anybody wants to drink vodka with me?
Drunk guy here
why even bother
alcohol is degenerate, kys kike
what about methamphetamine
i'll have a beer with you user. how was your week
perhaps not too shitty but still hard
wake up, go to work, work as hard as you can, get back to home, eat something, you cant do anything productive, go to sleep ;_;
alienated labour
manual labor or what? don't drunk dox, just curious.
fwiw, i own my own business in… tech-adjacent and it's the same shit. really have to set your own boundaries and prioritize.
damn, i am just office worker, i feel too stupid for real programming job but my actual work includes stuff like making simple scripts or webdevelopment
lets drink for all the sad working anons…
I'm sad nor employed, but I'll drink with ya fellas
NOT sad nor employed
No Poland
i don't feel badly for us working fags, and neither should you. webdev and scripts is pretty cozy. we already missed the neet train. that comes with it's own set of bullshit anyway.
sometimes i miss the time when i was kid, non employed, not having the existensial problems
but then i remind myself the bulling that happened in primary school and so on ;_;
i didn't ever want to be polish but i cant change the place where i was birth…
i sometimes feel like it would be better to work physicaly, it's realy exhausting to work with your brain, to interact with so many ppl, especialy if you are socialy retarded like me ;_;
at the end of the week i feel two opposed feelings:
one is that im just stupid and exhausted, and i should leave the work and become neet
the second is that i should be proud of working, exceed my own boundaries and become better
I will.
Why are you not proud of where you come from you faggot?
Because I'm Irish, not Britbong. No offence to my crumpet cousins.
location isn't something to be proud of, you can be proud of YOUR skills, the good things that your ancestors made etc.
the location itself is nothing
also let's drink for all the neets!
i worked physical jobs, the grass is always greener. physical hobbies are more fun to me than mental hobbies, so i work mental and do physical shit after. plus it almost always pays more :^)
far as the opposed feelings, you haven't built anything with your life yet. build something from which to view the world and ask the question again. imo
I'm drinking beer now but I'll switch to whisky soon. Hopefully that'll help me fall asleep fairlly early.
better be bourbon that doesn't go by Jim or Jack motherfucker.
i built some savings yet and i feel like too muddy to use them in any pleasant way xD i know that physical job would make me event more exhausted, i worked in the harvesting fruits btw, but sometimes i miss just the physical fatigue which is so painfull yet so plesant
i would drink some whisky but i just want to get drunk and have some taste to vodka today
The ancestors made what they did because of their surroundings. You have to chill to one Graveland and Burzum to understand what I'm saying. My country's full of libtards and cucks. The right circumstances for them to be redeemed has not yet arrived. Living abroad I take it?
Down the hatch. Nostrovia, Sláinte, Cheers big-ears.
hear you man. for me it's being dissatisfied with my own work. like, i get lazy or bored and end the day the not confident. personally need to go out of my way to kick ass even though it's not as enjoyable as vidya or 8ch or w/e. maybe that helps you
user, i'm living in my country, Poland, and i understand your feeling
i hate leftist, i'm capitalist from about 10 years old xD but i know that my country was a socialist shit from about 1920, ofcourse i have nothing abouts heroes that fought either nazi or soviet invaders but tbh i'm just sad that my nation fucked up their chance to be great
at the end of the day my brain is too asleep to take part in quality english discussions on 8ch xD
rly it's a bit of effiort for me to use some foreign language, that's one of the reasons i feel retarded as hell
btw why are you not dissatisfied?
Capitalism is even worse. We need to give the NSDAP another go, but without the Dead Poles and Serbs and other mishaps here and there. This time, they will be zealous participants.
