Identity Europa Info Collection

IE Application Form Asks for Name, Age, Location & Tattoo Descriptions via SquareSpace Web Form

The form asks for:

• name (you can use a pseudonym but this is the least important)
• age
• city
• state
• if you've committed a felony
• "Affiliations With Other Eurocentric Organizations"
• "Any Visible Tattoos? What Are They & Where Are They Located?"

Even if Identity Europa is trustworthy and this isn't a alphabet agency info collection scheme, it's incredibly stupid. It exposes the applicants identifying info to third parties & it's an insecure plaintext web form (not even https) vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

It's powered by SquareSpace so this plaintext data is on their servers somewhere — will they cooperate with alphabet agencies to hand over this database of right wing political dissidents? Surely.

Even if you can trust Identity Europa and it's leadership 100% — you can't trust that no one is "wiretapping" this form and stealing this info, or that it's going to be private and secure on SquareSpace servers.

Relevant Twitter accounts:

Twitter user who called this out today:


Application Form:

Other urls found in this thread:

What's that anyway?

If it asks for so much data, it's pretty much confirmed honeypot.

It's the identitarian organization led by Nathan Damigo.

Identity Europa is part of PHALANX, btw.

bump for interest

I think I have some German blood, other than that, I think i'm pretty much ok with those questions

Has anyone here actually put their data in that thing and met up with them? I keep hearing of chapters in cities that they claim to run, but they refuse to even talk to you unless you send them your info. Anyone on the inside?

Also, Nathan Damigo went to jail for being a dumbass and pulling a gun on a taxi driver. Then he mysteriously got out with no explanation. Now he's running a white nationalist data mining operation. Also, his friend "Ken" or "Jack Hanson" or whatever, the other guy, was rumored to be a fed and there was all kinds of suspicious stuff.

So that "if the leadership is trustworthy" is a pretty big "if" at this point.

I'm not going to touch it until there are a lot of anons I know in person who will talk about it without needing a retina scan, anal probe, and social security number.

a't just join. They decide if they let you join.


Why the fuck are you asking if we have tats? Because that's what they do when you go to jail. You're obviously a government run organization.

Here are some twitter convos about this.

Point is: if you filled out this application, you're probably on a watch list.

If it's not a honeypot, you can expect SquareSpace to give up this info at some point, or for an alphabet agency to have targeted this form for data collection.

The web security on this form is not existent, would be completely unacceptable for storing credit card info or email+passwords.

It's quite common for law enforcement agencies to bail out people in exchange for them serving as plants, informants etc.

On the other hand, you want to know as much about the members as possible. Accepting just anyone leads to your members shooting cops or doing something similarly stupid to give an excuse for them to liquidate/arrest you, or just bash you in the media as the monsters.

The tattoo descriptions is the most suspicious part.

Their leadership is saying it's because they want people to look presentable, but tattoos just also happen to be a smoking gun fantastic way to identify people.

You can't single out a person just based on their age or height or location or hair color — but a unique tattoo or set of tattoos could be a smoking gun, because you might be the only person on the planet that meets that tattoo description.

cringe tbh

do you have a tattoo?

That's what I'm getting at.

Yeah, which is why you vet people. I'm involved in running a similar network of meetup chapters for redpilled men, and we always have multiple in-person meetings with people before we let them hang in our crew. If we want to know whether someone has a swastika tattooed on their forehead, we can just look and see, as well as feel them out as men. We reject 2/3 of the people we consider because most modern men are shit. We don't need people to send in all their fedbase profile info, because we can find that shit out for ourselves in normal conversation. We talk to people and meet up without requiring them to dox themselves because it should be us the organizers taking the risk, not the applicant who knows nothing. The only posssible reason to put the burden of identity risk on the applicant is if you're running a federal data collection program.

Anybody that unironically refers to themselves as "identitarians" should kill themselves. Muh EVROPA autism is just faggy hipsters who obsess about the roman empire and try to larp as natsoc.

Man-In-The-Middle Attacks

For those of you who are curious why an unsecured web form is vulnerable to data collection.

And Nathan Damigo is a bigger retard than Angelo John Gage, I'd honestly avoid the whole thing.

reminds me of that time someone set up a forum for lulsec anonymous raids but the forum had profiles with mandatory email and username fields to post or view posts there.


Sometimes you must run background checks on people. Your method is good for filtering out random thugs, but how confident are you that you would be able to find out an actually trained agent?

These forms do look like typical data-mining though, i mean those questions are "are you a terrorist?" tier. I mean what, they plan to sue them if they turn out to be ex-convicts or something?

But gov agencies can obtain all that data, and much more through other methods, the only possible purpose of those forms is that they could serve as a legal statement/evidence.

Watch Greg Johnson's interview of Damigo and his red ice radio interview. He wants his members to be verbally strong and have good appearance, and be in college. Its a youth organization and sounds very strict to be accepted. Again, don't hound and pound new organizations when their goal is to spread the word of white nationalism. He admitted he had mistakes in the past after he came back from the war, etc. There's a time and place for these people to do that, I give him credit for standing up publically making the organization.

Really? If you have no arrest record, how could gov agents find out what unique, identifying tattoos you currently have?

Spy satellite while nude sunbathing?

Sounds like a massive honeypot and White Nationalist organizations get infiltrated and data mined all the fucking time.

The only time i will watch that faggot is the time when we personally thow him in the bog where he belongs

I tried investigating this for myself but all the sources were the ADL or like antifa blogs. Can you give me the facts in the least propagandized way possible?

I guess a lot of you take issue with their ideology and presentation, which I actually like a lot. I haven't ruled out applying because they aren't full 14/88 but also aren't professional conference organizers.

