What is Holla Forums's favorite laptop?

What is Holla Forums's favorite laptop?


We use iPads

The EOMA86 laptop housing is pretty cool.

Asus zenbooks. Chock-full of extremely-well-supported-by-linux intel chips, with crazy-long battery life. And beautiful matte IPS displays available on most models.

(Inb4 "but but but ME botnet!")

I don't think most Holla Forums users practice homosexuality, so no. It is a sin according to bible.

Whichever is not overpriced and works without least botnet.

i walked into a store and bought something for $200 but the logos have faded / covered in tape so i cant remember what it is

x220 with coreboot

x200 with libreboot

I don't like laptops. The keyboards and screens are bad.

w700/ds, w500, precision m6500/m6600


Corona 8088 portable, good for building muscle mass

IBM 5100.

T430s with the nvidia option

Fuck the botnet, price is insane and the keyboard is garbage.


Yo that thing is dope, is that a 4k 4" screen!!??!!

An Asus(TM) 15-inch Laptop with Secure Boot(C) and Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) 10 is the best option for you.

Back to your roleplay board.

heh, weird, that's exactly what I have. I don't think it has SecureBoot on though

Thinkpad R51 was the best one I had. All devices supported in OpenBSD, great screen and keyboard (not even stupid Windows keys).

What the fuck, I randomly spewed that bullshit out.