I'm actually an adult. Got in a bad accident about 7 years ago and haven't found anything that pays enough to get off disability yet.
nigger most english speakers can barely into 1 language. you're good lul
i'm not dissatisfied because everything sucks if you look hard enough. i keep my mind towards shit that is good and work towards it. same as hikkis and neets, but i have a lot more freedom to get more of that shit.
you don't even know what you are saying, capitalism is not ideal yet the best of economic policies we have
NSDAP have murdered many of Germans, Judes, Poles, Russians etc. just for having bigger nose or sometimes for no real reason
i really recomend to read some of the ppl that actually survived the concentration camps for example ;_;
it was a fuckin piece of shit that made Germany a ruined country with a tons of leftist, sjw, communist etc.
absolute jewish bullshit
do you get some social benefits for being disabled or your family supports you?
you are right but the life is sometimes too depressive for me
and it's really hard to develop yourself in a country that is literally a shithole of the europe
All that happened was I got a TBI. I'm still the same guy, but with a really shitty memory. My backs kinda fucked too from the impact I suppose
no it isn't, stop being emo. may as well say i can't shower because it's sunny outside.
you on opiods?
wtf was that xD
read some real concentration camp survivors like Tadeusz Borowski, it's not a "Jewish bullshit" but just memories…
i'm sorry for you, it must be really fucked up
but really you don't get any benefits for being disabled?
your are still right but it's like
then the working day repeats
some protips to fight the exhaust?
I've done both. Physical labor is far better. It takes you a while to get in shape and learn the motions, but once you have the work down you can disconnect your brain from it and think about stuff all day long.
Mental jobs suck because you have to keep your brain engaged in the work the whole time, and you get fat or you have to spend even more time at a gym after work.
I mean, you'll never get rich being an electrician, or a plumber, or a carpenter, but you can make good money and not ruin your body like those poor bastards stuck in an office all day.
lol in poland if you are REALLY good in these thing you can get rich as hell xDDD
altough you are right, the mental job is making me fat, exhausted but giving the money i need
and in my country i know that any physical job would rather be much worse than what i do now ;_;
my exhaustion comes from stressing while at work. you can "auto-pilot" more than you think and do fine. a single character can cost me thousands of dollars.
fair points, but physical labor reks you more than an office job if you have any level of self control. it's carpal tunnel but in your back. back problems destroy people.
let's drink for all the sad working ppl around the world
read the memories of guy i posted xD his bride was sentenced and died just because of her nose…
well she was probably a scheming jew and thus an enemy of the germanic peoples
Man, don't ruin my love for the Poles. They're my second favourite nation and I deal with them most days. They love being Polish and they're based as fuck and hard-working, if a little bossy but still. I admit that the Poles and Serbs got a raw deal, but they got rid of loads of Jews a well as you have pointed out. Imagine Europe today if all it's nations co-operated compared to what it is now. Honestly, wouldn't it be much better to have load of white children running around, clean streets and pillars everywhere. No Niggers, Jews or Dune-hoppers or whatever.
Yes, but not with a prescription. What I wanna do is go to a chiropractor.
Thank you, but I'm not bummed about it at all. It gave me a new will to live. I'd be in the dirt by now if it wasn't for the crash
Where'd you get that? I'm on disability with no education in any fields that would pay enough to get off disability.
rly no pension from state for your disabilities?
history of Poland teaches that the best thing is the cooperation no matter what nation you are and the worse is the goverment which classifies you because of your nation and put it's hand into economics xD
im drunk so i cant explain it rich but rly believe me, nazis were the same shit as commies, only capitalism is a good choice
also let's drink for the totalitarian goverments (doesnt matter if nazi or commie) victims
chiropractors only help temporarily in my experience. try kratom
t. degen disc and surgeries and shit
ok anons, thanks for your replies, i realy love to discuss things in international group but now i go to sleep (i drunk RLY hard this night)
bye and good night
drnik water queer
I think I need chiropractic work. I smashed my spine at a high rate of speed.
I will take a drink of my chocolate milk to thank the wageslaves in this thread. Thank you for paying me for being autistic and to sit on my butt all day and play vidya. Truly epic and amazing
I like posting both of these images