Your a grown ass man and your still wearing beat up tennis shoes? Get a pair of boots and take care of them and they will last you 10x longer.
Your a grown ass man and your still wearing beat up tennis shoes...
What do you mean by this? What is your measurement of lasting long? Because I plan on wearing my tennis-shoes until I erode the entire soles.
shit tier taste in footwear.
just get nice sneakers, fascdora lord
i'll bite
It's just to protect your soft feet from the hard ground, aesthetics are worthless.
it's hard to heel toe when I'm wearing boots in my tiny car.
real men go barefoot.
nobody cares about that stuff.
*blocks your path*
I wear nike air force shoes you fucking liar
I havent gone outside in 8 years. Last time i saw my shoes they were converse and really worn out
op confirmed to be abused little girl doing "modeling"
.t radical centrist
I wear nigger-kickers(steel-toes) like a man, ya fag
I always wear sandals, if its winter ill put on some socks too.
Junk boot, you can still see the glue attaching the sole to the mid sole. 6 months or less.
also this
Why would an American ever need to heel toe
you don't have clutches
Boots are the only apporiate foot attire
sexy dr martens
I thought this was just a meme.
You fucking weeaboos.
I wear slippers or socks. Barefoot more because i have hairy legs and feet and the socks pull on the hair if i wear em too long
im not a grown assman im a five year old child