I've listened to that interview. Damigo seems okay, but he does have a sketchy background — he admitted he was arrested and did prison time for a racially motivated act of violence.

Even still, they should not be collecting this much info or collecting it in such an insecure way.

If nothing else, it's just exposing it for alphabet agencies to scoop up.

So far, feds haven't tried to infiltrate our shit. Too boring and compartmentalized. There would be literally no point as we don't commit crimes, and boot anyone who suggests such things. We're just not about that. Feds are welcome to hang out with us off-duty, anyways.

In any case, it's pretty easy to identify undercover cops for anyone with an IQ over 130 and some common sense. They wear cop boots and brand new hoodies, for one.

No I'm not worried about that. The point is, we also make it pretty clear that *we* are not cops by not asking for any of that fed database stuff right off the bat, and by actually contributing to the cause.

If you've never heard of it and just posted that, that's a good response everyone should have, skeptical. But it doesn't matter what you think about it because you probably won't ever join this sort of thing. A flock of idiots is what you all sound like though judging this organization without listening to the creator. Its funny to see posters say they don't know what these organizations are as this has been posted about on 8ch a lot and on other white nationalist media outlets (counter currents, red ice, etc)

Did anybody else see the business cards Damigo wants people to print up and hand out Milo's events? He starts it off with two of the least appealing websites (especially to normalfags) and only includes two that aren't entirely worthless (but aren't very good either).

Why does everyone say Greg Johnson is a faggot? Ive never seen evidence. Sure he published Jack Donovan but im not willing to write him off on that alone, he's by far the most intelligent talking head in white nationalism.

Just like Weev. This is why we have to stay on imageboards where they can't formed controlled opposition groups. In the current climate everything single fucking group is going to be co-opted.

(checked, kek'd and heil'd)
Almost definitely run by law enforcement.
The only other reason I can possibly think of to ask these questions is if you're looking for people for 'Muh PR' purposes.

The best way to track mofos globaly is using tattos, spooks love tattoos.

just saying…

Weev is definitely working for the feds now, and I suspect he's even a mod on Holla Forums (You can probably guess which one)

They can give a small "donation" to your ex girlfriend for revealing that. Have you ever been to a public pool or on a public beach that has some security cams nearby? Maybe someone in the gym took interest in your body.

Committing crimes is not the only way to incriminate you. But yes, such blatant data gathering for new members does look fishy as fuck.

He's probably mixing him up with Richard Spencer, lots of d&c here where people say he's a homo (zero evidence ofcourse), but he is married. Either way Greg has nothing to do with being gay, he hasn't written an article espousing homo views or anything. Honestly he's one of the best writers and current talkers/thinkers i've read, so there's probably jealousy and d&c on user's parts. I really am beginning to feel this place is sinking away from me, nobody recommends books or anything lately, just memes.

He came out to Alex Linder (who he used to write for) and it's always been an open secret in the movement.


No, Greg's actually gay and out of the closet, people just don't talk about it because they're trying to keep the whole CC/NPI/IE wing DADT.

yeah, that why the faggot got banned out of vnn years ago and is hated by all the legit people

I'm a coordinator (really high position) for Identity Evropa I'll answer any questions that people have


Homosexuality & White Nationalism

Gay Panic on the Alt Right

Straight But Not Narrow Nationalism: Gays, Women & The Manosphere

I'm in a high position in Identity Evropa and I talk to many people all the time. You don't have to apply to us for us to talk to you. Terrible straw man. Try again. We don't claim to "run" any cities either. lol

"Mysteriously got out with no explanation."

You mean he served his time and got out early for good behavior in jail and for having really bad PTSD. He was in some serious combat in the Marine Corps Infantry and lost it on a kebab taxi driver. I'm not defending the action but, it was far from him being a simple thug.

The “Gay Marriage” Controversy

You're going to have to dig and find that article he has on that, otherwise bullshit. He points out the JQ all the time and there are revisionists that tackle the holocaust up front. Can't recall him speaking about it but so what? He has a great worldview in my opinion, and i'm sure he would mention revisionism.

That is why we don't store credit card numbers and why we encourage people to use an alias and sock accounts.

We have only existed for a few months, since the spring of this year. We don't have everything perfect. We are an organically grown identitarian movement. We will improve in due time.

Lol. Damigo pls go.

Not everyone has studied your little data mining operation in detail. So we ask each other questions and give our judgements.

Greg shills for faggotry every chance he gets, and resists any attempt to purge the faggots. He talks like a fag. It's well known among people in the know that he's a fag.

We have to be wary, sure, but I actually disagree. With a bit of common sense we can meet up with other Holla Forumsacks and form serious groups. It's actually a lot easier to avoid shills when you can see their noses in person. At least some groups I know of are almost certainly not coopted; they are run by serious Holla Forumsacks with no criminal records.

Interested. What other things do we have to watch out for?

Lol no. Greg is gay.

What do you guys actually do?

Hey man, I'm just reporting what I know from the grapevine.

That's one story. I'm just saying, jail time and early release is suspicious as fuck.

I think another one of CC's like flagship authors, James J. O'Meara, is some kind of gay, and Greg published a book by him called "The Homo and the Negro." It doesn't bother me personally, I think Greg is a major asset and help to us, and he goes to bat for NS more than any of those other groups/sites/whatever combined, maybe with the exception of TRS (although I think this is mostly done partly ironically) despite being at the same time the most intensely intellectual alt-right dude. If I'm not mistaken then he's basically solely responsible for keeping Savitri Devi from fading completely into obscurity. I've been reading CC for years and have never seen him post a blatantly pro-gay article.

