be the same?
I can't help but feel bad for the mice. Part of me hopes she vomited them out, but I get the feeling that's not what happened, and they all died somewhere in her guts. What a way to go, burning in acid as it tries to figure out what the fuck just happened to it.
Did she do that in all her videos? I've only seen a few clips from the video OP posted, and I've gotta say that the whole cat thing is pretty hot, even if everything else is rather morbid.
I've heard they hit a wall at like 25 though. Although I've heard that the woman in the video is like 30 and she looks pretty good, so I don't know if that's true.
what real cats do to mice can be worse. they traditionally play with mice a bit before killing them, and half the time they don't eat them, they just leave them somewhere to die. our cat usually just leaves it on the doorstep proudly displaying his work. usually a gruesome mess.
indeed, russian women age strangely. they have a tendency to look 20 at the age of 12, and 12 at the age of 20.
I'm not peaceful with my dead food, I don't see why I should be with the living food.
At least the food you eat is killed quickly. It gets smashed in the back of the head by a pneumatic piston. Whereas the mice get slowly dissolved alive. That's what irks me. I don't want to think about how long those things were alive down there.
I don't really care since it's a mouse. If it was a human being, I would be horrified. But that's something that we shouldn't be bothering with.
For freaks like me it's not about power and catgirls, it's about the sounds. I am disgusted by seeing the mouse gasping for air but I'm turned on by chewing and bone cracking noises - of which Zera just doesn't make enough.
Come on leafy they probably died due to lack of air long before they got digested.
It bothers me too that she doesn't kill them quickly though. For me a killer chew on head (not to be confused with shoeOnHead) in the first seconds of the videos would make things more palatable.
why is this the only video of animal abuse you losers can find? stop reposting this garbage we've seen it hundreds of times already
watch out everybody we got a tough guy here
but to answer your question it has to do with the girl more than the abuse itself imho
I hope. I suppose I'd feel more confident in that if she burped or something to get the air out. But as it is I'm sure there was enough breathable air in there to keep them alive for at least a minute or two.
Russian guys have the most suckable cocks, they are just really alpha-male.
at least american agriculture treats animals respectfully
I don't know why, but she seems both pretty and ugly at the same time. She's not the prettiest girl I've ever seen, but she seems to have a "comfy" feel. I guess the best word to describe her is "homely."