as a chronic masturbator, how can I be more discreet about fapping so my family isn't utterly disgusted everytime they see me? I want to show a bit respect by making it less obvious
As a chronic masturbator...
well dont do it at the family pc in the living room for a start
I do it in my room and the shower, but the cum mixes with hair in the drain and may need to be regularly picked up&thrown in the trash, and there's the matter of noticable cum stench from cum tissues in my own room whenever someone enters
The first one couldn't be more obvious so I make sure to always do it myself, but it's still fucking disgusting if someone would ever pay attention to what's in the trash
Stop fapping.
fuck you
blow it through a dryer sheet stuffed into a toilet paper roll.
or dry fap into socks and do your own laundry.
do it in their food / beverages
that way you will a) have to be discreet and b) they won't be willing to accept the truth anyway
user, you're doing something wrong. If it's properly dispersed throughout the tissue, it shouldn't stink. Also, pretend you have the sniffles. It gives supporting evidence that the cum tissues are filled with snot instead of cum
well other anons told me that even if it's the same (usually)pre-scented tissues that people use for blowing their nose, that that smells too if cum's on it so idk
It's not an overwhelming smell, unless you've allowed your trash can to gather mold & mildew. Just change it every few days and you'll be fine. Ask yourself seriously who the fuck would grab a used tissue to smell its contents? The only winning answer here is your horny sister
if you keep a cum-tissue in your pocket and blow your nose occasionally it will add to the effect
you faggots are going to give op a lifelong psychosomatic condition on top of a new fetish
thank you jesus
he's a chronic fapper. how often does the average person have a cold you waterhead?
every winter, fuckstick
unless op lives in alaska he's kinda fucked 3/4 of the year then huh, mensa?
wait, are you actually trying to help OP here? fucking kek.
i sympathize
eat semen afterwards
ha, gay!
Empty the trash or something OP
Pull hair out before bath also it usually just washes away user.
Thats why you flush them down the bog.
Does cum have a smell? Mine is completely odorless.
Women can smell it. My wife says mine smells like chlorine.
I hump my pillow and cum on it then turn the sheet inside out. No one has noticed or atleast said anything about it.
She says mine smells salty.
sometimes i have a few days where i dont shower and just masturbate for hours every day. this happens every few months when i get extremely lazy.
during these times my mom always seems to like to have family over and it pisses me off to no end. it is especially annoying when she barges into my room, without knocking or giving me warning, and tells me to get ready because my aunts/uncles/cousins or whoever will be coming over soon and it is extremely rude to not say hi to them. I keep telling her they don't give a fuck if they don't see me or not but she insists I come out of my room to literally just give them a quick hug and to say
Then leave to go back in my room. That's it. She fucking pisses me off.
Anyway, my point is that cum DOES have a smell. A pretty strong odor honestly. I can't smell it myself but since we are guys we probably just can't sense it since we're not gay. My mom complains about throwing out my trash everyday because it smells "weird" (I know she knows it is the cum tissues but doesn't like to use those words) and I've had a female cousin walk into my room and make a joke that I must be really lonely because of the smell in my room. She turned beet red while laughing at me and was sniffing really hard in my room. It made it all the worse when I overheard her talking to my mom how she had just lost her virginity at college. She's 18 btw. And I'm still a fucking virgin loser at 29
I cum on toilet paper and flush it down the toilet
Just letting you know, the chlorine smell in pools is actually piss reacting to the chlorine.
what a joke
hence why i am on Holla Forums
all the users here are a joke