My only criticism is that he could probably focus on publishing less esoteric shit, and I don't even mean in a NS context, like books about Mad Men or Heideggerian acid trips. Stuff like that is only going to reach a niche of a niche audience. As far as my own reading habits go I try and only spend like a third of my time on explicitly ideological material, so it's very unlikely I'll buy a book like "Green Nazis in Space!" or collections of WN poetry.

Sorry tl;dr.


MODS this thread is a false flag! Do something besides acting like fucking MGTOW cucks! Talking to you Real Moon Man

Thanks, I think I avoided that one, now I feel stupid.

He does mention revisionism, when he's saying it's pointless and arguing that the Holocaust happened. He even tried to do so on the Daily Shoah, recommending that they "le good jew" David Cole on to explain which parts are fake and which parts are real.

Here's an article by Carolyn Yeager into some of Greg's claims:

From his "New Right" manifesto:

I know the honey pot accusation stuff can be a little ridicules sometimes but this shit is definitely a honey pot

Thanks for the info on this too.

Do yov tolerate open antisemitism, or do yov gvys take the traditional approach of FBI infiltrators and protect jews while focvising on negroes, mvslims, and leftists?

We are an identitarian organization for Americans of European heritage. We do social networking, business networking and we fight the culture war by going on campus and openly and directly challenging the anti White culture. See our Berkeley event that Red Ice live streamed. We provide a positive, highly intelligent network of pro-Whites who have their shit together. We have many learned professionals and people in college and many working class men in unions. Sit tight, we have big plans for the near future ;)

The guy who founded the organization that eventually became Identity Evropa made a whole video about how we need to stop naming the jew.

That's another major red flag.

Dr. Edward Fields, quoted in The Judas Goats

Yes, we allow open anti semitism. All of our members are jew-wise. We don't allow jews in our organization. That is why we ask that question on the application.

I think a lot of people who are basically NS believe that distancing themselves from it is necessary as far as promoting our interests go. I don't believe Greg is full 14/88 or anything, but he is responsible for both writing and distributing a lot of stuff that gives high praise to Uncle Wolf; his article "The Burden of Hitler" is a pretty good read in relation to his attitude towards Hitler and moving forward.

The "New Right" vis-a-vis French guys like de Benoist and Faye was the Next Big Thing before all of this alt-right stuff took off and a lot of the people in our circles were trying to build off that. All these dudes still jerking off over Dugin and Eurasianism is an unfortunate consequence of this.

Don't you think that there is a BIG reason why Nathan decided to separate from the autiste Angelo? Angelo is in no way a part of or exerts any influence upon Identity Evropa. Many of us don't like him for his 14/88 counter signalling. Most of our higher ups are National Socialists and 14/88ers. We just have brains so we know to not present that way. We present and target learned professionals and college students. We want smart people

Well, for example, very disreputable people joining you, and then media finding out about them by (((pure coincidence))) Or even normal people who eventually start giving out statements that discredit your entire movement, trying to split the membership, etc. Your typical shill tactics, just applied IRL.

Somebody could plant drugs on you, or something more serious if you become an actual danger.

Getting tattoos is what is incredibly stupid, and guess what? I don't have that problem because I have no tattoos.

Be gone with jew.

This kind of an aside, but why haven't any of these groups had the idea to organize like National Action or the autonomous nationalists in Germany and the former Soviet bloc? Why are we inviting our people to show their faces and get doxxed? It's why we don't have any activists in the US apart from the 5-10 Usual Suspects facing off against over 6 million antifa.

I've shown my face during Identity Evropa activism that got publicized and I was interviewed by 3 newspapers and antifa couldn't doxx me because they can't match my face to my name. Keep your face and name separate on the internet, use an alias, use sock accounts and its actually incredibly hard for a non government source to doxx you

The Stormer and TRS both facilitate that.

Be aware that therealmoonman is weev, aka Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, and he's working as an FBI informant

I don't know if you're at liberty to tell me this, but do you guys have any people in Arizona? I wouldn't want to be the one guy responsible for getting shit going down here. Like I posted earlier I really like the group but obviously do not want to get doxxed because I do go to college and have a career to worry about and all that good stuff.

My understanding was that they have guys engage in very public outings in their local areas and spend most of the time very audibly going on about JEWS MEMES DINDUS HAHAHA in addition to actually neat stuff like reading books and working out and like building camaraderie, which I guess aren't mutually exclusive.

This if you were serious you would follow the lead of european groups especially the german ones they largely work in small independent teams with no names so they cant go to jail. Dont join this shit

It was more interesting when we had that FBI guy and NSA agent shilling, at least you could have a reasonable discussion with them.

So, swamping with fake info when?

That's actually a really solid answer. Still some things about this application and actions by Damigo that rub me the wrong way, though.

They are probably honestly running you info to see if your a skinhead who based a nigger against the police database.

They keep all the tattoo info when you get arrested.

But still, who would give that info.

How much you wanna bet Damigo is a beaner?

All I needed to know to stay the fuck away. Damigo is associated with Angelo John Gage, who asked for donations for a printer for National Youth Front, then spent $3000 of it on gambling, and the remainder probably on his newborn son. His wife was pregnant the entire time he was making videos for NYF. It was all a scam to get money.

Hell, NYF first chairman, Caleb Shumaker, stepped down when he was outed as a race mixing Jew.

He isn't, but he's not trustworthy. Pics related.

Looks like a Beaner Kike.

IE one of those beaners whom has kike ancestry.

That hook nose isn't fooling anyone.

Except he did buy the printer… (vid related)

So you bought the printer and spent the rest on yourselves. Real fucking class.

