You forgot /pone/
Holla Forums is actually a Discordian board and belongs in between the enlightened and super enlightened area. fnord.
wtf is an fnord? you never answered me last time
Holla Forums is and always has been a Taoist board. discordians please see yourself to the door
based esoteric user understands the natural and organic functionality of the Tao
zedung? user mentioned zedung in a different thread
Discordian here. We're Taoist.
Mao is based and a true honorary Taoist. pic repated
fucking based there is no need for conflict between us then
mao is /ourguy/
He that is ever servile to belief, clogged by desire, is identified with such and can see but its infinite ramifications in dissatisfaction.5) The progenitor of itself and all things, but resembling nothing, this sexuality in its early simplicity, embodies the everlasting. Time has not changed it, hence I call it new. This ancestral sex principle, and the idea of self, are one and the same, this sameness its exaction and infinite possibilities, the early duality, the mystery of mysteries, the Sphinx at the gates of all spirituality. All conceivable ideas begin and end as light in its emotion, the ecstasy which the creation of the idea of self induces. The idea is unity by the formula of self, its necessary reality as continuity, the question of all things, all this universe visible and invisible has come out of it. As unity conceived duality, it begot trinity, begot tetragrammaton. Duality being unity, is time, the complex of conception, the eternal refluctuation to the primeval reality in freedom-being trinity of dualities, is the six senses, the five facets of sex-projecting as environment for self-assimilation in denial, as a complete sexuality. Being tetragrammaton of dualities is twelvefold by arrangement, the human complex, and may be called the twelve commandments of the believer. It imagines the eternal decimal, its multiplicity embracing eternity, from which spring the manifold forms, which constitute existence. Vitalized by the breath of self-love, life is conscious of one. Self being its opposing force, is alternately conflict, harmony, life and death. These four principles are one and the same-the conception considered as the complete “self” or consciousness-hence they may be blended into unity and Symbolized. One form made by two, that is three-fold and having four directions
do yourself a favor and start calling yourself a fag
this tbh
Better to stem with heart and hand
The roaring tide of life, than lie,
Unmindful, on its flowery strand,
Of God’s occasions drifting by!
Better with naked nerve to bear
The needles of this goading air,
Than, in the lap of sensual ease, forego
The godlike power to do, the godlike aim to know.
Fag here. We're Discordian.
I only know Holla Forums and Holla Forums tbh
Proud void denizen here. Both Holla Forums and /hgg/.
I'm guessing /cow/ is in the void because they're somewhat apolitical?