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Do you work for a company or are you self-employed?

I know some self-employed people who are in commercial cleaning. It's much better than working for a porky boss.

Back to Holla Forums you go


Back to /cointelpro/ you go


You wouldn't happen to be a girl, would you?

Why though?


Because 5'1" is really short for a male

No reason. I always just get really surprised when femanons appear.

Oh, and that too.


I imagine you as an 8.5/9.

Yes, I'm a girl, a very short girl.

Can you even teach high school this young? Seems very sudden to just be thrown in there.

well idk about that guy but here in Canada, uni generally starts at around 18/19 years old and you can teach HS after four years so by doing the math, yeah it's possible that he's teaching that young

Are you from New York?

I don't think I've ever had a teacher younger than 30, how nuts. I wonder what most of them do for a decade.

(State of) Georgia originally, but mostly between there, Vermont, and Philly now.

Do you like girls?

Waiting for someone to retire in order to get a job.

Yeah lmao, I actually have a girlfriend

Good point. What's the deal with teachers unions in Canada?


Are you the mod of the deceased leftypol discord channel?

I didn't even know that existed. Actually didn't know what Discord was until 2 hours ago. So no.

Dunno. I'm not even from Canada. It's like this in most of the western(ized) world with public education.

I'm both embarassed and sort of smug that were so unique in our shit sociopathic labor laws.

Different question - did anyone here go to private school despite being solidly blue collar? None of my Yankee friends believe me when I say that in the south unless you were a farm kid or excruciatingly poor, you want to parochial / private school.

ya true
Adele from Blue is the Warmest Color was teaching classes in her early 20's in the movie

Oh. Weird. Well, you have a lot in common with her. Now I'm really surprised that you aren't the same person.

Maybe we are. Name more details.

Black hair? very qt? Plays lots of wow?

sales assistant
I'm casual so I get about $25 an hour on a weekday. Note that in Australia the minimum wage is $17.29

Oh and I'm currently doing about 13 hours a week.


Black hair, really don't know how to asses re: qt but yeah I guess 7.5/10, never ever touched WoW in my life. Was she from Georgia?

My family is solidly working class and I went to a Catholic school. It's pretty normal in my city.

Like, I get that metric is vastly superior, but how the fuck is anyone supposed to visualize this?

Divide it by 2.54 and that's how many inches he is.

Were you northern / east cost US or elsewhere?

Quite easily if you're used to it. I can't picture people in the imperial system unless they're around 6ft because I'm something like 6'2 or 6'3.
Otherwise I can image a foot difference because of rulers. But 10cm increments are easy to visualize so I can get a rough idea.

If you've never touched wow, then she's definitely not you. discord lets you see what games people are playing.

Yeah, probably not me. I played a lot of Tak and Psychonauts, but way more Kingdom Hearts. Now I wonder if I have a doppleganger down here.




Weird, all my friends went to public school. Guess I'm forever the outwardly Bourg inwardly fucking broke prole.




The project is pretty interesting (not generic Java/C#.NET/webdev crap), my boss and coworkers are nice people, and home office is much better than having to waste time commuting, but it's fucking scary to know that I can be fired tomorrow with no explanation and no compensations. At least the wage is pretty good for where I live.

Are you joking (I wish)
hahaha oh man

The same way you visualize inches and feet. The same way cm feels weird to you, 6'1'' feels weird to me.

either amazon hottie or trans hottie

Also, I'm fucking terrible at organizing time, so every end of month is hell to me, as I have to compensate for the work I didn't do in the rest of the month. This month, I'm actually making less hours than I'm supposed to, because my plans of working while on a trip didn't work out.

I think the only reason I haven't gotten fired is because I'm the only one who knows C++ at the company.

What's with all these demographic threads? It's starting to get really weird.

Being a commi NEET give all the time to read philosophy , learn how to draw , writing my own novel , losing a huge amount of wight and more

I love my life Fuck the money i have my grandpa farm i can feed myself


I'm not an amazon. I'm gross and I got scoliosis. Which might mean if I didn't I would have been slightly taller? idk. I'm just jobless gross with too much time on my hands this summer

I don't have a dick


Nice. At least someone's making the best of life.



Whoa. Somebody needs to chill

datamining no

176 cm



What are you doing on Holla Forums, Ghost?


I work in retail, but am working on becoming a librarian
A couple cents over minimum wage in Texas

WTF comrades? Younger than 25 earning that ridiculous amount.

I'm 23 and I earn $95k as a software dev. Software developers get paid a lot.

I am a software developer myself (that's me: ) but I am not even close. I work in Europe though. How many hours per week do you work?
This thread interests me.


To live is pay for transportation from home to work and work to home.


how old

Bars/coffees/potscrubbing/selling weed and sometimes ecstasty
£7.20 an hour times 40 or 50 times 4 times 12 + maybe a couple hundred pounds a week selling drugs.

I'm a graduate trying to write a book and travel at the same time also


Im actually jelouse desu.

What's the book about? Drugs?

I work ~40 hours a week.

Renewable energy technocracy and anarchism