Yes we have a great group in Arizona. Again, use an alias, use sock puppet accounts. We don't want anyone getting doxxed

You mean on our organization and activism. We are fighting the culture war. Join us if you think you are worthy.

Hardly a hook nose haha. He looks as European as you can get.

Someone is projecting again

Get lost kike, any fuck stain trying to data mine doesn't deserve o be labeled apart of the 'European' race.

Who's projecting what? Do you even know what board your on or what this thread is about?

Or let me guess, you were dumb enough to sign up for this kike's little newsletter and fearful of what's to come?

Wait, I shouldn't bother talking to gook cartoon lovers, they're all autistic, can't carry a conversation and have some serious moonlighting issues when it comes to fitting on on boards that aren't about shitty slice of life garbage aimed towards 4 year old jap girls.

So, yeah, it's a honeypot.


You got some weird looking cyrpto-kike with an autistic last name "Damigo" thinking they're cute for using V as a substitute for U like they're fuckin roman warriors or some shit.

I feel entirely sorry for idiots whom feel the need to sign up for shit like this, when that's not what nationalism is about.

Funny thing I have zero jewish blood in me. Try again

You are well aware your tactics are widely known upon many places, especially Holla Forums.

You ousted yourself when you tried proving his so called ancestry, and you actually bothered going "haha" like a poncy fruit.

Nice try, but you kikes make it way too obvious.

He was adopted by an American family with Italian ancestry. Why are you so buttblasted? I have no problem saying kike. I say it all the time. I said earlier that we have open "antisemitism" in our organization. All of our members are jew-wise. I presented myself as a coordinator for Identity Evropa so there was no need for me to say kike every time I wanted to say jew

It's like he is trying to stir up some trouble

you fags have no clue what you're talking about. Richard Spencer isn't associated with IE at all. They did one event together at Berkeley.

Except that he is gay and has written several articles defending homos.

Is the baby going to cry? Also I know you copy pasted kike from my post, thanks to my formatting.

Oh and even funnier how you're going on about how you have "open" "anti-semitism". Like I give a fuck. I don't need to join some faggot pack of fruits like you and your kike lover just to feel as if I'm 'free' or 'liberated' with my thoughts and speech when I was before and still am after seeing this pathetic display of autism.

The way you carry yourself makes it far too obvious you have alternative motives behind your faggot site, your kike over-lord, and over all, having to bring attention to it here, as if anyone here is stupid enough to give away personal information, or rather, stupid enough to sign up for a blatant honeypot.

You're even copying and pasting word for word what you said earlier to another user.

What is this, some automated autism?

This it the first thread I posted in, but you're trying to claim I'm going around, when It's obvious that this guy is a kike.

Why do you care? Are you upset that this guy is a kike? Are you one of those dumb kids whom migrated here from 4chan who needs gratification 24/7 so joining a fruit pack like this makes you feel better?

Do even know anything about Holla Forums? Or do you constantly try to avatar fag it up with garbage cartoons cause you can't get any pussy?

You can't even type right either, you sound like English is a third language for you.

You gook cartoon lovers are the worse, you try to act big on image boards when you sense someone is going to target you for being retarded, and end up just sperging out tenfold in hopes you'll end up causing enough autism to scare everyone away.

Then you try talking to me buddy buddy about the stupidity behind them trying to act as if it's ancient Rome, when in reality, you can't hold a convo, hence why you're going on and getting offended over who's a kike, spic, nigger, etc.

You're clearly not white.

You're so easy to dismiss because your "arguments" are purely polemical. Your kind of autism is why people leave Holla Forums

Do you know what that word means? Or is this another automated response when the kitchen gets too hot?

Hell, why do you feel the need to have a 'pro-white' group when the term white in itself is a kike's way of muddling all the unique and diverse ethnic groups of Europe into one disgusting blob?

Do you know anything about race or ethnicity? or is your intelligence the equivalent of a nigger where you can only identify people by color and not by actual features, ethnic groups, or other tell tale traits that don't involve being a mental midget?

Explain that to me here pal, cause I'm not 'starting an argument', I'm doing what anyone with a brain would do in questioning the stupidity and audacity of you and your faggot group.

Who made YOU in charge? In no way, shape or form does /pol. condone or even recognize your fruit pack group as a legitimate means to an end as you're advertising yourself to be.

We do not need you, and we never will. So what's the point here? You're trying a bit too hard to act as if you're enlightened and educated, when you yourself like to ignore the other 'benefactors' in your faggot group whom where kikes, and extorting donations, as well as the whole, trying to get information on all the 'evil wacist wyte menz' thinking you could simply walk in here with a faggot slide thread, and trick the lesser idiots, migrants from 4chan to sign up to your faggot cuck club.

I got the message from the other anons thanks. Atleast recently I haven't read or seen a pro-gay article from Greg… the thread needs to get back on focus sorry for not being sharp about who's gay or not.

Im in Identity Europa, you're all being retarded.

Anything remotely illegal is instabannable, they even ban national socialist imagery.

Richard Spencer vouches for the group and has worked with them.

Reinhard Wolff works full time for redice.

Or are they part of the honeypot too?

Uh oh, they're coming in full force guys. WATCH OUT.

Sit on your ass all day like a good goy if you want, but don't protest when people actually do something useful instead of spending all of their time pontificating on an imageboard.

More polemical nonsense from you. I didn't even make this thread. I'm just here to clear up any controversy and answer any user's questions they may have about Identity Evropa because I noticed that there was a lot of angry shit-flinging going on. I want everyone to understand our people and our group.
I don't have to explain anything to you.
For those anons who are not retarded. The term "White People" has been around since before the American Revolution and was not "created by the kikes".

I don't.

I actually do speak three languages, what about you?

