This is one of the main leader of antifa in Montreal, who organise counter protest to beat people up at peaceful protests, against the niqab, or against illegal immigrants. Let fuck his shit up by find something reprehensible in his Facebook and massively reporting him.
Jagghi Sing
Kayden Gutierrez
Jace Martin
meep meep no one cares. Sage!
Asher Miller
Holla Forums is a leftypol stronghold, fuck off porky
Dylan Lopez
John Murphy
Sage goes in all fields.
Xavier Johnson
Henry Sanchez
Michael Taylor
forgot to sage
Christian Wright
Holla Forums consists of beta white people and shitskins
Hudson Roberts
I'm MEXICANO and Holla Forums is my favoritist board on Holla Forums, you Fucking CRACKA
Ethan Morales
Nolan Thompson
You need to rake up some leaves to help you
Brayden Powell
A shitskin subhuman. Of course.
Hudson Smith
Go back to Mexico we don't want you here
Easton Powell
Jackson Anderson
I need sauce on that riot
Jacob Wright
Camden Williams
Xavier Morgan
Nathaniel Young
My hero, rwds
Adrian Rodriguez
Tyler Reyes