Is your anus ready for the movie that will rek the Reddit Wars saga?

Is your anus ready for the movie that will rek the Reddit Wars saga?

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hey its that ugly enchantress chick.


Can't wait!

low tier

Isn't that the movie that blatantly ripped off mass effect, right down to the fucking logo?

Where is tranny poster? His waifu has been summoned.

eyebrow hag is tranny posters waifu?

No no goyim, in hollywood we call this building onto the ideas of others. Unless of course they are building onto our ideas, because then it would be plagiarism and you will be sued to bankruptcy.

I'm not even a Caraposter and I think Caraposting is best posting.


You aren't wrong, user. The problem is they're rehashing a rehash, like how the new tomb raider games are uncharted clones while uncharted is a tomb raider/indiana jones clone. This is a serious lack of creativity, and it needs to stop.

who the hell is this ugly dyke

indiana jones is a ripoff of Allan Quatermain.


btw the three pics in OP are from the French comic from the seventies on which the movie is based, which obviously ripped of Star Wars

She is hot af, I hope I can meet her some day tee-hee


He doesn't know about Marta The Martian,will he recover from this?

nice subtle nipples

french comic, amirite

O i am laffin!

Marta The Martian is 19 years old or less…

you have shit taste m8

Nice b8 m8.

It's fucked

She's very pretty but she belongs to the illuminati.

I ♥ her even more!

You're taking all this from a suit of armour and a logo?

I don't think my anus is ready, Besson.

it's going to flop

With a goddess like Cara in it? If Wonder Kike and Heroes of the Reddit 2 does well and this doesn't then the West truly is lost.

pretty much this ^^


Trailers make the movie look generic as shit and awful. It is Besson, so I'm willing to give it a chance, but he's been consistently shit since everything after fifth element, the only good projects he's done are things he didn't direct.

That's dane, he posted on Holla Forums a while back and got riggity rekt when they figured out his identity immediately.


Of course it's going to suck. It is the age of capeshit.

I want to cum on her eyebrows tbh.

Disgusting circumcised pig!


what is it with the word valyria/valerian and similar sounding names that makes it pop for nerd dom across the decades?

So? Half of Sci Fi lately has been ripping off Mass Effect Armor schemes.

It is an adaptation though, just no one gives a shit about what its adapting.

My Circuckdar is 100% effective.
Besides only circumcised people do facial ejaculations.

So it's gonna aim to please retards and most likely suck

p r o o f ?

Stop bullying me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

lmao truly a fucked production

isn't that name an actual trope in sci-fi and fantasy? Like, the name "valeria" and its variants was a ridiculously common ass-pull when writer's needed to name a planet or people. They weren't consciously ripping each other off, it's just sort of easy for english speakers to arrive at when they're trying to evoke "fantasy kingdom" in the days before the internet and online name generators.

Pozzed shit

what is this?

George Lucas cared enough.

i would cum all over her sweet tits, plow through her asscheeks, and enter that ripe sphincter of hers. with my tongue

man think if you were the camera man and let rip a real stinker right before you took that phto o