We are big guys

Uh the only one sitting on their ass all day is you and your pack of fucking fruits tugging on each others cocks all day as you sit there hoping some fucking dumb as shit retard such as yourself falls for your faggot scheme.

You are doing nothing useful, the fact you assume that I don't is not only amusing, but when you try to claim I'm the one spending all my time 'pontificating' on an imageboard, I think it's time you look in the mirror.

Literally no one summoned you to this thread, you came here after the OP made his initial dump to coax interest, and now we got the whole (1) gang coming in defending your activities of tugging on each others wee wees hoping that one day, one tug will save the world.

Get bent you faggot fuck.

Yeah no, the proper terminology is Eurpoid.

If you can't get that right, watching you prance around pretending to be 'White' is not just embarassing as it is fucking autistic.

No wonder you stupid fucks were getting mad over me calling your leader not just a kike, but a beaner as well. You love beaners as much as you do kikes, cause to you, the only thing that matters is skin tone, totally disregarding the entire genetic lineage, facial features and the like.

Cause, all that matters is just color, disregard any actual diversity within the Europoid race.

Whew, sure is reeking of polemical autism over here, specially from you, since you take the chance to address 'anons' while trying to shoo me off from scaring away potential victims.

The Term White People was coined by dumb niggers and kikes alike, it doesn't matter if it's been around before the American Revolution you fucking idiot, cause the color itself has been around if not longer.

The usage of the term 'White People' being used erroneously by kikes to try and subvert and muddle the European race with the likes of Spics, Curry chimps, and Sand-niggers with their kike brethren to try and slowly but surely rid yourselves of the Europoid race.

You are not fooling anyone.

Get some friends, I'm not here to talk to some mentally ill cartoon loving geek who's probably not only an actual faggot, but is actually trying to 'talk'. Which is the worst part of this entire situation.

Trying to brag about what languages you speak, but then refuse to state them is also funny, I speak 10 languages fluently, the fact you think three is a big deal is just fucking retarded.

Let me guess, English, Spanish and French. Good job, you're like every other child enrolled in American schools this very instant.

Aren't you special, and no, you're not a big guy when you're clearly a faggot whom wouldn't dare try to confront anyone in person.

Seriously, go back to circle jerking with fellow cartoon loving losers and whatever shit skinned friends you have. You've already lost, not point in trying to 'befriend' me as a means to try and get back to me.

That's the most obvious and autistic tactic you retards try to pull whenever you're genuinely upset. I get it, you're upset, change your diaper and go back to being a fucking queer whom shoves actual foreign objects up their ass.

No one, ever, promoted that in here. We are just for the alliance of white nations because it's the only way for self-preservation. You sound like a D&C shill, and a very obvious one at that.

"White" does not mean only skin color, nor does anyone in here uses that term in such a way, you need to lurk more.

Do you feel in charge?

You might actually be correct with this one.

Holla Forums raising the bar in total fucking autism.

If I was a government agency the first people I would look for are the retards who would tattoo "Im such an anti social edgefuck that i would permanently mark my skin with 1940s german imagery because middle america needs to understand the struggle of the common german man in 2016"

Im not even going to bring up the fact tattoos are gayer than shit and most of the people who have them are degenerates.

Anyone with half a brain can see that I've kept my cool the whole time. You're the one sperging out calling names and typing silly paragraphs that don't make sense.
If anyone here has any legitimate concerns or questions just let me know. I'm here to help :)

This is actually a red flag more than anything.

Why? Richard Spencer is pretty awesome. I really like his ideas and all that he has done in fighting the culture war, getting arrested and providing a platform for well-to-do White Nationalists to gather and network

You have been caught promoting and it's not going to work.

Trying to turn the tables and cry I'm the shill when you have more than one of you in this very thread right now trying to play some saving grace for your shit community is making it far too obvious.

You don't even know how to properly label the Europoid race, or any of the proper terminologies used around here, instead making it obvious you're a kike for using the one term we DON'T use here.

Clearly not, since you want to try and whip out a thesaurus to seem the least bit educated as you're rattling in your little angry chair getting upset that this thread was a failure and how you're not going to get paid to feed your kike family this month.

If anything I have half a mind to tear down you faggot organization, cause I'm positive you and your little friends have dirt on you that would certainly get you little faggot fruits in some deep shit.

richard spencer has done more for white nationalism in this country than any group of nazis ever has.

It must sting really bad to have such a nerdy faggot winning so hard while nazi retards wallow in their self destructive purity signally and witch hunts.

Go ahead and try, I'm not a criminal, our organization is not criminal so no one has any "dirt" on me or any of our members. You're incorrect, as always. We don't do anything illegal so this whole idea that we're a FED honeypot is ridiculous. You're just angry that you don't have what it takes to be part of us and actually do something productive in real life for our people.

Absolutely false. Richard Spencer hasn't done shit except for cuck out to Jews and suck dick. To compare him to Rockwell or Pierce is laughable.

He doesn't have ideas. He is a moron

Which is literally nothing at all. He just jumps in front of things that have nothing to do with him and then declares it is the result of his work (when really he hasn't done anything).

Richard Spencer always makes it clear that the jews are a separate people from us and they can never be one of us and that we have different interests. He has never "cucked for jews"
Try again schlomo ;)

Go ahead pal, tease me, see where that gets you.

I can tell you're getting rather pensive, I feel I must have hit a nerve now. Guess you pack of fruits are going to flee now that you're thread is not only a failure, but your shit attempt at co-opting this board has failed once again.

Next time instead of appealing to emotion like a faggot, realize where you actually are before you try using claims such as 'anger' to try and shut down another individual.

