You are almost certainly correct. The young man's mouth does appear to be lower than the rectum, as in this video:
I have insufflated a few women, and don't recall instigating or increasing lactation. I also don't recall nearly being shat on.
So it seems. He looks hungry.
Cow dung is only ~22% cellulose. Sathianathan, M.A. (1975) Biogas Achievements and Challenges. Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development, New Delhi.
It seems, rather, to be a means of persuasion. If you blow in her cunt, then she'll be more apt to accept the pulling of her nipples. BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA…
Figure 48 (page 107) of the following shows the conch (or similar) shell of a Hungarian that was used as a prophylactic cunt seal.
How long did it take us to figure that out?
Indians have been "eating cows asses" since perhaps as early as ~1000BCE.
I do know of a specific Judaic food preparation which must be made using cattle or human dung:
Ezekiel 4 Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
3 And take thou to thee an iron frying pan; and thou shalt set it into an iron wall betwixt thee and betwixt the city; and thou shalt set steadfastly thy face to it, and it shall be into besieging, and thou shalt compass it; it is a sign to the house of Israel.
4 And thou shalt sleep on thy left side, and thou shalt put the wickednesses of the house of Israel on that side; in the number of days in which thou shalt sleep on that side, and thou shalt take the wickedness of them.
5 Forsooth I gave to thee the years of the wickedness of them by number of days, three hundred and ninety days; and thou shalt bear the wickedness of the house of Israel.
6 And when thou hast filled these things, thou shalt sleep the second time on thy right side. And thou shalt take the wickedness of the house of Judah by forty days; I gave to thee a day for a year, a day soothly for a year.
7 And thou shalt turn thy face to the besieging of Jerusalem; and thine arm shall be stretched forth, and thou shalt prophesy against it.
8 Lo! I have compassed thee with bonds, and thou shalt not turn thee from this side into the other side, till thou fill the days of thy besieging.
9 And take thou to thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches; and thou shalt put those into one vessel. And thou shalt make to thee loaves for the number of days, by which thou shalt sleep on thy side; by three hundred and ninety days thou shalt eat it.
10 Forsooth thy meat, which thou shalt eat, shall be in weight twenty staters in a day; from time till to time thou shalt eat it.
11 And thou shalt drink water in measure, the sixth part of hin; from time till to time thou shalt drink it.
12 And thou shalt eat it as barley bread baken under the ashes; and with the dung that goeth out of a man thou shalt cover it, before the eyes of them.
13 The Lord saith these things, So the sons of Israel shall eat their bread defouled among heathen men, to whom I shall cast them out.
14 And I said, A! A! A! Lord God, lo! my soul is not defouled, and from my young childhood till to now I ate not a thing dead by itself, and rent of beasts; and all unclean flesh entered not into my mouth.
15 And he said to me, Lo! I have given to thee the dung of oxes for men’s turds; and thou shalt make thy bread with it.