It doesn't work here, and it never will. You're another waste of space in the grand scheme of things, another brainless pawn whom doesn't even know how much of your life is nothing but garbage, or perhaps you already know, and that's the sole thing that fuels you to continue being a faggot.

this, plus hes pro-fag

You're projecting user

I actually am doing that

Rockwell was a retard who never once had an original thought. He was , just like all neo-nazis , a nostalgia-tard with no practical political ideas and no basic understanding of metapolitics.

How fucking dumb do you have to be to come back from ww2 and march with the swastika? (pretty fucking dumb)

Peirce was boring as fuck and wrote a book once

At least JLR had bodies in play.

Cry harder that spencer is doing better

It's ok user, we know that you just want to join this organization. And we'll find some anime avatars for you as well, so you can be cool like them internet people.

I don't even know who these people are kek

It's clear you want to suck my dick.

So do meet me in my humble abode, cause clearly, you want some hot man meat in your mouth.

Jews confirmed.

We never tried to coopt this board lol
I never appealed to emotion
You can't even spell "your" correctly but, you try to tell others about education and how to argue. You are a joke for everyone to see.
Stay mad

Spencer is and never was pro-fag. Try harder chaim

Not only that, you're one of those faggots whom try to claim a typo was made, when none was made in any shape or form, to try and boost your own little autistic tweeter to not feel so threatened.

You're the only joke here, I like how your buddies even slowed down in posting, probably cause it's hard for you to stay focused when you're supposed to be pretending to be the little twink you are and God forbid you fuck up and post under the wrong ID.

Except a few weeks ago when he did exactly that.

this is bullshit

you don't need to sign up on a website to be part of a movement

you meet people in person and check them out or just provide propaganda materials without screening and let them autonomously promote

signalling against 1488ers is always a red flag

No fam. stop trying to recycle a german populist movements from the 1930s and stapling them to middle america


The other red flag being their leader is a crypto-kike on top of all that.



Who? Who the fuck names their kid Nathan?

i have zero tattoos and im not a skinhead

but any organization that rejects the JQ is suspect

Except he actually isn't. Doing better at being a cuckservative who believes Trump coming out of nowhere somehow has something to do with him? Yeah, sure.

Richard spencer is responsible for the most powerful woman on the planet naming our movement and giving us frong page spotlight in ever media institution on the planet.

How sore is your asshole?

You don't know what this word means

No one is talking about recycling anything. Banning national socialist imagery is done by two types of people, Jews, and those controlled by Jews. Whichever one you are, I want nothing to do with your kind.


Maybe for his honey pot Phalanx , now more idiots like you will be paying memberships

No its done by people who understand metapolitics

You want a movement of millions of americans. If you are waving swastikas you are just admitting you have an IQ of 70.

We can have white countries without "national socialist imagery"

its fucking lame. Its like grandma posting pepe on facebook

No, Trump is responsible for that. And Holla Forums. Richard Spencer has done nothing at all except create a label and try to jump in front of the momentum that we built. He has a website that nobody reads and a conference attended by gooks, Jews, and homos. He is nothing to us, and his movement is not ours. He is in the same pool as some fag like Milo.

I actually believe you don't know what this word means. Richard Spencer doesn't actually understand metapolitics. He doesn't understand anything.

I dont know much of anything about rockwell or any prominent nazis in the past but this video has to be proof you are talking out your fucking ass.

Not waving swastikas and outright banning national socialist imagery are two different things. Your organizations is Jewish. Go away.

who named the movement?

who coined the term?

Where did "alt right" come from?

trump has nothing to do with the alt right. Hillary clinton knows that. Trump knows that. Breitbart knows that

Hillary clinton had a speech about us. She threw in trump as a strawman

she was warning the left about rising fascist sentiment

She shined a light on a term spencer created

You are mad because neo-nazis have actually done less than even matt heimbach

Its not my organization. Im not a member.

I just think its funny when Neonazis have shit fits that all they do is whine online and have blackout drinking parties in their trailer parks.

meanwhile spencer is being interviewed by major TV networks and the most powerful women on the planet calls out the movement he named.

But ya sure 1000 year reich will rise again11!

Naming something doesn't mean control it, though. Spencer and his ilk are being pushed forward by the cultural tide, they're not guiding it.

We are not alt-right, now go back to Reddit.

Good stay in here in your irrelevant echo chamber

Listen faggot , we are not alt-right we dont see any value in a umbrella term or a new national alliance . we believe that In this climate any structured movement would be easily subverted, infiltrated, and co-opted. So for us Seeing how much artifical attention your "movement" gets it obvious by know that "alt-right" is a shill term which will be used to discredit various ideas by associating them with elements that the general public finds unsavory. In order to dilute the message and push kosher interest and fag enabling

You are detrimental for our cause and mainly founded and propped up by the enemy.

Agreed. This guy is only hot air.

You go fellating e-celebs and organizing boy scout clubs with no goals or purpose.


What movement? There is no coherent "alt-right" movement. Is is a collection and relabeling of several different movements that have been going for decades.

The Jew, Paul Gottfried.

Yes, about *us*. About Holla Forumsacks and Twitter nazis. But we aren't "alt-right."

If anyone deserves credit, it would be Anglin, a neo-nazi, for pushing this into Twitter. He was he first to mobilize mass raids on Twitter (and iirc, people like Spencer concern trolled about it at the time).

Spencer has literally done nothing at all.

You stay here and investigate movements that are mobilizing on the ground and doing real life shit and decide whether or not they are jewish honeypots.

You're not a shill, just a sperg.

And what exactly are you organizing? A barbecue?

Exactly. And they aren't even the avant garde. When Holla Forums was posting about gassing kikes, Spencer and his buddies RamzSaul and Grindr Greg were concern trolling over it and counter signalling because they thought our methods were vulgar. Then all the sudden they are the ones claiming the credit for this after the fact. Ridiculous.

Again, not using national socialist imagery and banning it outright are two different things. It's entirely possible to not ban national socialist imagery and at the same not use it. What about that is difficult to comprehend?

Thinking national socialist imagery should not be banned does not mean you're a skinhead drunkenly goosestepping and saluting in a trailer park. Stop being an ignoramus.

Listen subnigger you will not be able to convince anyone with a 3 digit IQ that a a bunch of political illiterate retards who havent read a single relevant book in their life will be able to do successful political party or movement

And no recruiting via podcasts, troll raids, pool parties and outreach efforts online and in real life doenst count to any Adult.

And in support of my claim that they were all concern trolls:

At the time that DS was organizing raids on British MP Luciana Berger, these fags were concern trolling that it was "ruining our image" and trying to tone police everything.

And then, of course, DS steals everything from Holla Forums, so we are actually the root of what is being called "the alt-right." Everything to do with it originated here. No Spencer, Grindr Greg, RamzSaul necessary.

I know Nathan Damigo. He is legit. The tattoo question is solely to filter out NSM types. IE doesn't allow larpers of any sort.

Ok good, but you also should not store a plaintext database of name, age, city, state, email and tattoo descriptions of your right wing nationalist group on the servers at SquareSpace.

Are you just not aware of how vulnerable this info collecting strategy is? Or do you just not think members should be worried about it? Do you not think they should care if the government gets their hands on this info?

Well, now you have a chance to improve and to respond to peoples' concerns.

For the safety and privacy of your applicants, you should review and change your application process. There have got to be many better high-tech and low-tech ways of doing this.

Also, if you are asking for tattoo descriptions because you are running a criminal background check, you should be transparent about that.

If you really just want people who look presentable, why not just use a yes/no checkbox that says: do you have visible / offensive tattoos? Do you have any experience that would not be sufficient?

I've met tons of IE goys, had a skype talk with nathan, saw him at NPI, watched the red ice stream of the UC Berkley safe space, etc.

These goys are on the up and up, but need to audit their sites. They used to be on blue host and I pointed out to them they had dead links. They needed to update the vhost file and A-name redirects on their hosting server. Later on I checked and they did fix it.

So OP, why did you make a thread on Holla Forums like a nigger faggot instead of just emailing them to fix it? That's a dick move because you know this place is monitored by alphabet soup agencies and because hate chan can fuel D&C for movements it doesn't understand.

Unless you're a shill.
Are you a shill OP?


IE requires members to pay exorbitant dues to join. MULTIPLE members were kicked when asked where the money was going.

Join a group worth your time like American Vanguard or instead of fed-run hacks. IE is a scam, this should be clear to anyone.

Thanks for posting this op. Someone needed to call them out.

Most nazi groups IRL are honeypots. You lads should just keep low and buy fucktons of guns and ammo and wait for the happening

I am an organizer for a rather private group of guys. I have multiple ex IE members. According to what I have heard, they need more than a security audit.

I am guessing you are a member of IE that is covering for the cause.

Why would someone use mitm on a stupid shitty fucking webform? Why wouldn't they be sniffing for Facebook session tokens or credit card forms?

The answer is that they would not and OP doesn't know what he's talking about. Besides, if you're using public wifi and not using something like Hotspot shield, then you deserve to be hacked.

No, I'm not IE. I'm organizing with a group of guys with no name.

However, as I have said, I've been watching them and they appear to be on the up and up. Even if it is a honeypot operation and it crumbles, many members would re-create it's structure with a different image and under a different name.

IE has not done anything that isn't working for far left organizations.

Could someone explain the rise of "nativist" and "identitarian" groups? It feels like the whole thing is a way to remove people from nationalism and the blood-culture-state connection.

I don't know how our storage system works. I'm not the information storage guy. I just know we don't store credit card numbers because we never ask for them.
Fuck you, I don't have to prove shit to you

The problem with opsec is simple. When people fail to cover themselves, they don't stop and fix things. They keep going to see how far they can push it.

If there is a vulnerability and a way to cash out (credit cards), then someone will try. I have been in security for years, it happens on a regular basis.

Now is the probability of the attack proposed by op pretty slim? Yes. However there are many other issues that could arise from those shitty forms. If an antifa member got smart, he could build a bot to spam those non-stop. I know square-space doesn't have any form of spam protection on those types of forms, and that thing probably goes strait to an email account. Eventually their own smtp server is going to get flagged for spam after dumping 2k+ application forms out.

They have a PO box listed. This is a seriously bad idea. Why? PO box owners can be found, easily.
Don't even worry about your legal case being legit, as soon as they see the word "neo-nazi" they are going to hand absolutely everything over. Ever wonder what happened to the New Order?

$10 a month is not an exorbitant due lmao. Unless you are a useless nigger who can't get a job

No one was kicked for asking where the money was going. We had someone who was interested in joining who was extremely unprofessional and insulting us demand to know exactly what we were doing with our money. Completely ridiculous. Don't spread baseless lies because you are assblasted about something. Prove any of this happened. Pro tip, you can't

Not to text bomb this shitty thread, but I an not a member and I donate $60 a month. I also donate to Counter Currents, Amren, etc.

If you want to accomplish real world results, you need real money. I can tell you something that is unproductive, as someone who has seen things rise and fall over nearly a decade. Unproductive efforts are neurotic keyboard warriors hyperanalyzing organizations that have taken the risk of putting themselves out there IRL. I have met many of these people and some love in hiding in new york. Some may end up accidentally committing suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head, if hillary is elected.

I have no problem with twitter activism, everyone chooses their own level of participstion. I have no problem with a multitude of organizations. However, I do have a problem with punching to the right and stirring fear. I also believe that none of us can survive alone.

Next time, before you go on a crusade like Sinead mccarthy, work this stuff out between two adults, instead of fear mongering.

Thanks man we appreciate your support!

I'm not an expert, but I know enough to know there is plenty to be concerned about here and that experts would probably give it a worse security rating than I would.

Oh wow he is a fucking faggot.

And just to respond to this:

My operating costs come out to about 600 a year. I have never asked a single member for anything other than their time. We run a small niche market business to raise money. If you think that the only way to keep a group is through charging your members, you are entirely wrong.

I'll bet you fucking anything this is a samefag with a vpn.

Okay, this is the best response I've seen so far.

You need to email Nathan Damigo with this info, or if I see him at NPI I'll try to mention this to him. As I've said, I pointed out a dead page before when they were on bluehost and it appears they fixed it. However, I'm not IE, so they might just choose to do nothing.

How will we pay for clothes, stickers, posters, activism, travel, equipment, banners, fees for getting potentially fined for our activism, education and everything else? No one said its the only way to fund something.
Your little group that is self sufficient isn't doing anything on the national scale so you are irrelevant. You can't even tell us your name, you guys obviously aren't doing anything important. This VERY LOW $10 fee also helps to weed out antisocial people and other people with problems who can't hold a steady job.
You're butthurt that your group is irrelevant and you can't be part of us, people who are actually making changes

We are completely find with applicant using fake names and emails. We don't want anyone with face, neck or hand tattoos hence the tattoo question.

Not same fag but I don't disagree with what he posted.

Running a small niche business isn't a bad idea, actually. I do think dues is a good way to weed out the uncommitted. I do re investing (flipping) and the best motivator I have to work on property is bleeding carrying costs every month (insurance, taxes, mortgage etc.). When time is scarc or money is involved, people tend to make better use of each.


Fucking android autocorrect.

Wow you sure showed me, what are you going to do, go put up stickers? The fact that you are attacking me rather than my argument shows exactly how desperate you are.

For the last three days, we have been calling senators and congressmen that we think would support S. 3034. What have you done, sold a poster or two? I remember a friend of mine telling me how autistic you guys were, he met IE down at the California bbq meetup. Now that I have talked to you here, I can say that I am not surprised.

Oh and just to address this:
You have made no changes. You are irrelevant. Period. The reason our group stays silent is because we don't feel the need to brag about ourselves online, in fact we have rules preventing members from disclosing their involvement in the group to others.

The fact that you have to come fellate yourself on an image board shows how desperate you are for attention.

Go to /r/altright or some shit, anywhere but here.

From the thumbnail I could have sworn that was a picture of a chicken.

They want to filter out the riff raft out is all.

They don't need to know about the Star of David you got on your left buttcheck for your Jewish boyfriend, OP.

You don't need that much info to tell if someone is a retard or not. As another user said, meeting with a person, or even talking with them over the phone can tell you a lot about them.

Additionally, I sell guns for a living, and while that document asks a lot from a man, it doesn't ask for tattoos. It doesn't ask if you're in any kind of groups. So what kind of message does that send when it is almost easier to buy guns than it is to join this college larping group?


So are you going to contact your leadership about auditing and improving your security or are you going to shrug and do nothing?

Do you not understand why it's reckless & risky or do you just not care?

Wtf is everybody in the Fuckn fbi / nsa ?

Doesn't sound jewish at all sounds perfectly normal.


anyone else getting sick of all the newfags using the word "fam" so much
at least it makes them easy to spot but fuck they've been listening to way too much TRS

TOP kek m8

smfdh tbh fam finna kek u witey

last wekk the rumor iwas weev being a ex-goon now he is a mod and a fbi informant thats crazy , i mean i know he has some fishy shit going on that i will not get too specific but most of it its speculation , moonman is supposed to be a flat-earther furry /pone . the chances of mods on this board being agents its pretty low , i will not deny that they sometimes sperg out and do stupid shit like leaving this thread up but their fairly competent and compromised .

Take this with a pinch of salt because they are rumors and dont do anything stupid if you arent tech savy enough to avoid the party van. About joining groups call me paranoid but in my opinion the chance of being honeypot is just too high,you are better creating your own network and doing personnel screening. Most real groups dont recruit and are not looking to do stupid shit.

H o n e y p o t








Damigo is a fucking public figure you massive faggot. Do you think he cares if someone finds out that he is the owner of his own PO box?

We're already generating media buzz after less than a year of existence. There have been dozens of news articles written about our activism, many on local news websites that have comments enabled. The article written about the posters we put in in Houston had over a hundred comments on it, many who were critical of the paper labeling our organization as white supremacist. Some were us, but many were just normal readers commenting on a double standard they say. This is the sort of thing that shifts public perception.

It's is a long term effort. Look at what GenID is doing in Europe, we are doing something similar.

its a plant group duh

me included
at least you have good taste in porn

these guys are obviously evil fucking cultists trying to brainwash vulnerable people

So you are a GenID knockoff group?

Your media "buzz" consists of a few antifa members sperging out on some blog.

GenID is a European organization. They don't allow American members.

The Houston Free Press has a circulation of 50,000.

Who is this guy ?

holy quads
this shit is still a trap I wouldn't give my info to and you are a sucker if you do

George Lincoln Rockwell, an American hero

not everyone here is super autistic and afraid to meetup online. Not saying you have to but don't mock those who do. I've met up with many local goys in my area through IE.

meant offline

ok, i would be a sucker to give you my info